We all know that alot of people have "suspiciously" died when they cross paths with the Clintons. My question is; Who are these killers? Who do they work for? They must be connected really well if James Comey, the guy in charge of the FBI, is scared of them.
We all know that alot of people have "suspiciously" died when they cross paths with the Clintons...
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I bet a solid 90% of crackheads would kill someone for the right price, and there are some 20,000,000 crackheads in the USA. What would you do for $50k?
>Try $200
They're just your run-of-the-mill hitmen. Just some faggots you can pay to kill. Nothing fancy about it. Literally anyone could do it.
The question shouldn't be who is killing those people or even who is paying them, the question should be - why the FUCK do normies have such a hard time believing that people are assassinating other people?
Why do they have such a hard time believing it? It's like the idea that a billionaire would kill someone to protect themselves is completely alien to them. Why is that?
>corporations and politicians are SO EVIL!!! Stupid evil rich people!!!!
>Hitler was such a bad man!! He killed 6 gorillion people!!!
>What do you mean politicians in [current year] are assassinating people? What type of a tin foil conspiracy is that? :DDDD
Kill me
Secret society assassins
>They're just your run-of-the-mill hitmen
I have a hard-time believing this desu. If the director of the FBI, one of the most powerful law enforcement agency in the US, maybe in the world, is afraid of you then you have to belong to some very powerful people/organization.
Being a director of FBI doesn't make you or your family immune to assassinations.
I didn't say that ALL of these killers are just lowlifes with guns. I am saying that it's all they need in most cases.
Most of these people are simply shot by someone in a stairway or in an isolated park. If they have security and bodyguards you can pull a JFK on them, or you can simply kill their children. I really don't think that the guy has bodyguards for his kids. You could easily pay a homeless man 100 bucks to stab his kid while he is going to the store.
But the homeless guy can easily give you up if he were caught.
Can you not use your own brains for a second?
Do I have to explain everything to you?
Obviously Hillary fucking Clinton isn't going to go patrol the streets and look for homeless people.
You need a middleman to approach these people. If the killer gets caught what is he going to say? ''Some guy came up to me and offered me money. He didn't tell me his name.'' Wow, looks like it's over for Hillary!
They can try, but who's going to believe a nigger who says "dat presidant told me to kill this cracka!"
Besides, no crime boss recruits directly. You have a half-dozen layers of underlings handling the hit order. Even if you do get the one nigger in the world willing to snitch, they can't prove anything.
Most murders just go unsolved. Killing a stranger means no obvious leads. Unless they get you on camera the cops have nothing to even start an investigation on.
Even most niggers get away with it, for a while. They're caught completely by accident when six weeks later they pick up a nigger for trying to rob a gas station and they still have the victim's cell phone in their possession or some bullshit.
the same crack head would turn on you on a dime. Or maybe tell some one?
They couldn't cover up a blow job or emails. I don't see how they would suddenly become hyper competent about secrets when it comes to murder.
do you have any idea of how easy it is to kill a person?
we are all extremely vulnerable
who's going to miss one crackhead?
I was referring to the middleman, idiot. It's a ladder. The stupid theory of getting a homeless person to do the dirty work is ridiculous in itself. Then he gets caught, he can give up the middle man, then the middle man can try and save his own ass and it leads it's way closer and closer to the top.
when that is a real concern , drug cartels in other countries, identity is obscured. This happens for some FBI agents but not all the time.
How is he going to give away the middleman?
Comey is part of the network. He was a board member of HSBC.
You know, these elusive crackheads must be competent to never get caught or fail to assassinate.
During the course of real murders, evidence and witnesses are left behind. Not sure where the magic crack heads that are above that human vulnerability yet completely expendable and completely outside any social groups capable of noticing their absence.
fucking this
assassins have existed since time immemorial
wanna know why the powerful people get away with it? because they pad the shit out of their connections and keep their mouths shut.
they create as much social distance between themselves and a hitman as they can, name the target, and funnel money outside legal channels.
or, in the case of something like the Clinton Foundation, $500,000 is "donated" to some "charity" no one's ever heard of and that's that.
assassins/professional hitmen cost a lot because they are people who know how to murder someone and get away with it, either by direct removal of the body without leaving forensic traces, or shadowing their target and striking when it looks the most like an accident or a suicide.
it also helps when the target is a relative no-name in the public consciousness. if James Comey suddenly "commits suicide" after recommending indictment on Hillary Clinton, it seems suspicious. if John Smith from Nowhere, Kansas suddenly dies, it won't make it past local news.
Sup Forums is just made up of edgy teenagers who can't into rational thought.
Real life isn't CSI.
No one is going to show up at the crime scene and find the killer's ass hair and semen samples.
Best you can do is find some witnesses who are going to tell you that an average looking guy ran up to the person and shot them before running away.
