>have a $700,000 inheritance
>apply for an Amex Platinum Card (the one with a $1000 annual fee)


Other urls found in this thread:

they don't factor in savings for credit cards, they factor in income vs expenditures

You will waste it all

700,000 is not a lot of money, even assuming you actually get your hands on every last penny of it

You reek of financial illiteracy. You are not rich.

>>have a $700,000 inheritance
>>apply for an Amex Platinum Card (the one with a $1000 annual fee)

Welp, I can see how long your inheritance is gonna last.

Here is the USA we call your type 'nigger rich'

>have a $700,000 inheritance
>apply for an Amex Platinum Card (the one with a $1000 annual fee)

This is why niggers never have any money.

>thinks cash and cash equivalents is the same as income
You don't deserve that money, retard.

lol, thats not enough to be permanent neet. Will be gone in 5-6 years.

>Literally isn't accepted anywhere

Dumb faggot.

They know you will be bankrupt within 2 years at the max.

You're an idiot. I've worked since I was 14 and at 29 barely have a network of 200k and I've worked my ass off. This thread is a lie.

A tard banging rocks together for 80 hours a week every week wouldn't earn all too much.


Work smarter not harder, I got almost a million now thanks to job hopping.

>a faggot with no credit history and no employment applies for a top of the line credit card and gets rejected.

Just end yourself now.
You are so fucking stupid.
I am disgraced that I have you in my country

Invest it all in Frosty Jack

>No source of income

>managing money this poorly

don't stress about it user , you can't buy pony & furry stuff with that card anyway

Your inheritance is worth less than a 2-bedroom apartment in a major city.

You're not very rich. Just middle class.

I acquired $1m as a highly skilled sandwich artisan at subway

You're not a billionaire retard

enjoy defaulting on your mortgage

Seriously you should set up a retirement fund with the money and then your inability to establish a good career won't be a problem in the future. Even with a shit job you'll be OK.

You need to go to be careful with that money desu

It's not that much, especially if you don't own a home

And credit cards are based off credit scores, doesn't matter how much you have in savings if you've never established credit

Why would you spend that money on a small apartment when you could buy a couple acres of land and build a house on it in the country?

The guy's in the UK, it's probably illegal there.

Get mad, faggot.

>No income
>Applying for a card with a 1000 dollar annual fee
You're like a nigger who won the lottery.

user needs to invest

Maybe buy a franchise

One of the Jewy ones that makes money

Anything bagel related

kek you're going to lose every cent of it

being wealthy is about establishing habits that grow wealth, not just getting money out of nowhere

if donald trump was given 700k he'd turn it into 700 million, you're just going to turn your 700k into 7 cents

enjoy your cardboard box

sketched out your situation as plain as i could op.

you have no income, no cash flow, and no assets. you have shown no initiative to gain or handle money in the past so you should put yourself on a debit card with a spending limit of a few thousand a month (not sure of communist living expenses in UK) but that's your best bet.

>buy some JEW franchise
Tee O pee KeK

Invest it into stocks/bonds, cash out 7% per year, get 50k/year before capital gains tax.

Fastest way to lose it.


nice inheritance goyim

But a house in a poorer neighborhood for like 20,000$, throw another 40,000$ into hirjng a company to fix it up, and rent it to college students only. You will get a guaranteed payment and they will move out every year.

Why? If your portfolio consists of gold, stocks (low correlation) and bonds (low volatility) and aim for target growth of 7% you can do that with a low risk.

OP pleb is in the poor house. Try sending your kids to Eton OP.

> $700k

Because there's lots of high paying jobs in the city, plus good shopping, nightlife, arts/culture, etc.

Most people don't want to live all alone out in the wilderness two hours drive from anything.

You should start doing a lot more cocaine. Like do all the cocaine.
Just keep bumping, great way to spend the day for people such as yourself.

>Not MasterCard
Nigger what are you doing

>open a kebab shop.
>hire sweaty hairy turks.

the bright side you will bring many kebab removers for the white race.

his 0.00001% place on the planet wont leave him with enough money for a terrace house in london after eton kek

That would get you a garage in London.

You are not that rich.

What did he mean by this?

Credit is earned, not given. You feel entitled because of your inheritance however, you have done nothing to earn your credit. Open an account with a local bank and get a credit card and use that. Also, if you don't want to be a quarterback for the rest of your life I suggest investing your money into something that will make you money. Having your income Source paid off or covered in five years is a decent Roi. Having access to $700,000 either allows you to only invest part of it, the whole amount, or even leverage it for maybe another $500,000 or even $700,000 in debt.
P.s. You're barely in the top 10% of savers, poorfag.

That's not a lot of money to live comfortably forever, even in this third world shithole. You need to invest that and live within your means.

>a lot

You have no income. No one is going to give you credit, nerd. Go put it into bonds and come back in 20 years

>million shekels
elaborate, my rabbi

>has a good amount of cash
>applies for credit

>>apply for an Amex Platinum Card (the one with a $1000 annual fee)
Not very smart neet
50k dolaroos was enough to be NEET here for 5 years, eating whatever I want and buying stuff like gaming PC once in the while.

