Kombucha was invented to control the population of white people.
White people drinking Kombucha
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komba wut cha?
As a white American, I have no idea what the fuck this is.
the fuck is a kombucha?
What is it?
Oh no you won't take away my fucking kombucha, stupid assburger
It's like a vinegar flavored tea. It's not bad.
Funny. I never had to be taught not to drink my own piss...
That sounds disgusting. I'd rather drink actual tea.
is that ebonics for piss?
just normal tea tea gives you throat cancer. there was an iranian study on it but the jews don't want you to know. stay woke.
It looks like a jar of jarate
Is jarate not piss?
Lel i've been listening to them a lot lately
Chef here,
Currently brewing 40 gallons.
It is a probiotic. Makes your poops better.
Basically the same shit as in that yogurt that jamie lee curtis used to shill.
This shit is disgusting. Anyone who drinks this shit and isn't immediately put off by how putrid it is probably deserves what's coming to them.
It's basically a drink that's alive. It's a pro biotic drink and its tastes like rotten vinegar
>uuuh stop drinking tea
honestly i'd rather be controlled by jews than stop drinking tea
kill yourself
>Oh no you won't take away my fucking kombucha, stupid assburger
Now, that's the toxoplasmosis talking.
If you wanna go with latic acid and fermentation just eat fucking kim chi like a normal person.
>i eat it with sushi all the time
i dont drink anything but beer anyway
You may be awakening.
Just Begun a meditation program and plz be chill
The real world can be quite shocking.
5in cock working at Wendy's with a 6ft cock
I'm white and can confirm this taste like absolute shit and can't possibly be healthy for you
Do you still make the cheesy cheddar burger ?
But all those diet cokes are really good for you.
Fat detected.
Dont be meant to Kombucha-tan!
or you could just brew your own tea like a civilized adult, manbaby detected
>huuuurrrr I only know how to consume mass produced premade drinks from a factory!
I used to drink the world of this shit until they stopped selling it here.
I liek kombucha desu
I was a chef in Portland and that's all I drank. It's like a natural energy drink
I bet you only use organic handcrafted artisan insulin shots to pump into your diabetic fat rolls
It's delicious and very healthy
Not surprising that the piece of shit shills going after Assad, free roaming cats and Trump would also diversify and start attacking free health food
Kombucha is nearly free as you only need a little of it, then sugar and tea to start a brew
Try it, it's fizzly, sour and excellent for your health, especially if you have digestive problems
Some fucking jungle gooks figured out the perfect con. They brew tea, then let it sit out and spoil and then sell it to white people under the guise of "health drink". It's literally spoiled, moldy tea and white people can't get enough. It tastes like a mix of vomit and vinegar, and even still, white people are guzzling it down like no tomorrow.
Why are white people so retarded? I thought they were the master race, Sup Forums? How can the master race be convinced to drink old, moldy tea?
>why have based russians been drinking this for centuries? :^(
>why can't people do what the pharmaceutic-industrial complex tells them to do? :^(
u trollin or are u just a pussy? It's just fermentation, which creates foods such as chocolate, salami, alcohol, yogurt, and other good stuff. A little mold won't hurt ya, though I have to say when it comes to kombucha I'm not normally a fan.
Take ur sanctioned meds nigger.
What is sauerkraut?
What is yogurt?
What is cheese?
What are pickles?
i like it tho. it tastes good and it helps my acid reflux
>very healthy
>excellent for your health, especially if you have digestive problems
However, evidence of kombucha's beneficial effects in humans is absent.[3][7]
Adverse effects associated with kombucha consumption include severe hepatic (liver) and renal (kidney) toxicity as well as metabolic acidosis.[8][9][10] At least one person is known to have died after consuming kombucha, though the drink itself has never been conclusively proved a cause of death.[11][12]
It tastes like sour beer with barely any alcohol. And alcohol is much more of a true poison than kombucha will ever be.
kombu-what? Never heard of it.
exactly. and having a healthy amount of probiotics growing in your GI tract leaves an absence of real-estate so to speak for very harmful bacteria.
literally who?
Looks like piss.
>indians have been shitting in the streets for centuries :^(
>that makes it the normal and good thing to do :^(
>wah why won't you drink this expired tea, stupid goy! It's healthy for you! That's why it costs $5 per 250 mL! It went through a special process of """""blooming""""" that can only be done in a special environment! You're lucky it's only $10 a bottle, it's a steal! Why yes, for just $20 you too can have this bottle of wonderful health and satisfaction! Good go- uh, guy, why not try a sip! If you like it, it's just a one time payment of $50 for this bottle!
Alcohol is fermented to the point all the microorganisms are killed off. This shit is literally just left to spoil, and then served with whatever the hell has been growing in it for the past few weeks. And white """people"""" actually buy it and drink it! They really go you, white man. No wonder you're all going extinct.
>I'm a """""skeptic""""""
*tips fedora*
I'm not a big fan of drinking moldy piss.
Kombucha is zipperhead prison hooch. It tastes like a fart that went up Lena Dunham's sweaty cunt.
It tastes pretty good, I like carbonation. That being said I don't know any of the people that religiously swill it in Brooklyn, if I did I'm sure I wouldn't drink it
>girlfriend buys a bottle
>takes one sip
>hey user try this
>take one sip
>tastes like I'm drinking spoiled disgusting shit
>she agrees
>as I dump it down the sink a horrible smell fills the air
>she laments that she wasted 4 dollars on a disgusting piece of shit
Never again. If you drink this shit you're a retard. Of course some idiot Slavs in the thread think it's delicious, they're barely human anyway.
