What are your thoughts on homosexuality, crossdressing, and transgenderism Sup Forums?
What are your thoughts on homosexuality, crossdressing, and transgenderism Sup Forums?
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It's not gay if she has a feminine penis
It's all fun and games until you realise that 3d traps look more like your fat neighbor in heels than a flat cutie with a "feminine" penis.
I don't really have any. I've thought about it, but I'm just not involved enough in other people to care. Have sex with who you want. Wear the clothing you want. Refer to yourself with the words you want.
Not my business.
only hot if the guy is feminine
Glorified bullshit not worthy of atention, yet promoted like it was a custom of the 99% of the population of the Earth.
Sup Forums is mostly queers isn't it?
I think it's gay.
don't care enough to have strong thoughts on it
if you say so...
Also a surprising amount of trannys
Correct answer
Pat yourself on the back
I can't wait for transgender kids to grow up and have next to zero masculine facial features and no deep voice because they got testosterone blockers at a young age.
they will also have their peepees cut off or will be extremely small because of gimped puberty though
Fun and cute in anime. In real life, the results are very much the opposite. Disgusting and hideous.
So what? does so important about a stupid piece of meat?
Who is this?
Degeneracy born of self hatred, a need to be ostracized and a deep misunderstanding of life itself.
Try gaining some sanity back instead of going totally fruit loopy. Start by researching Central Banking and Money Creation. Once you learn those lessons, you will begin to understand why so many weird social movements get funding (to divide the lower classes/protect the Elite Class.)
Even if you are going to persist in your sinful ways, you will have a better understanding as to how and why you and all the other low class people get screwed.
The very money you use every day is used to control you.
>What are your thoughts on homosexuality, crossdressing, and transgenderism Sup Forums?
Homosexuality (and the rest) is a self-destructive and dangerous mental illness, promoted and normalized in White countries by the Jewish elite and the Jewish-controlled media to the detriment and degeneration of the White race, White traditions and White culture.
Dykes, faggots, and the wanna-be's don't know about genetic recombination or grandchildren. Dead in 1 generation.
>Homosexuality (and the rest) is a self-destructive and dangerous mental illness, promoted and normalized in White countries by the Jewish elite and the Jewish-controlled media to the detriment and degeneration of the White race, White traditions and White culture.
you forgot your tin foil hat
I love crossdressing but I keep my antics with it private and out of public sight
how did they come to be, then? they just appeared out of dust?
I don't deny that there are people who are genuinely gay or trans or whatever, and I don't think it's a problem that those people should be afforded comfortable, welcoming lives
What I do think is a problem is the amount of media exposure and therefore normalisation it gets. These people who are different should be strongly aware that they are different, that they are aberrations. Otherwise we get shit like Caitlyn Jenner being celebrated all over the place. There are people on the verge thinking "maybe I ought to become a lady", who in the past would have decided against it and had a normal, if not entirely happy life, but now they all buy into it, and other people who maybe only entertain the thought for a minute also go and buy into it, and the degeneracy starts to fucking spread.
I'm not sure how to deal with this problem. More stringent qualifications needed for a person to set the ball rolling, or something.
recombination, idiot.
>you forgot your tin foil hat
You forgot that this is Sup Forums and we back up our claims with evidence.
Now fuck off you anti-White faggot.
i would fuck a feminine man as a dominance thing but im not a homo
anyone else know this feel
>Pass on your genes and raise decent children, pure homos are genetic defects and should be shunned
>Clothing is culture
>Genetic defects and should be shunned
These fucking Trans and cross dressing femboy faggots need a good dicking to set them straight. Only a true man's seed in their anus will make them see the light.
>>Pass on your genes and raise decent children, pure homos are genetic defects and should be shunned
But here's the thing. Trans people on hormones will become infertile after a year so they wont pass their genes on.
Isnt that what Sup Forums wants?
>wants to fuck men
>claims not to be a faggot
Truly, faggots are mentally ill.
I always wondered why society hasn't eradicated a literal plague to civilization. Instead we have weak fools who rule our civilization and allow this degeneracy to run rampant.
>Isnt that what Sup Forums wants?
We want those degenerates thrown in concentration camps so they're forced to get the mental help they so desperately require.
Homo's are fine just stop the fucking pride parades
Crossdressing is fine as long as you stay in your own home while doing it
Trans meme needs to fuck off and just be labeled as mental illness
I think there's a genuine difference between advocating for gay rights and advocating for transgender rights. Gays are a much larger percentage of the population and the total number of gays and lesbians in the US is larger than that of Muslims and Jews combined. Whereas Transgendered people are so rare there is no reason why 95% of Americans should ever even consider transgender rights. It's not like they're being denied anything, people are just uncomfortable with them naturally. That's a good thing, they should be treated as unnatural, as should gays. I support any person's right to live their life how they want, but I am sick and fucking tired of this transgendered nonsense. They are such an insignificantly small portion of the country but they have main characters on like 5 different Netflix shows right now, so it's clear they're being pushed by the media
/thread mill
>Sup Forums is one person
Fucking newfags
I do not mind homos, so long as they don't openly spread their sexuality, and they have at least 1 child - the tech is available for proxy wombs. Really i'd rather not have any homos at all, but i'm being realistic
I am more liberal than Sup Forums, I support all the gay degeneracy
I think it's important to make the distinction between cross dressing and transgenderism. If a guy wants to wear a dress, that's fine. I don't think we have the authority to define what is man clothes and what is female clothes, unless we go fullblown authoritarian and say women can't wear shorts or pants anymore, although a lot of neckbeards here would think that's a good idea but I digress.
