Lower growth than China, more than half of the country living in unsanitary poverty.
Democracy only exists in name only.
Isn't India supposed to be an old culture?
Lower growth than China, more than half of the country living in unsanitary poverty.
Democracy only exists in name only.
Isn't India supposed to be an old culture?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's because they're a democracy that they can't compete with China, and also because they bathe in a filthy river and defecate in city streets
>indian subcontinent
>India the country
There is a huge difference between the two.
Because they have all the subhuman of Dravidians but the presumption of Aryans and British Colonials.
They have culture, but majority do not have a good technological and scientific background or logical critical thinking.
China was modernised by socialism. India is a semi-feudal shithole filled sub-humans.
India was an advanced civilization in all ways until the fucking Brits came in and ruined it.
>>indian subcontinent
>>India the country
>There is a huge difference between the two.
I specifically referred to the Indian subcontinent, did I not? I did not refer to the Republic of India, did I?
>India was an advanced civilization in all ways until the fucking Brits came in and ruined it.
Cast system
>Cast system
their caste system was only a slightly stupider version of your class system.
>america flag
>"your class system"
poo in loo in disguise!! Fucking Camo infiltration little dothead!
because they didn't manage their population at all and when the green revolution hit people's 20 kids didn't starve anymore
they had nowhere near the levels of infrastructure investment to sustain that kind of population growth on the living standards they had, hence the living standard declined sharply.
basically if you could go back in time and start spending an extra billion dollars on education from 1960 onwards, they'd be lords of all they surveyed
instead they spent it all on useless escalation with pakistan and despite that their army is still shit tier.
what a waste
Because all the good ones leave.
They are catching up quickly though. Even with the caste system. Heres a photo of the Indian Navys new Battleship.
either that or supply them with birth control circa 1960, but I'd rather have a billion and a half educated genius-tier indians
I will NEVER get tired of Sasha Grey's ass. NEVER.
it is a special kind of plump isn't it
>current year
A culture of servile and dishonest people who seem to reject something as fundamental to a functioning society as potty training.
Super power by 2020 indeed.
servile, dishonest AND arrogant
making justifications for no standardized form of ANYTHING
thinking they can become what they imagine a super power to be at ANY TIME
garbage, feces, and corpses litter the landscape as denizens of the land say it adds religious and cultural value to the land
clean their ass with their hand and poop on the beaches and streets
it is like a fat, disgusting dumb child dreaming one day he will live on a floating island and rule over everyone and sit next to a beautiful queen and live for a 1000 years
it will never happen, ever
that is India
India has only been modernizing since like 1991 but they have already made great strides, give them time.
Reminder to never make fun of Japan nor India. Hitler admired them for having a rich history
what does your pic mean, or is it just meant to troll?
India is actually one of the most educated countries in the world lad, despite the poo in loo image
>birth control circa 1960
When compared to the 1 child policy in China 40 years ago...
You hit the right spot....
Glad she didn't get black
they have one of the most corrupt education systems too
no one believes this shit
people who shit on the street ARE NOT EDUCATED
>most educated
>can't be potty trained
pick one
Ancient culture yes, but that doesn't actually mean anything good.
When Rome fell it was a civilization and culture of hundreds of years.
It seems that some lessons take alot more effort(or a collapse) to learn, that's what happened to India and that's also what is happening to the west now.
You're education is corrupt too, goy, not to mention our own street shitting dindus
India has one of the most corrupt education systems. The claim that they are educated is nearly as laughable as the legitimacy of the degree Pajeet got from Mumbui Technical institute.
Indians are so butthurt about their inferiority. Eternally. "We are brown street pooping, cow worshipping, no orderly roads, power systems, plumbing, sewer system. No orderly cohesive government, no respectable education system. Etc. Etc. Etc."
But somehow they think, in their minds...their tiny feeble curry spice saturated minds, that they are BETTER than anything in the west.
