Black guy showing Dutch girl who the BOSS is

>1st day of school year
>Blonde girl arguing with a black female
>A physical confrontation begins
>A black guy interferes attacking the blonde with a punch, and then kicks her head when she is down on the floor
>The white bitch remains lying on the floor while she loudly cries

What can I say, hundreds of years of slavery in those hits. Webm and video related (it only lasts 2 minutes) + /mt/archieven/2016/09/dat_is_inderdaad_zeker_een_gangsternegert.html (Join them)

Other urls found in this thread:


Kek, u still mad about being forcefully brought into the modern age?

about time whitey pays


kanker vmbo


webpage isn't working for me

Dutch people that are on schools with black people are our equivalent of trailer trash. Segregation is still very much a thing here on schools, mainly because we separate all the retards at a pretty young age and put them together on retard schools called VMBO.

post whites getting fucked up by their superior black masters

At least she's redpilled now

This is why whites in heavily "diversified" environments should carry a weapon of some sorts at all times.
To be fair this bitch is probably some white trash whore. But still.

[X] Culturally enriched
[ ] Racist

Haha. The white whore deserved it. I hope all white women get enslaved now that they've abandoned their men.

There is no one to defend you white cunts anymore hahahahahahahah.

Is VMBO zoals onze TSO (technisch secundair onderwijs) of BSO (beroepssecundair onderwijs)?

I am not even mad, everybody should know already that you don't relax around niggers

What the fuck is even going on here? What is that other white kid doing?

Learn how to deal with them from the Russians

Once the most safest and privileged bitches on the whole planet, had men that would conquer the world just for them and now look at the world they have created for themselves/ Filthy blonde slag can't even walk down the streets anymore without being beaten and raped hahahahaha and no white man will waste his time coming to your defense. You're fucked white bitches, better go convert to Islam and put a burqa on.

Are you White?

I haven't given up hope on all of our women, but most have betrayed us. I just wish he had power to make them realise how much they fucked up.

I think we will achieve that soon.


The vid on Jewtube got shoah'd an hour after it was posted.


>black assaulting a white women
there are several white guys surrounding him that do nothing. he even has his back to them. anyone of them could have come up behind him and totally destroyed him, but didnt.

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you not go outside? It's still rare as fuck seeing white girl with black men, unless you live in some poor ghetto


Why would they waste their time defending some white slag? Not worth it.

ja het is vergelijkbaar met BSO

thats a tranny right?

This is what you get for putting niggers in your schools.

I live in 99% white town and I still see single mothers with half breed babies. The white woman is not worth caring about anymore.

Anyone got any webms of niggers getting btfo?

try enslaving them now Sup Forums

To be fair, she is a dumbass.

Welcome to the Netherlands 2016

This. All whites need to be properly "culturally enriched" if we want anything to change.

No more "educated" leftists living in 99% white communities telling us to be tolerant of shitskins


>b-but i support the BLM movement, Tyrone


I want Haitians to stop posting


stop posting this

Fuck it feels good to be Mediterranean. Have fun, Germanics, you did it to yourself


dumbass let the black get the first punch.


Stupid fucking degenerate entitled white spoiled bitch, I hate niggers but white chicks are literally scum of the earth, good job nignog for putting that whore in her place


I wonder if he was suspended for it.

Stormfront: "the only good nigger is a dead nigger"


Hahahaha. Look at them beta white boys just watching as one of their precious aryan princesses gets whooped by a superior nigger hahahahahahaha. Look at the ''''''''men'''''''' you have created white woman. You wanted soft men to take advantage of and now you got no one to defend you anymore hahahahahaha. Does it feel good to be strong and independent now?

That was really inspiring, I want to beat up a white kid now !

wtf i hate white people now?

Delete this thread it's making my blood boil and I've never even seen a Nigger in my life!

his first mistake was going through nigville

They have learned!

You lucky little gyp


>you will never be a gyppo

Millennials are a goddamned craven.

In my day if anyone hit a woman like that they'd get a beating.

Are you kidding? That swift take down was anime as fuck.

All those cucks in the comment section make me sick.

I came here to post this.

That webm seems to prove that the only good nigger is a dead nigger.

I wonder if it is being investigated as a possibly racially motivated incident.

? Sup Forums freed them from slavery fucking wetback

" Nigeria: Black Man Agrees With Dr. Watson"
" A few days ago, the Nobel Laureate, Dr James Watson, made a remark that is now generating worldwide uproar, especially among the blacks."

