If you were forced to live somewhere in the Middle East for the rest of your life, where would it be?

If you were forced to live somewhere in the Middle East for the rest of your life, where would it be?

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None I'd just kill myself




Dubai.. duh.


Make Lebanon christian again

United Arab Emirates. You get shitload of oil money from the gov till the death and not ask for anything back.

>no major terrorist attacks in recent years except at the Syrian border
>high human development
>beautiful landscapes
>king is a sky diver and trekkie

The UAE, is this a trick question?

Underrated post

United Arab Emirates


hands down


Sweden. Only an hour away.

I actually chose this :^)

What are you talking about?
You earn money like everywhere else, but pay 0% tax

Israel no fucking shit

As long as you don't fuck with em and stay away from Hasids, Israeli jews keep to themselves and run a p good democracy.

Plus Israel is paradise, always 70-80 degrees

Israel, so I could stab a bunch of pretend-Jews from Russia, Poland and the US before I get shot by the Israeli terrorist forces.

Yes, I am arab. Yes, I hate Israel. Yes, I consider all Israeli jews legitimate targets as they were/are all part of the terrorist organiztion IDF


saudi arabia cause polygamy and i can accuse my bitch of adultery and have her killed by the legal system if she steps out of line

Israel for sure.

>saudi arabia cause polygamy

Only for Muslims and the same law applies in all Sharia countries - For muslims.

I've been to Dubai. It has no soul. Honestly, if it wasn't for the Arab-Israeli conflict I'd much rather live in a beautiful and cultural city like Haifa or Tel-Aviv, Damascus pre-civil war was quite nice too. Dubai is so boring after you've seen all the skyscrapers and visited the malls.


US military bases are close by



Reported to the mossad. Enjoy getting poisoned

That depends what you make of it I guess. There are lots of mountains to see, oceans to swim/dive in and deserts to camp in around Dubai.
Other than that there are tons of other things to do than skyscrapers and malls in Dubai city, there are concerts and events all the time for instance.
I am originally from your brother country and I found that to be very dull compared to here. I tried moving back but got bored after just 2 months. That and all my tax free money buys me trips to all sorts of exciting vacations.

Saudi Arabia or somewhere in the Emirates like Qatar. I don't drink and the wages are about the same as in Norway.

I would kill myself

I'm going there in about 2 weeks for the oil & gas conference. What should I do in the week I'm there?

Saudi Arabia

It's literally Sup Forums the country

Shut up leech
> inb4 a jew calling another "person" a leech

The Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Mossad is useless. Last time the Mossad came to Norway to murder someone they murdered a resturant owner from greece or something while in reality they were looking for some arab.

And the mossad agents managed to get caught by the police as well. I bet they stayed in prison for 8 years or some insanely long prison sentence like that. (we are extra hard towards murderers in Norway... But a prison year in Norway is 9 months, so it's not as harsh as it initially sounds like)

Dubai, Kuwait or Qatar.

How's the market for non-Arabic speaking chemists is Dubai? No taxes sounds like a dream

>consider all Israeli jews legitimate targets
>Cry like a bitch to the media when IDF kills your family

Depends what you like to do. At that time it's probably still too hot to do much outdoors activity.
For the next month I'll probably just be drinking and eating while waiting for it to cool down.

Top kek.
Also, pay debts


> Ahmed in Norway pulling the royal we

Kuwait is almost as bad as Saudi Arabia and it's boring as fuck.
You'd probably want to switch that to Bahrain if you insist on 3 countries.

No idea about chemists, but English is more widely spoken than Arabic here and both Arabic and English are official languages in Dubai so language shouldn't be a problem. I hear it's different in some of the other Emirates though.
As for jobs, just imagine they need to import most professions and you probably don't want an underpaid laborer from Bangladesh to handle your chemistry.


Hard to decide between Lebanon and Israel.


What do you work with?

I'm a software developer

Sometimes I see israeli tourists in downtown Oslo and I pick up my phone and start talking arabic while looking at them. They always start worrying. Top kek. One time a jewish guy at local kebab shop just walked away from his order when he heard us say jew and israel in arabic.

It's not easy being a hero when you don't have an army of terrorists to hide behind as you steal land.

It wasn't me talking though. There are other Norwegians here. And trust me Vladimir, Ahmed is as much related to Norway as you Europeans and Americans are to the Middle-East.

How did you get a job in UAE btw? I am thinking of working in the Middle-East to get some sun. Mu skin color was not made for Norwegian winters.


Post skin tone

I just moved here and started applying for jobs, if you're in IT it's really easy.
Just remember there are around 3 months a year where you get very little sun because it's 45 degrees and crazy humid outside. The rest of the year is great though.

Yes. I am arab.

I actually like the 45 degree weather. I like to take short walks outside when it's 40+ degrees when I am in the Middle-East.

Hands down the UAE.

Where in the Middle-east? 45 degrees and 80% humidity will make you sweat by just standing still.

What about closest ally?

My hero.

Where are you from originally?


UAE. There aren't many other places in the ME one can go to these days without getting robbed or kidnapped or killed. I used to go to Syria before too. But they don't have as much humidity.

