Remember When This Man Destroyed Trump?
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>holds up document that allows the alien and sedition acts to deport muslims because they are a threat to national security
I remember when it turned out he was using the building from his sons foundation to hold kinky watersport parties.
but thats about all.
Yeah, I remember shitlib journalists claiming this guy changed American political history forever. And here we are, and his dumbass is irrelevant as ever.
>destroyed Trump
never happened... MSM circle jerk and massive premature ejaculation...
Who ?
Warning WARNING sage hide and report all shill slide psyops threads warning WARNING we are under seige by shills sliders. Warning WARNING they are here they are shillling they are sliding warning WARNING they are sliding the hillary med files TCF HRC CTR DNC DCCC wiki leaks bohemian grove guccifer moloch threads warning WARNING
The only thing I remember is that his words meant nothing to me.
media astroturfed it until they found out he had fetish piss sex parties at his sons memorial then they all coordinated to pretend it never happened, KEK
The pee pee man?
please tell me there's something to this rumor
Is that clock boy?
Kinky licks and his magic wet room?
Yeah, an user found and posted proofs. Wish I would have saved.
who dis?
>trump doesnt like muslims he needs to read constitution
>my son died in a war hillary pushed
>vote for hillary
this was a good day
and remember Trump couldn't hold his tongue for five fucking seconds and not insult this guy on twitter because he is a mentally unstable narcissist?
Good times.
Didn't he have links to ISIS?
Actually, he didnt. How's his sex house coming? Where is he going to find women to peeped on him?
and then the Democrats sent another 6 billion in US tax dollars to bomb his relatives in the ME
It was always lose-lose. You're just too unintelligent to see why a response is better than silence in cases like this.
Literally should have just not commented on it or apologized.
I don't know what Trump was thinking with this one.
Military dicksucking is an american pastime.
>The media's pet "Trump-killer of the week" number 84 is already forgotten
Hey guys, look what Bobby Jindal just tweeted *fart noise*
Responding just showed him to be the thin skinned coward who would rather shit on the American military and their families than be called out on his shit ideas.
Fp is once again bp
>Get sent to war by Bush and Obama
>It's Trumps fault
lel wut
Media tried to push this disgustingly phony narrative to explain his handy constitution prop
>In the Khan home, a stack of [$1 pocket constitutions] always lay at the ready. Guests showed up and they were handed one, in the way other hosts might distribute a party favor. Mr. Khan wanted it to stimulate a conversation about liberty, a cherished topic of his.
They expected their cattle to eat this up and think "oh what a lover of liberty and freedom! so American! LITERALLY LOVES THE CONSTITUTION!" Fucking hilarious.