How much money is enough money? I'm assuming 700,000$ invested wisely can last you at least 20 years.

you really are a neet

Fixed deposit and start accumulating those NEET bucks, as long as you don't spend more than what the interest adds you'll be fine and the jews will fund your NEETness

wow 50k is like a year in a accounting job in england

Because living in the countryside is for peasants

i burned through 300k in 4 years after an accident.
i had to pay for physical therapy and shit out of pocket though. i knew it would go quick and didnt really try to regulate it.

With 50k dolaroos I would live pretty fucking fine as a NEET for life without much trouble since I'm living alone in my mom's house and don't have to pay rent.

Now with 700k, oh boy... I could be a KANG

you fucking idiot
this guy: is right

Life sure is hard with socialism. Shame I don't have all that democratic freedom right now.

Yeah I know, we are one of the cheapest countries for foreigners right now, because our economy and currency are shit. Home internet 100MB/s - less than 4 dollars. Dinner for two in nice restaurant in the capital $20.

my insurance wouldve covered mediocre doctors and treatment.
i wanted the best considering my body was fucked up pretty bad. no regrets


>NEETs think $700,000 is a lot of money




If I had 700K I'd move out in the mountains and never work a day in my life anymore, except for chopping woods on >muh property.

>Because there's lots of high paying jobs in the city, plus good shopping, nightlife, arts/culture, etc.

That's right goyim, nothing like a good shopping spree after a long hard day's work! That is truly what being a man is all about!

>Most people don't want to live all alone out in the wilderness two hours drive from anything.

That's because most people are retarded.

>massive cheap land plot in beautiful countryside with incontaminated nature and wildlife


>tiny overpriced flat in slimy gritty city full of niggers and poisoned air, water and food

How did you inherit this money?
What do your parents do?

I was stupid with my money, yeah. At lest traveled a little bit in the end.
>Arrived in Goa, saw poor christian population and colonial architecture
>realised that S America is perfect for me and I should have been traveled there instead

Photoshopped. I can tell by the pixels.

clearly the finance artists at American Express don't agree with you neetie

>meaning of life is to work for master Jews 50 years then enjoy something after retirement
I hope you burn in hell

>new money
My advice to you is not to touch your wealth for a long, long time. Every man, no matter his family's means, ought to start out a working man. Only then can you appreciate what you've got.

I started out as a hand on one of my family's cattle stations driving stock for long hours and shovelling cow shit, and this despite spending my holidays in a beach house worth more than most of the people I worked with will make in a lifetime. There is no amount of money in the world equal to the value of hard work. It's the lesson my father gave me, that he learned from his father, all the way back to our roots in England where my great-great-grandfather worked in the cotton sheds next to the people he employed for a few weeks a year, every year, without fail, until he couldn't walk, and even further back if I can be bothered to dig out the books.

You will never actually be working class, and there's nothing worse than the deluded wealthy people who think that because they choose to "slum it" that means they understand what it's like to be working poor when they could just leave that situation at any moment with a phone call, so don't make any pretensions like those hipster scum. Just get a real job, a working class job, and work 40 hour weeks, and do it for for long enough to get at least an idea of what that might look like if you had to do it for the rest of your life.

Then you will understand the real value of wealth, and what money can and cannot do for you.

Also, spend at least some of your time in charitable pursuits you greedy fuck.

He's probably just a poor version of batman

Why not just send me $1000 a year?

Why would you even get a credit card if you had that much money, especially when visa debit cards exist.

hey neetfag
Sharing is caring
[email protected]
Email me

What the fuck do you want a credit card for?

Share it to the oppressed poor people, we are human beings after all. We care about eachother.

Give your dad back his wallet.


If Trump was given 700k he'd go bankrupt and have to beg his family for more money like always.

>can play STALKER on highest difficulty
coming to ukraine i guess

And you'll be renovating the place every year too. College students are filthy.

I have that card and its less than $500 annual fee. And $700k in savings is not even that much

>inheretance is credit score

Good thing you got fucking rejected. NEET piece of shit. You were probably going to be one of those mouth breathing fanny pack cunts that would pay for a coffee and a donut with credit

Security deposits friend

Cool post. I'll definitely reblog this.

The company your with will never keep up with your value. Job hopping almost always gets you a raise and more likely to a higher position.

As a landlord, i dont see why its a good thing for your tenants to move out every year.

>$700,000 inheritance

You're more like the top 10%

>Most people don't want to live all alone out in the wilderness two hours drive from anything.

Most people are also retarded and cannot fathom how much there is to do out there when you're that free from all that social stigma. You could rape a man if you really wanted to. Kinda hard to pull that off in a busy street.

It won't be enough to cover the damage.

Because I can't buy a fucking overpriced meal on airplanes with VISADebit card.
But I could pay for the plane ticket with ti.
Pieces of shit.
t.someone who flew recently

Why wont they let you with a VISA?

ive made 6k last me for 5 years, always top up with some jobs whenever. never really needed to go into my bonds

Not much of an insult. Even if that was his dad's wallet, he'd still be the son of someone rich.

Ha. They practically give those things out.

>being this retarded on the internet

OP, you should be able to turn that $700k into almost ~$4b. God speed.

You have less than a million dollars. Applications for Amex Platinum are denied to anyone with a balance of less than a million dollars.

>That's standard procedure.

I have far more than what you claimed and I was denied two times for an Amex. I got it the third time, though.


Really, though... Why are we forced to endure stupid little shits like you? Why?

Isn't platinum that thing that's mostly for prestige that only billionaires get?