Really makes you think...
We should do more for poor people of color, the root of the problem is white people and slavery..
Really makes you think...
We should do more for poor people of color, the root of the problem is white people and slavery..
This black man is correct
>Oh shit, my neighborhood is getting better, god help us all!
Shows you what kind of scumbags these loser leftists are.
They WANT 3rd world shit. They LIKE slums and crime.
Right. So blacks are oppressed because whites don't want to live with them... but when whites move in as neighbors, that's also oppression too.
Cannot we spray Roundup on the whole nigger plant?
Hmm funny how gang violence isn't a problem in your shitty little image.
This, talk about a contradiction.
It's like the moron who didn't made this didn't even turn on their brain, and just tried to fit in as many buzzwords as possible.
Kek good point, lefties always seem to overlook it/blame whitey
Those white niggers should check their privilege
Why isn't unwillingness to take personal responsibility one of the roots?
Do British people owe a debt to Irish people today?
Just proves we need to pull up the whole plant and burn it.
They look like the Ghouls from Fallout
White Genocide
Apparently, blackness is in direct opposition to money.
>vote democrat
>get your life fucked up
>continue to vote democrat
It's more like
>my neighborhood stops being shit so the rents become unaffordable with my shitty welfare lifestyle
This shit would be the opposite of a problem if they would have half a brain and had acquired the properties they live in themselves before the gentrification started. But what can you do, they all skip school because it's not considered cool to get a proper education in their glorious black culture.
post hoc ergo propter hoc
>In 2016 it's no longer a fallacy
The best part is they use gentrification causing cost of living to increase as being deeply racist, but there's absolutely no problems when blacks move into a white area and cause white's property values to plummet.
Everything bad that happens to them is racist somehow, even and especially if it is self-inflicted.
>choose to live in a fucked up neighborhood full of crime, gangs and drugs because muh culture
>people shooting at cops regularly
>extreme high rates of black on black crime
>police is forced to take drastic measures to enforce the law
>innocent people get into the crossfire
This is what niggers actually believe. It's the white man's fault they shoot each other
a bad plant is plucked to make sure it doesnt fuck up the rest of the farm. There are 2 solutions.
1 pluck
2 find a better species of the plant that you want to farm
>Just proves we need to pull up the whole plant and burn it.
Or teenage pregnancy, not graduating high school, or children in single parent households.
If the plight of the black man really all boils down to systematic racism, then why is every single African nation a failure?
muh imperialism