Why soldiers of Odin? Didn't the Mongols or whatever the Finns are have their own religion?

Why soldiers of Odin? Didn't the Mongols or whatever the Finns are have their own religion?

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Cucked by Swedes.
Man, it's weird to write that.

>Soldiers of Tengri

The mongols had no religion.

It says Odin right there.

But that was after they became Christian, right?

I thought this was jsut a political group and they didn't literally worship Odin? At least not as a principle of the group.

>who is tengri the sky father

We DID have our own religion until Christcucks eliminated it

They dont literally worship Odin. He was remarking on the choice of deity only. It makes sense though. SoO is about as big in Sweden as it is in Finland.

Notice anything odd between Sweden and Finland?


convert back dude

dont you guys have freedom of religion in your constitution

They have had some cross pollination through out the years. Same reason the Norges worship the Jewish Sand God instead of their old gods.

nah they are atheist for the most part

shouldn't it be children of khan??

White Nationalist groups tend to employ pagan symbols (mostly because they have a fascination with Nazism and the associated Germanic/Nordic mythology)

Paganism is of course stupid, and it really has no theology or teaching, or true followers, and didn't contribute anything of note to European development.

These people are so frustrating: they insist on trying to tie every modern resistance movement back to things that failed in the past. Whether it's Odin, red armbands, some new logo with a lightning bolt pattern, military surplus combat boots, or confederate flags: they're symbols of failed movements, failed ideas, and failed people. These items are waved around, unironically by these idiots: they're trying to embrace the past the same way a socially awkward teenager would adopt an affectation. If they found an old pocket watch their grandfather owned, they would no doubt wear it around, oblivious to the fact that their nostalgia marks them as socially clueless.

But they're worse than that, they're fetishizing failure.

This is why I hate white nationalists.


t. Qing Xiaoping

>convert back dude

Neopaganism is utter retardation, most often just fantasy larp make belief. The original ways have been lost to time, there's no written records for any of it.


Is that not just your opinion?

In the 12th century a lot of Swedes were still pagan.
In 1160 a king was assassinated by a pagan usurpator, I think.

praise tengri my fellow yellow skinned slant eyed friends!

>Is that not just your opinion?

As far as finnish muinaisusko goes, nope. It was an oral tradition instead of written down, and none of it survived to this day.


So you are saying there's even less left than Norse mythology and such?


You can't just 'convert' to a religion because you like the idea of tying it to your racial identity.

To be a member in a religion, to be a believer requires just one thing: a sincere belief that the religion is 100% true, and that it's an accurate depiction of how the world works.

A religion is not a brand, a religion is not an identity, it's a system of beliefs about the creation, order, and structure of the universe.

Unless you have a literal, demonstrable belief that there's nature spirits flying around, and that there's a group of deities who are kind of like God, except not as powerful, and somehow interfere in human events and wrestle giant snakes and get into mischief - you are not a fucking pagan. Nobody's a pagan anymore because nobody sincerely believes it. Paganism was nonsense, it was a collection of campfire stories, early European folklore, and old wives tales - it's no more real than the tooth fairy or Santa Claus.

It survived under the knowledge of Ior Böck's family! (Well, perhaps not the muinaisusko, but definetely there was something else, kek)

This is just your opinion.

Unfortunately thats the case. From Norse mythology quite a lot is preserved through Codex Regius and such, while no equivalent exists for Finnish mythology really. There's Kalevala, but its not really the same. Partly thats because of us. After Reformation we didnt really like that the finns worshipped trees or whatever, and told them to stop.

The first rule of saunasolmu is to not talk about the saunasolmu. Otherwise the kyynjuonti loses its shamanistic magick.

high priest of finland

What type of finnish magick is this?

The best kind.

>While the men would learn how to "curl up" in a "sauna-knot" and drink directly from their "clubs", the women would normally ingest their mahla, female ejaculation, with a straw. According to the Bock Saga this used to be a collective tradition amongst men and women, where "heart-friends" (of the same sex) would share each others liquids as a special favor and sacrament, to enhance their respective fertility and vitalize their neurologic energy. The saga claims that within the heathen cultures this recycling of sperm and sap was obligatory at the age of 7, when it was combined with yoga exercises.

Who is this semen demon?

>the women would normally ingest their mahla, female ejaculation, with a straw

i don't know, some random mongol i found on interweb
praise tengri!


Are you racist towards our traditions? What do you know ignorant white American

I'm sorry my mongol friend. If I can vitalize my neurologic energies and enhance my fertility, I guess swallowing some female ejaculation is but a small price to pay.

That's only for girls, user. But we can be heart-friends, go ahead, partake of my club.


Then the Germans came in and destabilized the area, took some land, hatched some prussianeggs and layed the groundwork for Germany.

I wouldn't mind partaking of your club, but the yoga would be too fucking gay for me.

This is true, but idiots like this still believes religion to be some sort of brand.

Many people only have a superficial view of these things. You are not going to convince anyone who is dumb enough to call themselves pagan. But I am going to save this post, because it contains everything useful to say about these idiots in a very elegant way.


Not an argument.

Nah m8, I'm happy to let you do the work for me :^)


best one so far right here. Looks almost American.

>Ireland does it too

Is this some kind of joke?

tania is still better

i'm pretty sure it's a thing in most EU countries, or that's what i heard like 6 months ago.

>brown eyes

"Soldiers of Ukko" doesn't sound as cool.

doesn't matter

How do I know she doesn't have a penis?



