Hey Sup Forums, over at Sup Forums we were this discussing if ths character is Ymir, so does it look white to you?
Hey Sup Forums, over at Sup Forums we were this discussing if ths character is Ymir, so does it look white to you?
dont even start with that attack on titan shit they are suppose to be german and mainland european
Keep shitskins out of anime
Just another tanned german
Well, there was also a mass influx of near by Asians countrys, they even state how rare pureblood Asians are
>not politics
is annie a jew or italian?
Ymir is white you fucking retard. God, get back into your containment board already jesus fuck.
She's Dutch.
Italian - German
I concede
Annie a cute.
Why are the ears white
im pretty sure shes south east asian or russian you stupid fucking idiots
> basing nationalities based on animu shit
Why are her ears so white compared to the rest? What a retarded shadow
Her name is Ymir she's fucking Scandinavian
Here eyes are light enough to look into so she's a go
That's her actual skin color. Her face is in the shadow.
All the characters except for Mikasa are Caucasian
It's even a plot point of the story if you've been paying attention
Turk you fucking idiot
you know black people can also have blue eyes
That's Eren
>stabs in the back
The nose knows
>what are shadows and five-tone-shading?
not uno
Obviously mixed raced with negroid features slaped on a white base.Not white.
>here eyes
EH is canon.
only jews are (((Aaron))), (((Levy))), and (((Kenny))). Mikasa is a half jew.
she is not black
Eren's not a Jew. He's German, Russian, and Spanish.
Eren is misspelled (((Aaron))). He's jewish.
Mikasa is asian
Literally half japanese and half Jew. Her father was an (((Ackerman))) and mother was Japanese.
(((You))) know Japanese directors don't choose these names to make them Jewish right?
They are just fancy names that sound cool to Japanes people
Looks like a spic
Note pic related, especially outlined ears.
Note that ears are white while face is dark.
Artist is attempting to show face in shade. Obviously used wrong color tone to express this.
Conclusion: character is white.
Dude. I have a friend named Aaron and he's not Jewish. People just choose fucking names they like. I knew a guy in high school named Levi. As far as I could tell he wasn't Jewish, he looked like your typical masculine German boy with some Italian thrown in there. Light hair, light eyes, typical white person nose and eye shape, etc.
They ain't Jewish.
>Manlet is humanity's strongest warrior
Sup Forums BTFO
In the attack on titan universe? If so, i never heard there we're any countries but just 3 big walls.
unsure about marlo. His nose combined with popular medieval hairstyle made me think he was french, like something out of a charlemagne period painting
Is Danzo redpilled, Sup Forums?
This manga author is brutally intent with characters nationalities. Levy being an (((Ackerman))) and looking like Hitler is no coincidence for example.
Armin is the purest shingeki in every single way, even racially. German and Swedish (non-cucked version). Blessed be.
Future daughter.
Given Name AARON
GENDER: Masculine
USAGE: English, Jewish, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
OTHER SCRIPTS: אַהֲרֹן (Hebrew), Ααρων (Ancient Greek)
PRONOUNCED: AR-ən (English), ER-ən (English) [key]
Meaning & History
From the Hebrew name אַהֲרֹן ('Aharon) which is most likely of unknown Egyptian origin. Other theories claim a Hebrew derivation, and suggest meanings such as "high mountain" or "exalted". In the Old Testament this name is borne by the older brother of Moses and the first high priest of the Israelites. He acted as a spokesman for his brother, and carried a miraculous rod. As an English name, Aaron has been in use since the Protestant Reformation.
There aren't many "Aarons" in japan
It doesn't take place in Japan, retard. Also
It's not pronounced Ar-en, it's Er-en, which is English. So fuck off and die. There are no jews in the series, Isayama literally supports Hitler.
For example
cool choice of screencaps brah
she's literally just of roman decent
You just know that boipussy was wrecked when they were in training
> It doesn't take place in japan
no Shit genius. That's my point. Japanese people associate the name with Jews. It is literally the most Jewish name some one could think of and Eren is a misspelling or alternate spelling of it.
> boipussy
That word slays boners
How do you think he passed the physical exams? By training? Please.
Shadis has never seen such glorious boipussy in his life.
No it's not, literally the most Jewish name I can think of is Shapiro which is a surname. Let me guess, you're going to tell me my uncle named Arin is a Jew too, right? Oh wait, no he's not!
But his surname though. Well one of them since the manga/anime/light novel can't agree on that.
Rico is Polish right?
you might have jewish Heritage user. That or your family are hardcore Religious wackos that take old testament names for their children.
> there are jews and the author is not a Hitler fan boy. Levy is a Jewish Hitler figure.
not pure blood
What surname did he have in the manga?
Sand apparently. It's Freudenberg everywhere else.
>self-destructive infiltrators that are envious of and only seek to destroy german society
>not the most obvious metaphor for mudslimes ever
I'd go with the manga name but Freudenberg isn't necessarily jewish.
I'm not sure what Sand comes from though. I'm still thinking Marlo and Hitch are French until new evidence points otherwise. Their quick surrender points towards French
He is not a manlet, he was malnourished as a child, he still has tall genetics.
Mikasa is the least white character in the anime but in the live action movie the girl who plays her is the most white actor
Polish or some other Eastern European ethnicity.
It started out as Freudenberg, was changed to Sand, and was changed back to Freudenberg.
the only redpilled shounen is FMA
Fuck that little shit for being alive while Based Aryan Commander died
It's a better fate than the one I thought he was going to get. I was almost positive he was going to be made into the next villain.
>Mangaka is a girl
I like that .gif but I wasn't referring to brotherhood
this nigga knows whats up
Nah the way u see it, he shouldn't been dragged to the rooftop in the first place. Him being there cheapen the drama regarding the syringe. We all knew who was going to get it even though what Armin went through was really unrealistic. His death on the battlefield and having those daddy memories while dying would have been better.
He got to choose. That made it the superior ending for him. His self Sacrifice removed doubt that he ever could have become the villain and gave him a brave hero's death.
are you blind? clearly poo coloured
>giving norse names to brown characters, not german, norse.
Dreyse is definitely German. Hitch isn't a fucking name and probably a pun on how 'bitch' is used as an equivalent to 'slut' in Japan.
He never got the choice, his fate was chosen by Manlet because of muh ocean. What made you think he would be a villain though?
The SnK threads on Sup Forums became fucking mini-tumblrs YEARS ago so it's no wonder you retards are even entertaining this thought because tumblr for some reason wants to make everyone a nigger, but no, she is white. Her face is in shadow in that shot and you can simply look at the goddamn ears to see that.
No. Why does she have a boy's name.
>Japanese people associate the name with Jews
Japanese just associate all the names with white people user. They don't know about jews in detail.
When Mikasa was kidnapped. Mom was full Nip, she's a halfNip