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why not show the other ones-
Why show any of em. Half of em admit to being pure propaganda. Mexit soon.
>why don't you show the poll that ended before the email release?
Because I'm not in full damage control mode.
so the only poll that counts is the outlier that shows trump winning?
I'm starting to think that LA times are just doing this to make romney landslide 2.0 happen
emails are being released all the time
how many fucking MUH emails have there been
i cant keep up
nobody gives a shit except trumptards
The obvious difference is going to be turnout, you stupid Leaf. Obama won because more retards were excited about voting for dat black mayn again than Romney and Trump will win because people are excited about his overall message while no one will show up for Hillary due to her scandals. Polls skewed Romney but no one was excited for him. Polls are 50/50 right now and people are actually excited for Trump. 100% guaranteed you are trying too hard because your country is pathetic and you are trying to astral-project into some kind of bizarro US where we are as cucked as you are.
Oh my god, its the same fucking LA Times poll thats always off.
>We'll win for sure
> Polls skewed Romney
They sure did.
You underestimate how much people are excited to vote AGAINST trump
LA Times just fucking with these retards and giving them hope
People weren't voting for Romney so much as they were voting against Obama. It's reversed this year. People aren't excited about voting for Hillary; they are excited to vote against Trump and that never matches up with the opposition's support in a genuinely close race.
>3 cents have been deposited into your account, Thanks for helping us Correct The Record!
Just so you know this is capped.
You can retardsplain it to yourself all you want, Trump is losing
I think what he meant is that the poll he posted is the most recent, and it came AFTER the news on the latest Clinton scandal
Agree to kill yourself out of shame when we win.
So only the most recent poll counts? In this case, it happens to be the LA Times which is a daily tracking poll and has consistently been an outlier.
always check the le flag xDDD
>giving "retarded hope" for an uncucked leader
>live in a country with one of the most cucked leaders of the world
Jealousy is normal
Smashing Blackberries
Isn't that Hillary right now? oh wait it's different because she is a democrat and the polls are always right for democrats lmao fucking leafs.
There is always this one fking canadian shill.
I've evolved such a passionate hatred for this one faggot.
That's because you know we will win.
Goodbye Hillary, we hardly knew you. Too soon.
Don't take the bait. He's just trying to be australia.
Ok. How about if Trump wins, you agree to leave Sup Forums and never come back?
he's worse than that Malay nigger who was always shilling his comic.
what's this?
most romney support on Sup Forums was about as honest as the hillary support today tbqh senpai
Wait a second
How much time does leafnigger spends on this board?
I'm concerned my dear shitposting friend.
if trump wins america loses so either way you lose
well im willing to consider that but what do i get from you right wing retards when hillary wins?
Are you even being paid to do this?
No, if Trump wins, your country loses.
Does anyone even click on any of the canadacucks images? I know I never do. They could say Trump's winning for all I know.
i was trying to be incognito
sometimes i just wanna post as user, not the almighty obama leaf
This graph is how we know you are a fucking retard
lol actually when trump fucks america, our dollar will go back to par in no time
get triggered bitch
>I know I never do.
you're missing out
If that were true you wouldn't be so butthurt about him winning, which he will, and you know it. That's why you're so desperate. It's obvious.
>everyone just got a (you)
you are actually becoming Malaysia and are proud of it.
Nah thanks, I'm good.
sheepfucker pls
you guys are funny
You consider losing, winning.
It's like in golf, you need a handicap.
Time to find a new thread. Just let the smelly leaf stay here and play with himself.
This triggers the leaf
I hope Trump annexes Canada when he wins the election.
>So only the most recent poll counts?
Not really, but they all show Trump recovering, if not ahead
If Hillary wins, you get the satisfaction of rubbing it in and laughing at us, dude. But if you're so sure that she will, you should raise the stakes a bit and agree to leave if she loses.
Republicans crash the economy.
Democrats fix it.
You're making my point for me.
George Bush was a fucking idiot.
>1 point for every 100 million spent
this is winning according to you?
So is Trump.
Most Republicans are
No i think tariffs on Chinese manufacturing will be good for the American economy.