Chinese can't STAND indians either. You stink, you're obnoxious self inflated egoists for no reason other than your dad has some money. But he's still fucking lame. He still bobbles his head and has a terrible nerdy, whiny accent. And his children are inflated because they have money too, but their culture is not capable of doing ANYTHING with the money because their culture is SOOOO backwards and their population is too YUUUUGE.
It's never going to happen. It's like drug money niggers in the hood. The hood is going to eat you up and you could never help those niggers from themselves anyway. They would just stash the money in the closet and buy Crystal and weed.
It's a fucking JOKE, I'm *sick* of indians thinking they should EVER allowed to be prideful about their stupid little shithole. Only blue fucking pilled leftists socialist dumbass actors go there to get married on your corpse infested river full of piss and cow poop and crows while secret cannibaal castes of charcoal skinned freaks knaw on the bones of your dead.
'cause it's filled with indians.
Because Hindus are Dindus, that's why!
They've been massive bitches, getting constantly invaded for thousands of years, without ever being a credible threat themselves.
The fact that Pakistan even exists shows how much of a joke India really is...
And right now, they're still cucked out of territory by China, who provoke border incidents every once in a while.
who is the ceo of google and microsoft?
inb4 muh colonialism
Who is the president of the united states? Checkmate, pajeet.
that's like saying who's the ceo of nike. Bitch there are other OS's to choose from. Linux has plenty of microsoft based OS's and virtual cpu ughhh you're so dumb
see this is what im talking about
your people are so dumb, naive and you can't even look beyond the horizon
you're arrogant that the ceo of microsoft is indian NOW after their glory days are so far gone its ridiculous
Thank you, Pajeet, this is exactly the point.
Groups of white men create new technology and services that revolutionize the world. LATER, after their companies blow up, some Indian whose only accomplishment is being very successful compared to other Indians, steps in and you are now WUZ CEO AND SHEEEIT
this is the truth
i feel though now that barack obama has been president...that you and I we are blowing up and not in the rap sense, but in the end of an era sense.
>usa so great
>goes to shit, black president
>we president now SHEEEEIT
fuck man...
im still happy im not indian though and I never will be
really happy about that, nobody how bad it gets i can look in the mirror and I can speak and there is no brown bobble speak coming out of my mouth and i will never talk about bollywood and superpower 2020
Schizophrenic Eurasian melting pot. Literally, the ancient origin of the worlds major religions or religious concepts.
Islam had great success in the area because of the cacophony of ideas, religions, languages.
The big issue with them...
Lack of hardasses who will impose themselves and conquer the whole thing and unify everyone. Not everyone is on the same way.
Europe was like that until the Romans went hardass motherfuckers and tried to rule everyone with an iron fist. Then Christianity got everyone thinking in unison, sharing a common language called Latin.
The country could easily be divided into lots of different countries. It has like 1 billion people.
How did Indian manage to hold off the hardass Pakistanis? The British?
They've got lots of hippies that don't eat meat. And they have like a trillion languages, gods, etc.
The country of "religions."
Buddha was Indian. The East Asians took Indian ideas and created Empires around them.
Growth is higher than China
Japan has a caste system too lets talk about that shall we
But they got nuked and surrendered. Country was literally rebuilt under the watch of the white man... primarily Douglass McArthur.
The white man could have literally executed their Emperor but decided not to.
Japan since "westernized."
They didnt. Mughals of Pakistan & Afghanistan ruled India for 1300 years with no resistence & uprising from the people. India's identity was zen, Brits confused them and turned them from great valuable people to insecure barbaric kunts.
