Pile up military uniforms, helmets, canned goods and weaponry.
It will begin soon.
Your country is becoming the biggest refugee shit-hole in Europe (besides Germany).
Get out before it explodes.
You have Germanic genes. That's why. If IQ is genetic, then being a cuck certainly is as well. There's a cuck gene, and the Germanics have it, and now you have it too. And France has it.
Why do we always have to dance around the obvious, here. Do we really care about offending Germans so much?
Hmmm. Perhaps letting stronger men fuck your wife in your cave was a means of self preservation. Perhaps the strong men would protect the weaker ones if they paid the toll.
Link for the second video please?
I see that everyday aswell broder.
Is there anyway to filter that shit? Remember atleast 95% of the girls are degenerate Americans. They can't even be considered white.
I like porn where people get caught.
>Solo and roommate walks in
>Banging someone and someone walks in
That's not cuck porn that more exhibitionist than anything.
Your browser tailored it to suit your viewing habit you cucks
Gotta second this
>mfw actually had a mature MILF teach me sex
You know thats a "It makes you think" question.
Seriously like Germany, France, UK they all did colonization or gasin jews or something.
Sweden literally DID NOTHING. You sat there being poor for 4000 years and then industrialization happened and you educated your peasants and boom one of the top GDP per Capita in the world.
No exploitation, no hurr durr african slaves n godl we wuz rich.
Literally just hard work and education.
So WHY?!
If you look at the top, it says those are the top videos in Sweden. It has nothing to do with what OP perfers. But he probably is a cuck too.
Link your faves or your myvidster.
>go on my phone where I have never watched or gone on a pornsite
>still there
There is a "recommended for you" which does what you say.
lots of pornsite has that 'Top videos' tailored by viewing habits. Can you link it here so I can see if I get the same?
Because you fucking let it get that bad.
Go fight for it instead of participating in your own cultural suicide.
Not seeing a problem here
Why isn't the cuck gene bred out though?
Just go on pornhub and look at "hottest videos in Sweden" and if it doesn't show up on the front click "more videos".
Both of the videos OP have on the pic are there.
Milfs sure are popular
you were saying, cuck?
Now imagine if Hitler won the war. Nazi Germany eventually liberalizes, and turns into a massive cuck empire and collapses.
I have all of those videos there aswell.
Go all the way down. Under the video with the pink hair girl. It's right there faggot.
Ok I saw it now. Still one cuck video out of like 30 at the front page. The cuck level is low considering the amount of shitskins in sweden watching these kind of shit exclusively
The only comforting fact is that incest outweighs cuck by a 100/1 and the participants almost always white, proving that people innately want to mate with people genetically close.
Looks alright here. Also, masturbating to porn is degenerate.
I don't think that shit works.
Because look at this
It's all the same shit.
hey it's not every country where you can get a prostitute for the price of a candy bar.
Wow. Faggots have been lying all this time.
Probably jews promoting that shit.
>Lady Fyre.
Noice. Xev is the Queen though
>this level of anglo delusion
>hey it's not every country where you can get a prostitute for the price of a candy bar.
In Brazil you can. Is hard to not become a degenerated since they sell their services in porn categories. And real woman are not that far from the prostitutes.
The absolute madwoman!
Probably for the same reason the gay gene isn't completely bred out - it increases genetic fitness in some twisted way.
I'm getting the same shit I think it's teh same for all
I think the only thing that porn proves is that people who watch internet pornography turn themselves into perverts who can't enjoy normal sex.
I'd bet 99/100 can't even get a full erection to a picture of a naked woman.
I wonder...?
Or that when you're bored with no pussy nearby its good entertainment. I can't get an erection at a picture women and I haven't since I was 11 because my family (not my Dad) read The Sun, Dad the The Star. There were tits everywhere in those. If its a real women though I can.