Why do edgy teenagers love this movie so much?
Why do edgy teenagers love this movie so much?
I don't understand Sup Forums's contrarianism about this movie. It's vastly more interesting that most of the crap Hollywood churns out.
It's just bait.
>the cuck killed himself
Do teenagers even watch older movies much? The ones I know rarely ever can get past the current blockbusters or new netflix shows. I would be surprised if many teenagers are aware of this movie at all.
it's a movie that shows a high school boy who's oh so much smarter and better than the other students and who also gets a cute gf. It's not rocket science why they love it.
Donnie Darko is a movie for dumb people who think they are smart.
It spouts some pseudo-scientific terminology and suddenly the watcher is an expert on quantum mechanics. I've seen it over and over again from people who've never read anything but a text in their lives.
The movie itself isn't bad, as someone else mentioned its pretty good compared to most hollywood crap, it just draws the absolute worst sort of morons who don't even realize their morons as its fanbase. I don't mind Star Trek either but seeing two adults having a klingon wedding, raising their child to speak klingon as their native tongue, makes me want to time-travel to shoot Roddenberry in the face when he was in his crib.
Chut up
More interesting doesen't make it good, the dialogue and writing in general is awful