What kind of software dev do you do btw? Webdev?

In the Holy Kingdom

Fuck Dubai. Id much rather live in Leboshit, than Dubai. I went to Dubai a few years ago to visit my sister who used to work there as a doctor. Its literally one of the most artifical places on earth. Theres no culture, and so many pretentious sand niggers who think theyre the shit for being born in a banana state thats wealthy only because of oil and westerners who pretty much run that city. Not to mention the shitty religious rules thats applied to non muslims. A week in Dubai made me appreciate life in the west. I went to lebanon for a week after. Beautiful lebanese christian women everywhere, and it had a real party scene. And it also had beautiful tourist areas aswell. The locals were friendly. Not to mention even the mudshits there were a little less crazy than in most areas of the middle east

Yes, Lebanon is the best arab country, mainly because of his christian population that has a bit of french culture

Israel bringing the bants


Not giving you any more info, you sneaky Mossad spy.

I enjoy traveling to Lebanon. Bahrain and Qatar has also been okay.
Fullstack, mainly backend.

Reminder: Dubai is a city and an Emirate. Also Lebanon is very nice, but not very stable right now.

Do you speak Arabic now?

No. Never had the need. I know a few common words, but not much.

Israel, obviously

Ive spoken to an Emirati who told me that alot of Arabs dont trust Arab women from former french colonies like Lebanon and Morroco, since for some reason, french rule made women from those countries alot more sluttier. The french corrupted all its colonies with degeneracy.

But I thought the Mossad is useless?

I am genuinely interested, what motivates you to hate?

This. I've been to Jordan. It's not great, but it feels relatively first world and the people are chill.

UAE or Qatar.

They're the least fucked and there's also good money to be made.

Israel, obviously.
Also, Palestine is , when????

Flag is flipped the wrong way dipshit

I wasn't the one who said Mossad is useless, it was another guy from Norway.

My hate is fueled by Europeans like Lieberman or Americans such as pic related thinking they have a God given right to settle the West-Bank (and treat the locals as subhumans) because their very very distant ancestors lived in that general area centuries and millenniums ago.

But besides that I don't hate Israelis. I just hate racists such as Lieberman, Netanyahu, the inbred American Naftali Bennet and people of similar mindset.

Forgot pic. Jews lived in the West-Bank 2000 years ago, therefore I must have the right to live there because 1/1000 of my ancestors lived on that land. Nevermind I am an American caucasian.

Have you ever been confronted about it, leech?

I just grabbed the first non-svg result.

How do they feel about spics are there even any out there?


relatively stable, least retarded about sharia law and I speak french so I can get by. Plus lebanese girls are cute

Are you religious? Do you attend service every Friday?

Israel, because Jewish and Polish cultures are identical : - )

They're fine about almost any nationality except the obvious one.
There are people from everywhere but I haven't met any Mexicans yet, but quite a few Colombians during the last World Cup (we were watching Colombia play someone).

Just to add, Sharia law is only for muslims in the UAE.

Never. But once one muscular tourist dude was looking at me in a really threatening way because I was looking at a kid walkiong alongside him wearing a kippa.

I had never ever seen someone in Jewish attire in that part of Oslo, so no wonder I was looking. Never-mind I was wearing my job entry card on my neck. The idiot probably had been ingrained
to believe everyone who looks like an arab wants to kill them. The level of delusion and fear-mongering in the jewish community is astounding. You're all brainwashed to believe everyone is out to get you. That's why I can just talk arabic in a phone to scare away your people for fun.

No. Religion is cancer, and it's funny how it came to bite you back in the ass several times as you are the source behind christianity and islam.


Swiggity swooty I'm coming for that Djibouti.

I know, I'm referring to general attitude from muslims about it. I'm not super comfortable living among a bunch of people that consider an old book the ultimate source of law (I'm close enough to america as is)

pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/07/22/muslims-and-islam-key-findings-in-the-u-s-and-around-the-world/ (29% compared to anyone else in the region is 50%+)

>relatively stable


They had the 80s version of the SCW and they have a ridiculous political system involving quotas which will fall apart the moment the demographics no longer fit.

Also it's practically run by Hezbollah

I'm aware. I mean modern times, the quota system is ridiculous but it's holding the place together for now.

re: hezbollah I'd go to the north, not the south.

Lebanon or Israel for sure

Probably Syria.

That way, I could claim refugee status and go live in Germany instead.

Why u do dis? :(




Tbh nowhere in the middle east is safe at the moment. The regional powers are gearing up for war. The time has come for the Sunni-Shia clusterfuck which has been brewing for 1300 years.

I'm 99% sure this is why the Iranians were given the go-ahead to build nukes. It's a last ditch attempt by America to prevent a General ME War by MAD. It will fail.

> The idiot probably had been ingrained to believe everyone who looks like an arab wants to kill them
you said it yourself
> Yes, I consider all Israeli jews legitimate targets as they were/are all part of the terrorist organiztion IDF
Oy vey, Arab caught being hypocritical, what a surprise