What the fuck are you even trying to argue here? You've been playing too much Hitman and you think that's what's happening in real life?
Intelligence agency assets (not agents)
You are a supreme moron.
Also I am saying you are introducing absurdly powerful and invisible groups into reality that don't make sense.
Fucking Nixon couldn't break into a psychiatrists office without getting impeached.
The only counter to that is some absurd jewish level conspiracy where every failure or mistake of an individual is part of a master plan that is needlessly complicated.
>hit and run is the same as kidnapping someone, killing them and cutting them up in little pieces before dumping them on a beach
Fuck off, retard.
Saudi assassins. After all, Arabs were well known for their assassins since they were bad at warfare and needed to stab people behind their backs.
There was this one guy who went to infowars claiming to be a clinton assassin, but it turns out he's just had it in for the clintons since the late 80s, which leaves us woth no real suspects.
these people are well connected and protected from within. murders called suicides by medical examiners, mysterious illness, outright killings with no suspects, listed as robberies but nothing taken.
the only thing that will ever stop the Clinton crime family will be a random lunatic with a gun and a empty sack of give a fucks
Do I have to link an example of every murder scenario you propose to show the difficulty in a large number of orchestrated murders never leaving behind evidence?
yet they can't conceal their email or sexual activities?
They already had a suspect. They had other evidence and a motive that narrowed down ten million people to a list of only a few. One of them had a cat, and they found cat hairs on the body, which was used to further the investigation. This evidence could have also been dismissed by a first-year intern working as a public defender, so it was just a single bit of evidence in part of a case involving dozens of circumstantial bits.
When a crackhead kills someone for $20 there are no suspects to even begin the investigation. There are no leads unless there is a reliable witness that can actually recognise you (which doesn't exist) or clear surveillance footage (which rarely exists.)
There are thousands of murders that go unsolved every single year because there simply is no evidence and no leads.
Stop watching so damn many police dramas on your Goyvision.
>Fucking Nixon couldn't break into a psychiatrists office without getting impeached.
Because he lost all political power before that, his buddy's turned on him, and he was the scapegoat for 15 years of political bullshit beginning with the kennedy assassination.
oh, I thought these political elites had hired killers to eliminate any obstacle to their plans. Kinda convenient that suddenly Nixon can't use them anymore to line up with history.
>hitting someone with your own car is the same as a hit and run assassination
Fuck off, retard.
What the fuck is your problem? Is CTR now paying people to say Hillary didn't kill all those people?
You can't even stay on the subject.
>check out this murder where the suspect left loads of evidence behind!
>check out this murder where the suspect left loads of evidence behind!
>check out this murder where the suspect left loads of evidence behind!
Why not fuck off?
Hypnotized and brainwashed child assassins with no social security numbers or identity, literally bred for this kind of work.
If the entire political system turned on the Clintons it wouldn't matter how many assassins they had in their pocket. It doesn't matter who is killing people when it's simply covered up and dismissed by the entire system.
>don't see how they would suddenly become hyper competent about secrets when it comes to murder.
They aren't. That's why we have a fucking list of bodies.
Or do you just want to change what qualifies as "hyper competent" to justify your state of denial?
Give me a decent rifle and a scope and buy me a solid 45 minutes and that dude would be a goner.
Shit id do it for free, even if i get caught, im guaranteed fame, a book deal, and year and years of talks with probably more interesting people than anyone i know on real life.
I am not saying every murder has evidence that would lead to capture but the scale of murders folks accuse the Clinton's of without any evidence is absurd.
This. Cut-outs that can be discredited and also disposed of by other assets if it comes to that. Like the clowns in the opening scene of The Dark Knight.
>guy got away with murder for 14 years
Great argument, retard.
I just don't understand the belief in secret hired killers killing opposition then stating your opposition to those responsible on a computer that is super traceable given enough incentive.
How old are some of the murders you guys are accusing them of?
Less then a year? Last one was about a month ago.
You're a fucking idiot. You don't even know what we're talking about.
Mena, Arkansas was one of the locations where the cocaine was brought into the country during Iran-Contra.
Clinton helped cover up what was going on.
For anyone who has yet to go down the Clinton hole
Don't forget that he pardoned his brother for COCAINE TRAFFICKING.
The Clintons also have deep connections with the Dixie Mafia stretching back to Bill's tenure as governor.
I've pondered this as well. They have access to some good assassins.
Turn that back on you. The "Clinton Chronicles" is a video published in 1994 accusing the Clintons of murders with zero evidence and flimsy rational.
The film was funded by various Clinton opponents. The sort of folks that would have been targeted if the Clinton actually would have hired killers to accommodate their goals.
This is a very old story with a very old refutation.
Thanks for correcting the record.
I can't wait for you people to be jobless/homeless