" He said what to me looks like a self-evident truth."
" black people are less intelligent than the White people."

" I do know that in terms of organising society for the benefit of the people living in it, we blacks have not shown any intelligence in that direction at all. I am so ashamed of this and sometimes feel that I ought to have belonged to another race."
" Nigeria my dear country is a prime example of the inferiority of the black race when compared to other races. Let somebody please tell me whether it is a manifestation of intelligence if a people cannot organise a free, fair and credible elect ion to choose who will lead them."
" Is it intelligence that we! cannot provide simple pipe-borne water for the people? Our public school system has virtually collapsed. Is that a sign of intelligence? Our roads are impassable. In spite of the numerous sources that nature has made available to us to tap for energy to run our industries and homes, we have no steady supply of electricity."

" But more among the blacks than any other race, the practice is to steal from their own country and salt away to other people's country."
" Anywhere in the world today where you have a concentration of black people among other races, the poorest, the least educated, the least achieving, and the most violent group among those races will be the blacks. When indices of underdevelopment are given, black people and countries are sure to occupy the bottom of the ladder."
" I am really pained by our gross underachievement as a race."
" It should worry us that we do not invent things. We do not go to the moon. Our societies are not well-organised. We have the shortest lifespan of all the races. Something must be wrong with us."

Well, your day is long gone, pal. You can thank white women for that. Let them live their strong and independent lives.

>ywn have sex with a Dutch qt

shrek got donkey punched

She got red pilled.

Not an ounce of compassion will be had when the pendullum finally swings back. faggots like you will be the first to be curbstomped

It looked kinda like a sucker punch, but he should have been ready for that.

Nah. Just a little cultural enrichment.

I'm not going to go get beat up by some feral nigger just so that dumb bitch can laugh at me and forget I exist in five minutes.
She needs to learn the world.

What fucking bizarro neighborhood is this where a dindu can wear gang warfare attire in daylight while beating a white kid and NOT get shot dead by a hero cop/citizen? That cucktown should be nuked.

Most niggers aren't that bad if you don't live in a big city hell hole t b h

>I'm not going to go get beat up by some feral nigger

So you assume that you will get REKT before the fight begins? What a white faggot, learn to fight bitch

>he say's while sat in his mommas basement

You won't do shit, fatboy. Blacks and jews already own your country. Jews own your government, blacks own your streets. Sit down, white boy.

Niggers gotta nig. Pathetic.

Look at that scrawny lanklet get btfo by the superior manlord


big brown dirty ape attacking that white girl.

they really are men with a penis. she looks like she's mixed race but thats still a problem. ONE DROP

Do these people actually get apprehended by the police?

source ?

I fucking hate cats. But I don't abuse cats. People who support niggers are trash.

>He still thinks we're brown gypsies
>Believing the jew's lies that Romania isn't white
Say again burger-san? How is it being cucked by big black Tyrone

Fuggg :DDD

>getting beat on by a manlet

I don't feel like putting it on the line for some western whore.
What are the chances the nigger has his gang on the bus too? I don't feel like getting attacked by multiple niggers at once in the crowded bus space.

he was thicc m8

Hundreds of years being in the wild*

Hardly. Our police force is a fucking joke. The only good thing about them is that they sometimes get triggered so they kill a nigger or kebab.

>I fucking hate cats

Sorry to tell you this mate but you aren't white.

>i love my brain parasite so much !

>I'm not going to go get beat up by some feral nigger just so that dumb bitch can laugh at me and forget I exist in five minutes.

This in action,


Lmfao at your life. Do you honestly think these sluts gives a FUCK about you "defending their honour" or "fighting for their rights" ONLINE?

These girls wouldn't give you the TIME OF DAY in real life, and you STILL white knight for them online. LMFAO. You're PATHETIC. We don't even know the story behind these videos. The reality is likely that these women simply just wanted to date the Islamic conquerors, but got butthurt when they realised Muslims practise polygamy and obviously watched other girls too, so the Mujahideen had to take action when they started acting up.

You do realise, these same women who are getting "harmed " (lmfao, implying they don't WANT it) by immigrants are the same ones who laughed at/ignored you in school right? Lmfao. They HATE you, but you're such a pathetic white knight that you STILL start beating your chest and acting tough to "defend" them, when in reality these women want NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. LMFAO.

>be white
>get nigger'd
lol dumb fucking crackers

>he fondles cat shit

what's going on in this webm? Is the black guy a trumps supporter or what? Why is that other guy holding a card with trump's face?