really makes you think
Really makes you think
lol how much are you getting paid?
Hope you're having fun posting in you're own thread gypsy-nigger.. I guess I would be mad at the whiteys too if was living on the shit stain of the planet..
Sup Forums logic
>gets mad when he doesn't get complete freedom of speech
>gets mad when jews have a right to life
sjw logic:
>gets mad when Sup Forumsfags have complete freedom of speech
>gets mad when Sup Forumsfags have a right to life
I wish all the shilling would just stop :(
>butthurt: the thread
No, people know the Jews are smarter than the average whites.
If you keep spamming these memes every day, surely the evil racist trump supporters will stop saying offensive things! Keep at it, champ!
Who is he?
Wtf? Sup Forums is for censorship?
I thought we would solve our problems on the day of the rope
>"I support freedom of speech to express my offensive opinions!"
>"ban degeneracy, I don't like it!"
Neo-nazis are literally retarded.
Why do you support a racist apartheid state?
They murder women and children and build racial Jewish only settlements
>monkey trying to shitalk
is sad
realy realy sad
Ban it from the media. Media should be objective and not pushing any agenda right or left wing.
I do not care if people are degenerate by their own free will and not brainwashed into it from the early age
>nobody responds to my lies
>guys I'm being oppressed if you don't swallow my indoctrination!
>doesn't know what "straw man" or "ad homimen" mean
checks out.
Saved this one
why would someone get paid to troll mentally diseased person?
that's just fun
also OP is right
You just got cucked brah
Also Brazil is not a real country. Don't listen to them.
good thread though
fuck off tranny
Well this sucks.
We wuz rollin n shiiet
Rolling, lets get something good.
If i roll chad twice do i marry him
need nerdy grill
Trap get!
checked, rolling
rollin 4 asian cutie disappointment
Did you just Tyrone yourself
better than getting a shitty grill
rolling on a fucking river
Best post in the thread
bless my niggardly roll
>Why do you support a racist apartheid state?
Top kek, would Sup Forums?
>almost all of them cheat on you
Jesus Christ, this chart is almost as bad as real women.
>"boy I hate Sup Forums"
>take your time to search for and post images ridiculing Sup Forums and wasting everybody's time
You are truly the Internet crusader
/leftypol/ yet again proves that they have no creativity and brains they just reuse and steal Sup Forums content to build their own shitty strawmen
He's Brazilian. 10 cents an hour would put him in the top 10% of earners.
They see me rollin
Lets go then
Marxist losers being losers
bring it on
at least degenerate jewish shills ACTUALLY exist.
oh shit nigga roll