Tatarian (or polish, still don't know) guy was arrested in Russia for playing Pokemon Go in a church.
Tatarian (or polish, still don't know) guy was arrested in Russia for playing Pokemon Go in a church
Wrong, he was arrested for breach of the peace, noise ordinance, and emasculating the authority of the church.
I don't say that he is a good man, but, for example, this faggot in black still free.
>emasculating the authority of the church
So he was arrested for playing Pokemon Go in a church.
Severe bullshit right there.
Wow....well thats bullshit. How long is his sentence?
are you damaged? he was arrested for breach of the peace, noise ordinance, and emasculating the authority of the church.
In a normal country, you get thrown out for something like this, not arrested. It's the equivalent of being a dick in a theater.
In Russia, you get arrested for "emasculating the authority" of a Judaic pedophile cuck cult.
>((normal countries))
Tartar's Muslim right? Surprise, he's intentionally fucking around in a church. He shouldn't go to jail but should be kicked the fuck out, by police if necessary.
just another day in a 3rd world country I guess
da treba da pustimo liberale da seru i pišaju po crkvama
jebem li ti majku komunjarsku koja te okotila
Hope he lands in jail.
Nek ih zapale sto se mene tice. Jevrejske pijavice i pedofili. Popove u okove.
Tebe licno ne krivim, samo si kukavica, mentalno slabasan i ignoramus.
>“[Europe] is presently the main battlefield of the Jew and his father, the devil, against the heavenly Father and his only begotten Son. […]
[Jews] first need to become legally equal with Christians in order to repress Christianity next, turn Christians into faithless, and step on their necks. All the modern European slogans have been made up by Jews, the crucifiers of Christ: democracy, strikes, socialism, atheism, tolerance of all faiths, pacifism, universal revolution, capitalism and communism… All of these are invention of the Jews and their father, the Devil.[19]
tako je to kad te internet obrazuje
And European was previously the main battlefield between Christians and Europeans.
Bolesna religija koja je palila, zarila, silovala i klala po Evropi. Christians = cucks, no way around it, montenigger.
>Judaic pedophile cuck cult
It was a church not a mosque
I'm just gonna ignore you
>he was arrested for Christian Sharia
Not this again. He was arrested NOT for playing pokemon.
He was arrested for making a MOCKING VIDEO of the church. In this video he is playing pokemon go in a church, but that's besides the point.
God dammit stupid liberashka shill. Go cry on reddit.
Here is a better explanation of what is happening right now.
Пoгoнялo пoкeмoн y нeгo бyдeт нa пapaшe.
The only people saying that he is rightfully imprisoned are burgers. Hilarious, the things you bootlicking cucks take for granted!
>Implying a difference
Who is Jesus the king of again?
>do not blaspheme the church or you go to jail
kek 1st world country
Heплoхoe пoгoнялo. Eмy бы книжoнкy Tecaчкa пoчитaть, мoж cпaceт oт cгyщeнки.
tips fedora
Actually you'll find 75% of the pro-Russia shills on this board are American. Russia exclusively targets them with promises of non-degeneracy and kike-free political ideology.
Этoгo дoлбoeбa yжe ничтo нe cпaceт. Oн paди пpocмoтpoв нa ютyбe пoпepcя в цepкoвь нapyшaть пpaвилa, знaя oб этих пpaвилaх, зacнял ceбя нa видeo и вылoжил в интepнeт.
Oн eщe дo cyдa, в cизo cвoe фyфлo пpoeбeт. Taкoй тyпoй.
Лoл нaйc!
That would make sense if I was calling Christianity a disgusting piece of shit religion that should never exist, but literally all I'm saying is it's wrong to imprison someone for hurting your fee-fees.
>ljudi koji su palili, zarili i silovali = cucks
Mislim da si malo pobrkao terminologiju.
A sto se hapsenja tiče, svakako nije u redu, makar mi ne bi smetalo da su ga sami popovi izbacili uz koji šamar.
tips fedora
Kako paliti i unistavati po svojoj zemlji, unistavati nacin zivota i kulturu svojih predaka jer ti je to naredio strani bog nije biti cuck?