Planned on having a VR Waifu? Feminists are already trying to get you banned from VR

>Within two minutes of walking into the welcome room in Altspace, a leading social VR app, I was given my first unsolicited "virtual reality kiss." Shortly after, my skinny brown-haired avatar was swarmed by male users rubbing on me.

>The user base might have to change. For Altspace and other social VR apps to take off, a broader variety of people will have to use them.

Other urls found in this thread:

>VR Waifu
kys fat faggot

Jel neces ti da imas VR waifu?
Pro-tip: ako stvarno neces onda si peder

Watch this, its a must.

And then realize what is going on here

>hand gestures
>body language

add it to personalized information like voice. And you get to another layer of personalized, non robotic emulation of reality.

Now its not impossible, it may be very hard to do but there is an additional layer of human interaction that can be added

>facial expressions

So, what I am telling you is that VR is a pretty huge deal, as you can see from the video, if you have any experience with video games is that the immersiveness is expanded upon exponentially.

I am not sure what kind of effects this will have on humanity, on people as a whole but I think that they will be pretty great.

Lol this is exactly like second life


>VR social media will have TOSes the same way regular social media does
>this is bad, wrong, evil and obviously feminism's fault

I bet you think you're being censored because you can't post cuckporn on blue boards, too.

top kek

Dont go there then. You have an option unlike in real life. Problem solved bitch

But arent all the males attractive in VR? What the fuck.

Fuck that shit, I'll make a green Danny DeVito avatar.

There are girls having Female genital mutilation forced on them RIGHT NOW, including in the west by immigrants, but modern western feminists want to instead focus on complaining about virtual kisses in a video game.

This is almost as bad as the sexist air conditioning fiasco.

Why are western feminists of today so blind to the problems haunting women outside of their upper-middle class bubble? They seem to be more concerned about white men not crossing their legs on the subway (manspreading) than they are about ISIS rape prisons and girls getting their clitorises chopped off (with no anaesthesia) against their will.

Get out degenerate

Women can't do anything about ISIL obviously.

Because women are child-like idiots. Why havent you learned this simple fact yet?

>cropping "Here's Why I Keep Going Back" out of the pic

>feminists of today
They were always blind. It was never, ever about equality.

Just rename it to German New Years Simulator and make all the male avatars brown.

Then dumb cunts have to praise it or they're racist. Also, the media won't report on it anymore.

>Women can't handle the online bantz
Do you think a simple teabagging would trigger them too?

> James is a friendly Irish man who explained to me that he likes to look out for others, especially women on the platform, and hates when "a few" bad actors ruin the experience. "Let me know if anyone is bothering you," he said.

don't you know virtual rape is the same as rape in real life? we need to ban white males from any online activity


>Virtual Reality allows for anything
>It becomes simply reality with all social constructs removed

This is why i need Islam

I read that as
>hates when "a jew" ruins the experience

this part of a bigger hypothesis i have: women are afraid of VR because they would start becoming obsolete with the advent of virtual waifus

think about it: why else would you want a new piece of technology to be seen as problematic and needing regulation so badly? they feel threatened because if virtual waifus were to become easily accessible, a lot of men would stop attempting to contact them. hell, some men already respect fake virtual waifus more than real women because of how awful the modern female has become

so they need VR to be seen as something problematic, something that only the lowest of humanity would appreciate. if they don't, they'll be replaced by the virtual waifu. why would anyone give them the time of day when a man is able to create a custom-tailored waifu that meets all their ideal qualities? after all, a virtual waifu would never give them any problems because they would be programmed to be the best possible "partner" for them

and don't even get me started with how much worse it would be if android waifus were within reach


No virtual reality simply shows them how unimaginative they are.

Men can literally create fictional worlds and have them come to life via specially created technology and all a woman can do is bitch about nonsense

yeah but can they ban my onaholes and terabytes of JAV&porn&hentai games&mangas?

>you may live to see the day women's only use is rendered obsolete

>they would start becoming obsolete with the advent of virtual waifus

Well, at least to the atheist crowd which should not be procreating anyway.

> Degenerate the society
> Go into VR world
> VR world is degenerate

With VR, I can finally be with my wives.

>feminists complain about stuff
Hold the presses, everyone.


> banning stuff

Nothing new. Too bad about undergrounds, eh Sup Forums? But we don't usually talk about fight club,

Severely Underrated Post

You don't need VR Hans, give it 10 years or so and it will be legal in your caliphate

How can real life womyn even compete?

Kill yourself, diaspora scum.