I'm not saying it's reasonably priced, I'm saying white people have eaten fermented food since the beginning of time.
But you're probably right - Shlomo funded hundreds of studies on the benefits of probiotics to make sure white people continued to eat fermented foods.
Stay woke, Hamburglar
This is one of those vaguely-Hindu beverages found in the hippie section of the grocery, right?
i like it so i drink it sometimes
It's hippy spiritual vegan drink you buy at whole foods. Drinking it makes you 10% more enlightened and up your own asshole than everyone else.
>mom makes plum kombucha
>tastes like carbonated slightly alcoholic plumb juice
Don't drink it though even though every time I'm over she tries to get me to take gallons of it home.
>it looks like Janken
>it has """"""cultures""""""
>White People
people who choose to ingest this deserve to get diarrhea
I have never heard of this and im sure most other people in the UK have never heard of this ?
Is it some Burger cuck thing ?
It's an urban hipster faggot thing.
>t. wikipedia
Straight from the pharmaceutic-industrial complex's mouth
Shills' masters must really be on suicide watch if they push forward their agenda this much :DDD
Reminder that Kombucha is basically free (tea+sugar), delicious and healthy
the shit is nasty who would even drink that swill
Real men make their own Sauerkraut for pro biotics.
Forget other non white probiotic solutions.
You're a big supporter of Traditional Chinese Medicine?
i've never even heard of this shit
>this free drink will make you sick because it's free!
>no culture on earth ever ate or drank fermented stuff!
>why don't you buy our expensive medecine? :^(
yeah i got it once and I was immediately shocked how terrible it tasted. Like i was not prepared for that at all when I took a casual swallow. It tasted like vinegar. I drank it anyway, but holy fuck
Why the hell would you want to drink that tastes like vinegar?
Okay well I don't know any white people that drink it and I had never heard of it before this thread despite living in a hipster college town. That said yeah anyone who fell for this is fucking retarded.
I make my own, costs about 5 cents a bottle. It's probiotic, so somewhat good for you. If you ferment it too long it can taste a little vinegary. If you swill sugary soda and juice and 'coffee' drinks constantly I can see how you might think it tastes gross.
If you drink too much, sure your pH balance might go off. Same as water.
Anyhow, it's fine. I do think it's alarming to processed drink manufacturers since it can be made for very little and the cultures can be traded for free.
Do you guys drink Fireball and Angry Orchard at parties?
all those things are degenerate. especially cheese.
fuck you and your jewpedia source... can't you think for yourself you fucking mongoloid? why dont you go and try it yourself to see if you feel the benefits instead of being an autist? I'll have you know I've been brewing my own kombucha and ever since I've been drinking it everyday, I've noticed my energy levels increase, I have more drive to do things, and I'm not as lazy as I usually am. As well as aiding my digestion, kombucha has revitalized me, and many of my friends who have tried it can vouch for me, they even asked me to teach them how to make it for themselves...
So why don't you take a fucking seat, shut the fuck up, and maybe think for yourself instead of letting jewpedia think for you.
Fuck you kombucha is based
It's placebo and actual nutrition. Nobody eats real food anymore.
In russia we call this KBAC.
it's not white people though is it, just americans.
>yfw Jankem meme is real now
This was Yerba mate. Damaging your tissues by squirting 95c liquid directly into your throat is causing the cancer, not the tea.
Brits shouldn't be allowed to even passively comment on anything culinary related.
So it's terrible for your teeth enamel.
Normal tea in general bio-accumulates a fuckload of fluoride, lead, and God knows what in the sick Chinese soil/air -- unless you're buying super high quality stuff that's examined by international tea folks, you're probably being poisoned.
Isn't kombucha dangerous to drink? It's not even pasteurized.
If you make it with a sourced culture and ferment following a few guidelines, it's just like any other probiotic food. The Kombucha brew can get contaminated with dangerous bacteria if you're a tard though.
>2 posts by this ID
slide thread, beware.
Probably the study was conducted on hipster Eurofags that don't know how to drink it.
Mate water should be hot (55° C) not boiling.
You'd think people who roam these parts would be wiser than to simply believe anything they read on wikipedia.
American Cancer Society as a source? Come on, they're the kings of sickness, that's how they make money. Of course they profit from poo-pooing good foods, I bet they'll go after kefir and sauerkraut next.
For a second there I thought you were about to post some cultural appropriation bullshit, but then it turns out you're just retarded.
I drink the stuff you buy at the store. It's still non-pasteurized, but it's not like some crazy shit somebody made in a still in their backyard or something.
It's a tea made from (I think) a fungus. You grow a big cap of it and use it to brew again and again, people share their kombuchas, etc. It's pretty much completely isolated to the beaches of CA, basically PCH. It was on that show on Netflix, Flaked, which is probably why niggers suddenly think all white people drink Kombucha, considering this has been going on for decades. Blacks find out about trends that only exist/ed in their area and then accuse all white people of doing it even though the trend is mostly extinct already and hardly anyone did it.
The posters complaining about it have clearly never heard of alcohol.
Never heard of it
Funny here we drink mate tea cold.
and you put sugar in the avocado, i find it disturbing m8