He needs to realize, understand, and accept the fact, however, that he is a man in a skirt, and that putting on makeup does not make him female, and he should not be allowed to present himself as such. If a passerby on the street mistakes him for a woman, that's on them, but if asked he would need to declare himself male. Stating otherwise would be lying and lying is wrong.
We have to breed the biggest dyke and faggot together to see if they produce viable progeny
>and they have at least 1 child
The technology exists to clone. Why be upset if gays and trans dont reproduce?
i would fuck you if you were feminine enough tbqh
the best thing is the fact they have rights. being bullied for making your own decisions isn't the government taking away your rights. I've yet to see what rights they are fighting for.
>i would fuck you if you were feminine enough tbqh
I can't wait to throw faggots like you into concentration camps.
I look at all the degenerate shit like transgender 'people' but then I am comforted knowing they will kill themselves before 30.
I just wish we could speed up that inevitable process
It's social engineering, conditioned to us through disney channel, cartoon network, nickelodeon, etc when we were kids. Then came mtv and that bullshit when we got older. i believe about 10% of the gay population is actually gay due to chemical imbalance they have at birth and the rest of them are trendy, entitled millennial fucks trying to get attention and the CD/TG people are mentally ill and were now being conditioned through tv to accept them and act like everythings alright.
so your fantasy is infertile women that need to use drugs every single day not to grow a beard?
Unnatural, degenerate, and mental disorder
when i play with my pussy i get an erection. am i feminine?
Keep your fetishes in the bedroom and don't be a fag. Trannies are mentally ill and can be treated with anti-scizoid medication.
As long as they're ready to gas the Jews, they should be fine. We need all the help we can get exterminating the kikes; shlomo is trying to cuck the right by getting it to waste its energy on tranny hate.
Nope im just asking why you fags care that their not going to reproduce.
Or why they want to get their penises removed.
None of this shit affects your lives.
u w0t m8
I mind my own business.
>shlomo is trying to cuck the right by getting it to waste its energy on tranny hate.
Which is impossible considering the kikes are the ones normalizing, promoting and enabling the LGBT movement...
Forget the tired question about current homos and trannies.
What would Sup Forums think about them if science could afford them functioning a uterus, vagina etc or vat incubated babies? Would they be acceptable to you then or is the mental illness component enough to keep it taboo forever?
a functioning*
by far most faggots with 'gender dysphoria' grow out of their 'gender dysphoria' when they grow up
it's one of the millions of things done to drag down the white birthrate
being a dumb NEET that gets attention and avoids feeling the responsibility of becoming a man through being a tranny is some fucked up escapism
>None of this shit affects your lives.
It degenerates socieety as a whole and normalizes mental illness.
Those degenerate fucks also intend to indoctrinate society (starting with the children) to accept and tolerate their so-called "lifestyle".
its not gay until balls are touching.
Yes goyim, go out and vote for the Israel-friendly Republicans that will protect you from the scary LGBT bogeyman.
>Yes goyim, go out and vote for the Israel-friendly Republicans that will protect you from the scary LGBT bogeyman.
Of course I don't support the Jewed out Republicuck party.
Actually, I don't support taking part in the corrupt judeo political process at all.
Faggots and the rest should be forcibly thrown back into the closet.
Those idiotic enough to peek their heads out should then be thrown into a concentration camp until their illness is cured.
if all cross dressers and trannys where passable it wouldn't be as much as a problem. But they're not, And that's why most people are disgusted.
It's amusing to see that the CTR shilling has been working so well here. As long as you stupid fucks forget about Ernst Röhm, they can promote petty factionalism that distracts from anything important.
>It's amusing to see that the CTR shilling has been working so well here.
It's actually funnier seeing the trumpcucks claim that anyone that doesn't unconditionally support Trump is a liberal/hillary supporter/ctr shill.
>As long as you stupid fucks forget about Ernst Röhm,
Yeah, and Hitler was an incestous, pedophile, carpet munching, drug addict, one testicled, micropenis Jew with back ancestry, right?
The second his faggotry was found out, Rohm got the bullet.
>they can promote petty factionalism that distracts from anything important.
You mean like saving the White race from the Jews and all the anti-White beliefs (homosexuality included) they promote?
But oh yeah...
"you gotta unite with the limp wristed faggots and the cross dressers otherwise you'll never beat the Jews!"
>The second his faggotry was found out, Rohm got the bullet?
Were you literally educated in Israel? Hitler knew about Rohm "the Bone" well before he died; he killed him to stop the SA from shitting things up. I swear, it's like you shills haven't changed the playbook in the year you've been here; divide, slide, and damage control. You could at least have done a 20-minute Google search, kike.
>Hitler knew about Rohm "the Bone" well before he died; he killed him to stop the SA from shitting things up.
Suuure he did. And the Holocaust happened too, right?
no to all of it
Ernst "We don't need no gas to kick some Jewish ass" Röhm was a homosexual. Utterly based, but gay.
Is this why Hitler had him purged?
t. low-effort poster
Seriously, though, you can't be that blind. Did you think Hitler just glossed by all the "Adi"s? This isn't about homosexuality, it's about petty timewasting that directs all energy towards anything but the root of the problem. Shlomo succeeds when you sit on your ass and bitch and moan about "muh sanctity of marriage!" like a Florida retiree. If you get rid of the Jew, homosexuality follows because they're the source of degeneracy. You're exactly what's preventing the Fourth Reich.
once again weebs will come to the defense of degeneracy because it looks and feels fine in their animes but is distracting and awful in the real outside world, which they never go outside to notice
Which is why i said to wait for the trans kids currently to grow up since they wont have disgusting male puberty because of testosterone blockers.
no disgusting male facial features or facial hair or deep voice.
the transgender kids that grow up are gonna be hard to spot since they get testosterone blockers before male puberty even starts.