Brave white girl shows the world how dildos can be more useful than guns!!
How will Sup Forums ever recover????? I don't think they will....
Brave white girl shows the world how dildos can be more useful than guns!!
How will Sup Forums ever recover????? I don't think they will....
Other urls found in this thread:
>black communist home invader blow out the brain of a dildo bearing anti gun femenist in a gun free zone
>also steals the TV
This is a good video?? I'm confused
Wait... are you asking us to make up your mind about something?
This is not how opinions work man...
Misinformation/misleading should be an executable offense.
On Sup Forums we at least like to think we value honesty.
I don't get it, is this video making fun of gun owners or making fun of the cocksnotglocks movement?
Wow, you actually think this is funny??? Fucking racist!
Yes this is a good video for once.
It's making fun of cocksnotglocks
Fucking hilarious. Great video.
This is a metaphor for the fall of the West.
Except in reality its a middle Eastern man, not a black man.
You can defend yourself with a gun the dildo just makes a thread on pol
that fucking ending
that was pretty funny m8.
wow kikes using an armed negro on a white girl to push their subversive negro hate agenda
Are you Brett Sanders, OP? Because good job if you are. Can't wait to see your future works.
Mr Sanders is truly red-pilled
Ok you bring your dildo to a gun fight stupid bitch.
You will die.
Top kek, faggot nigger dildo cramming boi pussy piece of shit upset about RAYCIZZZMMM
Why did MC Ride break into that woman'shouse?
actually it's a white girl making fun of a retarded kikess and her degeneracy. good video.
He should've hit her, dragged her into the bedroom and slammed the door (camera follows him and stops at the doorway so it closes in front of the camera).
*fade to black*
*text o on screen saying 15 minutes later*
*fade back in, camera still sees outside of bedroom, door still closed*
*girl whimpering and crying*
then have the black guy exit the bedroom and do a cut just as he passes the camera (which is still in front of the bedroom door) to a bloody mess on the bed.
That might get the message across, if they don't have a knee jerk TOXIC MASCULINITY reaction.