Vegan and vegetarian movies

ITT: Post movies that made you stop eating meat and convinced you that meat is murder.

I present Okja, one of the most heartfelt, saddening films that show the reality of the meat industry and how horrible it is.

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Koreans believe they invented pizza

Okja was a great movie.

When I was flipping through movies on Netflix to put on for me and my siblings I wasn't expecting this film to be so fucking sad. But the whole time while watching this film, Okja just reminded me of a fat friend of mine. I basically shamed myself for resenting having a crush on him because he was fat, because somehow Okja guilted me into the thought that fat people have personalities too and need love. But I'm still turned off by the fact that they probably don't wash themselves very well.

>I present Okja, one of the most heartfelt, saddening films that show the reality of the meat industry and how horrible it is.- 2 posts and 1 image reply shown.
Lol what are you, a woman?


This film was terrible. His other films were so much better.

Movies like Milo and Ottis, Babe, and Homeward Bound had a profound impact on my choice to become vegan. If animals could really talk like that I don't think anyone would be a meat eater.

When I went to school in Japan, everyone thought 7-11 and KFC were native Japanese organizations

Okja is terrible. It's a cheesey, overly-sentimental piece of shit full of garbage CGI that only got attention because it's a "foreign film" (except it really isn't).

Did he also direct Snow Piercer? I thought that crazy bitch running the slaughter house looked like she was from that movie too. Did he reuse some actors?

>Overwhelmingly well received by wide audience
>durr it's terrible!
>my opinion so it's true!


That movie just made me wish Okja was real because that would make some really tasty burgers.

Better than Snowpiercer. Better than The Host.

I don't really like people getting too influenced by films, especially documentaries. At the same time it's hard to differentiate my discomfort with films and the potential impact of say a painting or a book. A painting doesn't lie about what it is, I suppose, we know we are seeing an artists vision. A film is almost, almost an experience inseparable, sometimes, from real experience - and yet it is the most commercial. We are inundated with it too. The reading of a book is a conscious affair. You don't necessarily always read critically, nor should you, but I hazard an assumption that the format encourages it. Films, soak into you like water into a sponge. It's an advantage to their fast-hitting compelling impact, but also really mind fucky.

I don't eat meat. I don't know how to feel if Babe made people more compassionate to animals or something. I feel like, being human we are at such a disadvantage with how our senses are removed from the thing in itself already that, being flooded with so much unreal phenomena, just raises a hundred thousand more veils between us and the Truth, that which St. Paul already said we could only see as if through a glass, darkly.

Argumentum ad populum.

Shut the fuck up tard.
This movie was pure liberal brainwashing to the core. The main character was a fucking bitch to every other character and everything she did was right and righteous and everyone with a single conservative thought in their mind (logical thought) was treated like shit by her and the story itself.

This. Those movies kinda sucked and only good for visuals. Mother and Memories of Murder were good but this Okja was the best he's done in a while.

>books are cool
>art is cool
>movies are bad

Do people actually believe this?

Why do you need to politicize everything? You're just as bad as the liberal SJW's you hate you know that?


This movie is political. I'm not bringing it in the movie itself is a political statement.

Why are conservatives so dumb?

Why are nonhuman animals?