All of this retarded memeing comes from the fact none of you obviously know anything about us.

Dublin was founded by Vikings. Then again I guess that would be like the British adopting Roman paganism.

Maybe if you would open up a little we could get to know you.

I would be willing to try your proud Finnish traditions.

That's a tranny. That's a weak male chin, shoulders slumped forwards to make them seem smaller. Disgusting.

You don't learn anything from this cesspit site. You learn by not being arrogant, first of all, and secondly reading material elsewhere online. The first thing that 99% fail at is they are arrogant and have predetermined ideas about Finland.

That would require quite a lot of vodka and would still most likely result in coma or one side receiving some puukko. Or both.

Calm down friend, they're just memes. I'm aware the people and images on here aren't indicative of the culture in real life.

you really don't know her?

It's just memes, m8. We don't actually believe any of it.

I don't actually think Finns all look like mongols or Spurdos irl and drink nothing but ES.

Funny thing is Thor was a Finnish deity. Taara was worshipped by West Finns.

You don't know flag.
Odin ruled us all, All father when he walked here in our home, his empire went all the way from the ural mountains to here, down to the black sea, germany, saksland,lithuania,poland,ukraine,russia,estland,finland,latvia, parts of romania(vanaheim)....

It's said that great sweden was no less in size than that of serkland(mudshits even before shits, we were their friends back then remember. Our godur is closer to an imam, but not degenerate. To me more I read about shitslam and filter away the semetic filth, believe it or not we influenced them big)... so yeah point is, in great sweden (Stora Sviþjoð) many peoples lived, Odin ruled us all.

You do realize that Odin, thorr and all the æsir and the vanir actually lived right? Read heimskringla mate, it's our fucking bible. I've read it so much so pic realted is 2 years old when I could live home without fear of the security services... PST go fuck your selef ISIS loving fucking AQ cucksuckers. ungreatful fucks

If you meat a tall thin old man with one eye, take his advice and bid him in and give him shelter. The old one still walks here from time to time, I have not met him yet...... I don't want to talk about this, but ... midsummer night.. dog goes nuts... I go outside.. nothing.. but my gods I can sense something.. I will not speak of it ever again. The next day a walking stick was on my lawn, like a staff straight out of the forest.

it's all real I'm not kidding flag. Tell me again that this is not fucking haugamannen/nissen you see here. freeze and see how it tries to avoid the camera.
It's all real mate

Odin has 100 names, "allah" has 99.... this is loki guys

>and drink nothing but ES
This statement has a lot of truth behind it actually.

pic related has the right idea

I drink nothing but kossu.

pfft I know there's also Megaforce and Rodeo and Redbull for the rich fucks.

like loke is the father of both the Fenris wolf, the midgardsormen and Hel. I wouldn't doubt that this trickster appeared down there. Allah is all about deception, they call him the greatest of all deceivers. Damn you Loki! You are bound now til ragnarok, I don't know how you pulled this off, but it all makes so god damn much sense.

Also for christ cucks loki!=satan. Loki is a god that is needed for worse or bad.

>tfw inflation

rip 1€ ES

Yes but those don't have the same legacy as ES.
ES is a meme drink that everyone knows. From elementary kid to sixty year old woman.



>thor was a finnish deity

>[citation needed]

Valtteri Filppula?

>ywn drink ES and shitpost on ylilauta
feels bad, man

Ylis went full shit in 2013 anyway. It is a fucking mess nowadays.

>parts of romania(vanaheim)....


>the whitest god
>from Romania

Drink Finlandia and Red Bull and just post "Ebin :D :D DDDDDD" and "Helvetin ruotsalaiset."

Congrats, you are an honorary Finn :DDDD

Well, if it's a deity historically worshipped by Finns what else is it? Perkele is also "ours". The non-Uralic toponym/ethnonym Suomi/Saami is also "ours".

Ah I'm retarded I thought you meant he came from Finland or something.

apu apustaja is a retarded meme (and literally retarded, kek)

...yet it's grown on me.

Finland is unparalleled when it comes to memes.

I have a copy of that from 1899. First print of the first release in bokmål.

What about the Bock saga?

first there was dolan

>look at this savage venerating his ancestors
>he should convert to my stolen kike religion

huh I don't know so much about your finnic and baltic religions.

But I would not doubt it, thor when he walked in our home, he lived here in Norway. Trudvang. We do not know (yet) where this place was. But they were all over.

And again as I say. Odin, thor and the heathen gods, are not just made up Gods, they are people that walked here, like your jesus. Frey and Freyja were the two last to live here, they both lived when this white christ of yours lived. It's accounted by a peace brokered with the great danish King Frode, odins ættling, about year 0 as confirmed. And after this there was a great propsperous tymu up here, because we were in constant conflict with rome. Again... this shit didn't start in le "viking age" fucking stupid term... åsatru is old, sven here even took a fith of england long before this shit started, I wasn't aware. vidfarne don't remember namu

Odin ruled all, but there were small kings everywhere, yet he was the king of all kings. They didn't actually say king yet, they said drottin like we still say dronning /drottning, while the fucking anglos just call their queen a woman (kvinne).... ugh



OMG! That is something you really should hang on to. I got several but only new ones, the ones inherited ended up elsewhere. I ofc also got the old norse version, which at the time was not easy to get. Same with both eddas and 6 million sagas lol, nah most sagas I have is in modern nork,just reading nork heimskringla now because I forgot the on one at home

then came spurdo

and offshoots like le american bear

will you sell it?


and gondola