>reading comprehension
Look at the the first graph you posted, and notice Trump is going back up
Won't stop Trump from flooding the country with his precious foreign workers.
Wonder why rcp hasn't updated with this...really makes u think
Still losing though right?
gotta unskew those polls!
That depends on alot of things. also.
>why Hillary never saw it comming
You can't have it one way leaf.
Oh, I thought you'd actually click and see Trump was up in the Reuters poll. Guess expecting a cancuck to read makes me a retard.
>That depends on alot of things. also.
I'm on their website right now. Just took this screenshot.
Oh okay you want Argument? how about you stop making shit up and stick to the facts.
Fact Trumps policy is to stop Illegal immigration.
Fact Trumps Policy is to bring Manufacturing jobs back into the U.S
Fact Trump will renegotiate NAFTA
Fact Those policies will increase middle class incomes.
>August 31st
Guess you got me.
Of course, but what I said holds true; Trump is coming back, and this is not the only poll showing it
>Hillary lost an 8 point lead in 3 weeks
Why don't you look at what Trump has actually done throughout his life.
Not what he has conned gullible retards into thinking he WILL do.
Trump pays fuck all in taxes
Trump brings in foreign workers instead of hiring Americans because he's anti-American and prefers foreigners.
Trump runs scams like Trump U conning hard working Americans out of their money
Whenever Trump runs into trouble, he just declares bankruptcy screwing creditors including small and medium size American businesses
Trump hires (and marries) illegals
I could go on.
Look at what the man HAS DONE.
Not what he lies to you and claims he will do.
Trump is in fact the epitome of what's wrong with America. A rich fucker, born with a silver spoon, who pays fuck all in taxes, scams Americans out of their money, hires illegals, and brings in foreign workers instead of hiring Americans.
Those were FACTS and they trump the made up fairy tales in your head. When he deviates from his OFFICAL POLICY THEN you can say i told you so not before.
FACT Trump will not Sign the TPP
What's the date on your own link you autistic retard
Fuck can you morons please go back and finish elementary school.
You fucking destroy yourselves every time you interact with me.
and yet she's still winning Wow Trump is really shit
>FACT Trump will not Sign the TPP
What else is in your crystal ball?
Do you understand what that means leaf? you tell others to go back to elementary school yet you can't even argue based on FACTS.
>August 30
>Trump 40.3%
>Clinton 38.1%
You may have picked the dates wrong
policies can change goy
just like clinton's policy about no money in politics. gotta pay back those donors somehow.
Wait nevermind
When he deviates from his OFFICIAL POLICY then you can call him out on his bullshit.
>policies can change goy
just like clinton's policy about no money in politics. gotta pay back those donors somehow.
So therefore they WILL change? under a candidate that's not controlled by special interests or major donors?
It's Hillary's policy also.
Do you understand what that means sheepfucker?
Same goes for Hillary then.
Trump's policies are shit tbqh. Just more massive tax cuts for the rich. That's how you know Trump is a globalist kochsucker.
Not an Argument.
>More Whataboutisim
Not An Argument
Argue his Tax Policy that's fine.
It's Hillary's policy to not sign TPP.
Sheepfucker is not adhom. It's a term of endearment for you.
0.05 cents has been deposited in this assholes account.
Your autism is going off
>almost half a billion raised
>28% from super pacs
>not a globalist cock sucker too
No you can't shift goalposts chap you wanted to Argue over Trumps official policy then that is what are we are doing. Clinton is not Trump this obvious to you.
She's raising their taxes.
All you gotta do is look at tax policy and you see what's what.
Still not an Argument.
Why is Trump always leading in LA Times? Don't they have a Liberal bias? And then you see a Fox poll and somehow Clinton is leading by 6, which literally makes no fucking sense.
Trump says he won't sign TPP
He is sheepfucker's hero.
Hillary says she won't sign TPP.
Somehow this does not matter.
don't you have a dog you should be fucking or something
>chart starts at 200k
>leaf expecting people that pay a few grand in taxes a year to get a 200k dollar
Tax cut.
Wow, it's almost like that is just a representation of the tax money people will save and that those that pay a ton of taxes save more while those that pay little to no taxes save little to no money! Sure fired my neurons.