Lauren southern cut off sky news for being "racist"

This is what she said:

“I don’t know why legal immigration even exists anymore when I can just put on some bronzer, get on a dingy boat and just show up at the beaches of Sicily with the Koran in my hand.”

Other urls found in this thread:

Hitler had it right.
A strong national state is necessary to keep the countries integrity intact.

>“I don’t know why legal immigration even exists anymore when I can just put on some bronzer, get on a dingy boat and just show up at the beaches of Sicily with the Koran in my hand.”

The host went apeshit afterwards on twitter, calling her a dirty racist. Her cognitive dissonance must still be ringing in her ears.

5/7, would wife and breed with.

Her point would have stuck much better if she didn't use the racial undertones.

The video title is wrong. Lauren is Canadian.

Surprisingly good post. Not usually a fan of this shill.

Never censor yourself. Trump taught us this. What she said is true, if you're a white and from kosovo you'll be shipped back but if you're dark they'll give you it all on a silver platter.

Lauren southern is great

Why should the truth be censored? This IS a racial issue.

But the masses that she's speaking to do not understand that.

She has everything to lose with them if she comes off as racist.

She could have simply said 'I could get on a dingy boat and just show up at the beaches of Sicily and they'd accept me.'

That strikes the point home without losing anybody that's listening.

>no I won't have that on my progrum

Wew shut down so fucking hard how will she ever recover

>tone policing
fuck off.

the word "racist" loses it's power with every passing day.

But she couldn't
She would legitimately have to be brown and have a goat bible to get in
Being a Muslim = potential terrorist = instant refugee anywhere pls don't bomb us

But they wouldn't accept her if she's white. That's the point she's making.

People are such pussies today. Conditioned by the ((tolerant)) jew into being sheep led by how they were told to feel.

Lauren makes a good point and the she-cuck feels her conditioning kick in. Lauren didn't say anything bad but instead it was the tone of her voice that looked down on how the liberals run the country

The quicker this unchecked immigration crashes our society the quicker we can get back to running it right.

The stereotypes are warranted if they're backed up by statistics. Are the majority of these immigrants not brown muslims?

it's the first opening salvo in any debate with a leftist. it already has lost it's meaning with anyone center or right. it will just make people identify as racist.

That's just fucking hilarious. I actually think she is right, you would get sent back if you were from Canada and you showed up on a dingy. You have to be from some hellhole like Somalia, that's who these countries want to let in.

My congratulations to SKY on their demonstration of the Streisand effect.

What Southern said is true, end of.

It was worth it, as more people heard her "racist" comment since she was banned. Who the fuck even watches SkyNews anyways? More people saw this interview because she was banned.

What she said wasn't false. Faggot liberals just can't stand hearing the truth

That fucking Britcuckette.

As much as I love the motherland, sometimes it seems nowhere is more pathetically cucked than Britain.

SkyNews is always doing that shit. They cut heather mac donalds feed and acted like nothing ever happened and went right into the next story.

Top kek for lauren.

It's been popping up more and more lately, they're trying so hard. "But isn't he racist? Didn't he say something racist? You're not racist are you? That's racist!"

Its not going to push anyone towards being racist, just away from being a 'progressive'

A fundamentalist religion isn't a race. A culture isn't a race. The left assumes we're all racist because we haven't learned, and stormfags assume were not racist because we haven't learned, but the reality is that we know both sides and we know greed doesn't care about family or race or tribe.

>nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
What the fuck, did she have some kind of fucking seizure?

religion = / = race

It was glorious how fast that snowballed during Brexit.

>Anyone who supports leave is a racist and leftists don't care about letting it known
>The vast majority of people who voted leave knew they weren't racist/didn't care if they were called racist
>Leftists go full panic mode and throw racist out even more
>Every accusation turns it more into a cliche
>Leftists start getting laughed at and even more of those voting leave didn't care if they were called racist
>Leftist go on a new plan of attack and throw out xenophobic
>Instantly combated with "How?"
>Meme definitions did no good and they still got laughed at
>Switch tactics to bigot
>Evidently, and embarrassingly, don't know the definition of it
>Give it a new definition of "anyone who disagrees with me is a bigot"
>Don't see the irony in it
>The left

I honestly can't describe it any other way except glorious.

>tfw the left tried the old November surprise with Jo Cox
>tfw sacrifice completely in vain
>tfw leftists even more of a laughing stock

Lauren is so fucking hot

I don't know why those Niggers keep pouring in now after they closed so many borders, they get stuck in Italy & just wonder around, i heard some of them get jobs given to them by the Mafia

nyen nanoneoneaoneasnoneaosne
"We can't say things like the truth on my program, I won't have it!"

