Are these the worst countries on earth?
I swear these 2 counties are devoid of any testicles. (white man testicles)
Every time I see a swede or German posting I can't help but to feel disgusted.
Are these even "people" even considered whites now?
Are these the worst countries on earth?
I swear these 2 counties are devoid of any testicles. (white man testicles)
Every time I see a swede or German posting I can't help but to feel disgusted.
Are these even "people" even considered whites now?
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Swedish politicans are really degenerate, but they never do the shit they talk about, however Britain is a different story.
Swedish And German awakening when?
Mix that in with a British Civil War.
Sweden is lost.
Whiter than you González.
The thing is, the world is not inherented by the meek, or the righteous, the good, the evil, but by those who survive and prosper.
Both the Germans and the Swedes have actually already passed the demographic Rubicon (irreversible trends to minority youth in their respective States) so it doesn't really matter what they think, say or do; they won't survive. Literally who cares about a soon to vanish people?
I used to have contempt or pity, but now ; indifference, why do such a spinless, pathetic weaklings even deserve our thoughts?
They won't resist, they won't fight and any state that ceases to be organic implodes after 2 generations (including the US don't forget it was Nordic only until 60s) anyway.
They deserve the endless pain that awaits them; wiped out by your own state? How weak can you get?
politicians doesn't represent the people
For former white nations, yes.
Nothing beats africa in degeneracy.
I can literally hear the sound of your neckbeard stroking the keys as you typed that.
You're fucking fedorable.
You'll get wiped out by Abdullahs dick far sooner than us, you fucking britbong muslim shit.
Enjoying your Sharia courts and 1400 children raped by mudshits yet? Oh wait, I'm sure you're the one commiting the rapings due to,
My ass crack is whiter than you, Achmed.
He's right you fucking prepubescent child.
t. Hassan al-fadir
Eat me.
Lots of good German posters on this board, I'd say over 50%. Not their fault their country is going the way it is.
DESU we're too afraid of our police and our society to do anything. Like the rest of you, we're working without a net.
>not their fault they're letting a psycho zog bitch flood their country with niggers and muslims
Yes it is.
There is hope!
And yet I'm right.
>t. Abekwombe Mugabe
we've already lost
I'd take weapons for whoever will be invading my country because even that can only be better than defending this retards that are currently living and voting here.
Hey dat's pretty neat!
By 'their country' they mean Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan