"Do you want to be a star when you grow up, Sheldon?"

>"Do you want to be a star when you grow up, Sheldon?"
>"Why would I want to be a luminous sphere ofplasmaheld together by its owngravity?"
>"Oh Sheldon!"

Other urls found in this thread:


>"Father are you going to be watching a match of handegg this Sunday?"
>"What did you just say, son?"
>"Father you are an imbecile please remove yourself from the gene pool."

>it's sodium chloride

>"Are we going to Chucks tonight, father?"
>"Dont you mean "Sneeds"?

>"Are you going to post some BLACKED webms?"

>Don't you mean "Melanin enriched"?


>that episode where the football team runs a train on his sister resulting in his disdain for physical activity
Fucking hell Snyder

"Father, tell me again your stories about the east african private military and the weaponry they used"
"I will treasure these memories father"

>"Sheldon, what are we going to do about the degeneracy problem in the west?"
>"Don't worry, the rising power of Islam will solve it by purging whores and jews and making people subservient to a monotheistic religion again."
>"Oh, Sheldon!"

Glad to see spouting political buzzphrases and calling it comedy traveled from tumblr via reddit to Sup Forums and finally reached Sup Forums

Underrated post

>please remove yourself from the gene pool


>"Sister what are you doing to your countenance?"
>"I'm putting on makeup, Sheldon."
>"Sister you look like a harlot I am going to rape you to teach you a lesson."

not funny

>"Sister to where are you traveling with such exuberant expedience?"
>"I'm going to the abortion clinic to get rid of the tard baby you put inside me when you raped me."
>"Sister no need. I have a coat hanger."

bazinga lol



>"Damn need to put more gas in the car."
>"Father the car is already full of gases like oxygen stop being such a dumb cunt."



>that episode where his mom beat him for not cleaning his room resulting in his germphobia

> That flashback-episode where his mother gets him vaccinated and he got autism. Pure kino!

>"don't you mean you're going to injure my organ systems to the point where my body can't survive?"
>audience laughs as Sheldon's head gets cut off

>Adult Sheldon dresses wearing superhero t-shirts all the time
>Young Sheldon wears the "genius kid" generic outfit

Forced reddit-tier meme is forced

>sheldon's dad: honey, i think our son might be retarded.
>sheldon's mum: you're probably right.

[Audience dies of heart attck produced by non-stop laughter]

>I eventually grew to hate him after I heard him having sex with my sister. I arrived at the house one day, my mother being at work, and heard the sounds of Samuel plunging his penis into my sister’s vagina through her closed room door, along with my sister’s moans. I stood there and listened to it all. So my sister, who was four years younger than me, managed to lose her virginity before I did. It reminded me
of how pathetic I was, that at the age of twenty-two, I was still a virgin. I hated her boyfriend as well. My sister said that he’s been with other girls before her, and I’m sure he lost his virginity at a much younger age. It is such an injustice. The slob doesn’t even have a PHD, and he is able to get girlfriends, while I am a scientist and get no attention from any girls whatsoever.
What the actual fuck Nolan?

>Mama, mama, I love you, mama
>I love you too, young Sheldon
>moçambice, mama

a girl once told me I look like Jim Parsons or something

I mouthed her off

she said
>relax it's a compliment

fuck you, it's not

Glad to see enlightened skeptics like us feel right at home in Sup Forums

Is this about Sheldon or about Elliot Rodger?

not very creative. all you changed was "car" to "phd". (i dont remember if it was car or not but thats the only change i noticed of your incredibly dull and uncreative post)

>it's a sheldor is insecure about still not having lost his virginity so he claims he has but nobody falls for it episode

>hey you look like that bazinga guy
>you mean i have a similar Phenotype to actor Jim Parsons?

>that episode where Shenlong's black genius friend gets bullied out of the science programm by systemic racism

>that episode where Shellfish discovers his love for superheros and his mom says it's alright that he needs a hero after his dad left and Sheldor says he already has a hero and it's his single mom
Just melt my heart up

>reddit spacing

>that episode where Selldom's parents argue about what a failure their son is downstairs and he asks himself whether getting hit by a train hurts or it's just immediate relief
Too much for my taste

>"Sheldon what are you and your schoolmates doing?"
>"Mother we are preparing to run a train on my sister because you know how much I adore locomotives."


>that episode when sheldor helped out those skinheads with their "lab" which ends up exploding during a raid killing 4 people

Why was this never mentioned again? There were implications that the leader of the group was his dad.



why do you keep getting upset, just move along

>le just move along meme

holy reddit it's getting reddit in here

Fuck you. I actually laughed. This is so shit. I hate you for it.

His dad was black?

>retards use trips so we can filter them easily


>only bmwf couples get divorces because Sup Forums told me so
To be 15 again...


>the episode where the kids are in class and they whisper to sheldon a bad word and he blurts it out asking everyone what its definition is

Oh Sheldon, a cunt is a womens vagina.


this show is gonna be a lot slower and more heartfelt than BBT it probably won't be reliant on cheap gags.

>grandfather tell me your war stories
>I remember the day I arrived at Treblinka..

Wait, is this shit real?

If it is, let me find a gun real quick, because BBT is cancer enough, I don't think the universe can survive 2 shows of that quality.

Based sneed poster

Sup Forums is the proverbial bucket catching the leaks from Sup Forums

We have reached peak Sup Forums

>Sheldon, what's that?
>It's tape!

I give this show 1 season at most.


>"Sheldon did you see what Trump did today?"
>"Don't you mean Drumpf?"

>"mother do you happen to have a barrel of gasoline exposed to the air in the house?"
>"I don't think so, Sheldon"
>"then I must conclude you just farted"

>"Who smelt it, dealt it, Shelly!"
>"Bazinga, Mother."


>rape is not funny

I see the nuMales got you. For shame.


>"Father, did you know that the average Negro has an IQ of 82? That's less frames than my Nintendo emulator runs at."
Fucking hell, Raimi

Thanks for your thoughts.