>[coalburning intensifies]

Sky News is a Marxist propaganda outlet. Why is this surprising. Censorship and name-calling is literally their only debate tactic.

It's not like governments aren't blatantly using racial undertones to determine who's a legitimate refugee.

>i heard some of them get jobs given to them by the Mafia
Sounds like a good movie.

nice 1488

God Lauren has such a cumshot worthy face

>But the masses that she's speaking to do not understand that.
and they never will if you keep being PC.

Fuck with your reddit memes, you stupid shitskin

Ha, dumb Lauren Southern, what a hateful moron.

Kay Burley's twitter is pretty funny right now as she retweets some of the bad reactions she gets, presumably to "show how big meanies my opponents are" but it just makes a lot of funny and valid criticisms visible.

Mixed race fellow here
I want to get with Lauren so bad.

On another note, Lauren looks like she gives great blowjobs. I don't why.

It's not even an exaggeration.

She is so amazing.

Don't worry lads, soon we will be able to drag these 'journalists' from their homes and work and lynch them live on television.

nothing she said was wrong

let the fires rise boys


The racial element of her remark is important; if idiots can't get it, too bad.


Yeah sure

>from Kosovo

92% of the population there is Albanian.

Albanians are not white.

Sup Forums BTFO
today is a good day

The left will brand you a racist regardless. Even having an immigration policy is considered racist

Censoring yourself is like bleeding around a shark. You don't put yourself on the defensive.

Neither are you, shitskin s*rb.

no she doesn't, she's pure.

She is an insufferable snide cunt. She doesn't do interviews. She does interrogations or softballs.

That's a neat flag you got there, shiptar.

You know why it's there?

Кocoвo јe Cpбијa.

Keep telling yourself that, buddy. A 21st century woman is never pure. I'm sure she's had a bbc or two.

She's obviously shitposting irl. You're not supposed to be A FUCKING LEAF irl.

There are companies who provide the travel and accommodation arrangements for illegal immigrants. They agree to unenforceable contacts in their home countries.

Human trafficking is a huge industry. Some operations are worse than others. All are pretty shitty.

Lauren Southern strikes me as an entitled daddy's girl. She seems to have a lot of anger, probably because no matter how much she bleaches her hair to try and be one of the popular kids, she's let down by her face and voice, which are (and even her supporters should admit this) a bit fucking weird.

This is correct.

Calling everyone who disagrees with you a "Nazi Racist" literally means nothing in today's society, so they need to invent new slander buzzwords, such as they have chosen "Alt-Right".

all women are appearance obsessed memes

at least some are somewhat redpilled instead of 100% bluepilled
take what you can get

>shilling your Jewish plant this hard

The host is 65 years old. What a GILF.

I'm from Sandzak nigger. When you are on Kosovo soil it shows Albania, as it should.

chubby lauren

Lauren Southern called out the chads in a recent video

awww, she just a cutie there.

It's THICC - not chubby. Chubby is incendiary.

Young? Bitch looks at least 30

I would like to have consensual sex with Lauren, if you catch my meaning.

I want to kiss her on the mouth

not even muslims like them

pic related

>Lauren is so fucking hot

If Trudeau won, every girl would look like this

>if Trudeau won being killed, right? Because then he wins?

in the missionary position I bet

you filthy fucker


Exactly, maybe some cheeky spooning afterwards.

Canada is in the continent of North America.

We believe Canada to be its own continent. American =/= Canadian

Do you which video?


Baby boomer liberals are the fucking worst.

Those age lines on her face are disconcerting. I would have fucked her ten years ago, not now. Bad investment


Lauren is type of qt you'd make love to rather than just fuck.

>Black people
>in Langley
Top kek

try being a white refugee

fucking cuck

A fucking leaf IRL wouldn't make such a valid statement as she did

Literally nothing wrong with what she said

No, Canada is American.

>no no no no, you're not saying things like that on my show

>my arguments can't hold up against an open debate


Laura Southern is a crypto Jew you can tell that much from her physical features. She just dyes her hair blonde and everyone falls for it. Danes do not look like Laura Southern.

>Neither are you, shitskin s*rb.

Serbs are the lost tribe of Aryans.

Didn't some dude literally put on spray tan and dress as Osama Bin Laden and cross the Rio Grande unchecked?

damn didn't know lauren was this based


> Your tone is mean wahhh :(
Fuck off faggot.

no sorry

might have been a feminism one

>implying white women don't travel out of town for bbc.