Indians are some of the worst race traitors in the world, theres no such as patriotism for an Indian. He hates his countrymen more than outsiders who call him Poo. Because of this, you see millions of Intelligent indians migrate to the west when they have the chance, when they should be creating industries in India. Whilst Asians like Koreans have such love for their countrymen and country, that even when they migrate for better pasteures, they do their best to educate themselves, invest in their countries, in the hope that they could die in their homeland. Now Korea is a rich country.
but she did
Then why is Pakistan is more of a shithole than India?
we have a lot of them in Malaysia since the britts ship them over to work in their plantation and they still to this day have the mentality of the Cast system. If you meet their 1% who managed to have higher standards of living for them selves you can say they are pretty arrogant and obnoxious as well. However, most of the citizens with a lower standard of living usually lives in shit. I had to visit one of the low cost homes put up by the governments to relocate the indian citizens and it was a shit hole, fucking disgusting they pee all over the place, they dump their shit anywhere they want including inside the fucking elevator outside the window and throw baby diapers full of shit outside the window(What the fuck). The whole building smelled like garbage, if you don't smell garbage you'd smell one of those fucking incense they burn for their prayers that shit is pretty rank. Most of them had no jobs and living on welfare so they refused to pay for the maintenance of the building and as a result every single fucking thing was broke like the street lights, elevator and public toilet.
Even in minority they have the same poop mentality as their cow worshiping cousins in India
the dravidian south is far better developed and more peaceful than the aryan north, and the even more aryan pak/afghanistan
India geography and climate is naturally suited towards having a large population. Farming cultures always have larger families out of necessity.
With modern developments (ie medicine and farming tech) the rate of mortality went way down so the population started growing. Africa is much the same way. The concept of population control was never needed because a kid could drop dead at any time.
Then, their population growth far outpaced their ability to develop. Their caste system has some fault because they control the money and they give themselves preferential treatment.
It's not but nice meme poojeet
OKay, Pookistan. Whatever you say.
>It's not but nice meme poojeet
Last I checked, Pakistan is predominantly Muslim, which makes it one of the premier shitholes of the world.
India, Pakistan - who cares, both the same - biggest shitholes.
Should get rid of all the men and keep the q3.14 women.
The fucking staring if a white guy is with a pakistani/indian girl - Drink it in maaaan...
>and keep the q3.14 women.
There are no qt women in the Indian subcontinent. The reason for this is simple: they are all uneducated and Muslim.
Dont be so ignorant. Many here in Britain. Ever been out of Deutschland?
Poo Poo - Go wash your stained tighty whitey underwear in your ganges river full of 100% clean water.
SHIT STAIN BRITAIN, you are confusing us with americans Ahmed.
>Ever been out of Deutschland?
I lived in the UK for 2 years and I stand by what I said.
Last time I checked we have 30 million illegal immigrants in this's a multicultural society,different shades of brown and thousand different languages actively spoken through out the country.
He was right in everything he said.
Caste system brah.
The reason that the chinks are doing so well is because they have mostly rejected that. In China now there are only two "castes", Rural residents and Urban residents. Both are official categories, each with different advandages; rural residents can actually own land for example, but urbans get free/reduced healthcare. Because of increasing liberalization of Chinese society (and I mean real, classical liberalism, no SJW), chinks can more easily move between these two categories with less bullshit, increasing class mobility and ultimately generating a strong middle class (the largest in the world right now, infact).
Meanwhile India has 160 million people who are literally called "untouchables"; because their entire lives are carrying shit, cleaning shit, begging for shit, and being beaten by other castes for shits. Really incentivizes innovation, doesn't it?
your government speaks english and most people actually can't speak hindi but is trying to force people too via nationalism lmao
over population. nuclear war now!
indian americans
indian's can't do shit(heh) until they come to a country that's already in order and learn how to behave properly. They're fully incapable of braving stigma to pick up the damn trash in their streets and stop breeding. Indians are cowards physically, emotionally, and socially.
In your country, someone falls in the street and gets their head smashed by a crazy driver (everyone) and 200 people will just stand there and watch them die. There were at least two fatal accidents in the 1 month i was in indian in the city and every time they said they would've survived if someone had just thrown them in a car and drove them to a hospital. One guy died in the back of a constables jeep, he didn't even want to take to get car, just get him out of the street so the road wouldn't get too bloody. you people are terrible.
*didn't want to take him to get care
They could never convince them Southies to pick up hindi.
t. self-hating "british" Pajeet
You do realize that I actually agreed with this() guy?
