STOP you are playing right into her hands

How can you retards not see this is an obvious trap by the hillary campaign????

>leak "report" about health
>""leak"" news that you may drop out
>Bait alt-right racists into going nuts
>surprise speech
>reiterate your health
>open more pickle jars
>discredit alt-right
>win over rustbowl states
>win election
>jail drumpf for fraud

Other urls found in this thread:

>mfw Sup Forumstards shoot themselves in the foot

200% SMUG

What would that achieve?

If she's still in we keep the meme machine going

If she's out we meme for her impeachment.

Hillary has no espace in this world

Go ahead racists

give it your best shot

another samefaggot kike

Bitch is going to tumble down some steps and break her hip.

It would show the alt-right are a bunch of tinfoil hat loosers and any conspiracy theory about clinton is crazy

Your stance as shills is not credible merely because you have no good memes.

You have no good memes because our memes are backed by the truth.

You have nothing on Trump, so it's a vain attempt to try to push for Hillary memes

>believing this
please stay in your safespace

Get back in the oven you fucking kike.

Playing in her hands more like playing in her bedroom that is what gave her a concussion lets hope Bill doesn't get in trouble.

>You have no good memes

One day you will learn. There is no truth in memes, young one.

>open more pickle jars
do it bitch
nice and slow
thats my fetish

>picklejars can stop this M A D W O M A N

You dont even know the basic rules for not being recognized as the fucking shill shitstain you are.



keep going

you'll only embarrass yourselves in the end

It's an ugly world.

I hope your devotion to softness and lies leads you into the worst of it.

Not an argument.
> jail trump for fraud
Not possible.
You're just mad that we know she shits herself.

There are regular shills for fast food restaurants on /ck/ that do their job better than you, come the fuck on now.

>waaaah stop it
muh pickles

LEL! burnicus maximus