>mfw this actually came out
Mfw this actually came out
Soooo whats the next one going to be about?
i've never even seen any of the sequels, just the first one. are any of them worth watching?
If you liked the first one, two and three are worth watching for some light entertainment. Not alone obviously. Four and five are not. They should not have been made. It's actually incredible that another was made after the utter trainwreck that was the fourth movie. I watched it out of pure incredulous curiosity and it's somehow even fucking worse than the fourth one was. Cynical cashgrab. Does Johnny Depp really need the money?
Yep, he even signed up for Invisible Man in Universal's Dark Universe possibly upcoming movie.
on the final adventure of jack and orlando/knightly version kai tyrannical take over, best case scenario jack become the knowledgeable old man like Barbossa
Do you like will turner and Elizabeth swann? If skip 2 and 3, do you want more jack which is not as good as the first? than go 4th, if you want 1 -4 plot rolled into one with more will Elizabeth second edition remakes couple watch the 5 th.
do I need to watch part 4 to understand 5?
NO 4th is pure jack kino
2 and 3 are will turner and swann movies, 5 is 1-4 plots mixed with a remaking of turner swann couple.
Right now we don't know if they're gonna make another one. They're waiting to see how the movie will sell on home release.
I want the series to end. They're already in 1750s. Almost Seven Years War. If they're gonna make another one they need to address something that they only mentioned in the third one. It's over for pirates.
I'm not joking, if you liked the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie you are legitimately subhuman. There's having shit taste and then there's that. Your judgement is completely flawed. You are dangerously stupid. You should not be allowed to vote, and your freedom of speech should be taken away from you. You are a failure of a person. Not a joke. Please consider suicide if you liked that movie.