>paki advocating for nuclear war
Ironically the most likely nuclear war to happen in our lifetimes is a Pakistani-Indian war. OPpenheimer put it at a 2%-4% chance over the next decade.
And, because Pakistan and India have only primitive nuclear fission warheads with dated, relatively inaccurate delivery systems AND both have massive genocide complex towards each other (see 1971 Bangladesh mass rape incidents), its very likely that instead of aiming at troop concentrations, C&C, or military bases like other (civilized) nuclear powers, nukes will be dropped on population centers as terror weapons.
So yes, population will be greatly reduced, but even better it'll all be shitskins.
The India of South America has spoken.
they are too caught up in the pride of tamil and their stupid tamil runes. they are exactly like the rest of india except they think they are better because they have a few tech support centers, some jewel production city in the SW.
It's literally like a god came down from heaven and gave them a computer and now they talk about how great they are because SOMEONE gave THEM a computer and that makes them great.
It's another BAD JOKE
The Indian race will never find its true destiny or ever discover or rediscover itself because they are so caught up in the pride of replecating their betters -- hollywood / bollywood
sillicon valley / whatever the fuck South India tech center is.
All the while to trying to be nationalistic, SJW, feminist idea spreading, etc etc. It's RETARDED they are copying everyone at the same time for no reason other than they think it makes them good or better. They are like flies playing around in shit because they have no sense. NO SENSE.
Its by design, Their whole belief system says that if they were a bad person in a previous life, they'll be a poor person in the next one, so if they're born in squalor then they live thinking that they are atoning for past sins.
Because of this, those in poverty choose to remain in poverty, and the ones at the top believe that they do not need to help fix that poverty.
Or at least that's my understanding of the whole thing coming from like 7th grade social studies which was over 15 years ago.
Look at their IQ.
Just Help us become Muslim free and in a decade we'll show you what we can do. You must have muslim ghettos in your countries too right? you know what they do. They fuck us and cry racism when we say anything. They are the most uneducated and unemployed religion in India. They don't want to learn and they don't want others to learn either.
Amen to that.feminism is gaining momentum here.
What a qt. This is probably the only Indian I find attractive.
> that cutie
you have low standard mate
Indians are subhuman scum
you got a laser fence. burn their shit down and force them out with tear gas and rubber bullets
they came from pakistan and they should go back. if they return burn their shit down again do realize that there are a good amount of good looking Indian ladies vs a disproportionate scarcity of good looking Indian men. So, you do have a chance.
i could not bear the shame of having a half pajeet son I think. He would be trying to reconnect to his Indian ancestry his whole life. Curious, Inquisitive, perhaps...resentful?
It seems like a nightmare.
i'd have to red pill him so hard he'd probably turn into an indian tranny
democracy+1 billion people+corruption+outdated beliefs such as the fucking caste system basically means this country will not have the ability to move forwards at an even pace.
Democracy simply doesn't work with non-secular countries with a huge population and landmass.
This is why China has always been authoritarian. The fucking retarded pro-western scum Chinese from Hongkong and Taiwan don't fucking understand that their places are a little more orderly because they're fucking islands, democracy in a large place like China would just revert back to more corruption and Warlordism.
Places like India and China have literally over 100 ethnic groups. Give them democracy and each of these people get a voice or feel like they should have one.
These places can only be ruled by a benevolent dictatorship tailored for a multicultural nation.
This. She's bangable but just for the slightly exotic appeal. Quite repulsive desu
No. Indian history was a repeated cycle of:
>native indians build great empires and nations
>they grow complacent and their society stagnates from power and corruption
>slightly whiter sandniggers/turks/scythians/brits invade
>india becomes conquered and becomes a powerful nation with new technology and culture
>stagnates again from the complacency cultivated from revelling in the power of the new order
Vote trump, pull back the troops and China will incinerate their 'royal' family and prove they're not 'divine' but merely useless humans
Is that a mtf?