Serious question.
Is Feminism what women believe or has the female voice been hijacked?
Serious question.
Is Feminism what women believe or has the female voice been hijacked?
>having a voice
They'll believe anything if you say it loud and say it often.
>has the female voice been hijacked?
The caucasian female has been corrupted by liberal agenda and feminism. They are wholly inferior to the Asian goddess, who is submissive, studious, slim, and best of all - worships white penises due to their superior social status.
>Serious question.
>Is Feminism what women believe
feminism is what mentally damaged fatass american lesbians believe
Both. It wasnt originally, just straight up cultural marxism. Then women got involved because it professed (obviously) to be in their interest and got suffrage, from then it was the cultural norm and women just follow the cultural norm. Most normie women just don't think about it and go along with it, you can guess who the real drivers behind it are.
>has the female voice been hijacked?
Not to sound like too much of a MGTOW but for the most part, girls rarely think outside of a society's dominant narrative or challenge cultural norms. The most militant turbo-dyke throwing dildos at a university right now would be advocating for some other stupid shit with just as much conviction if society told her to.
Where the fuck do the pretty ones exist? I've only known 2 in my life and they both have Thomas the Tank Engine face
IMO, hijacked.
They don't speak for me, and quite frankly, a lot of the more fanatical femnazis scare the absolute hell out of me.
most women think of themselves as egalitarians
Well, they are speaking for you in the government
>1 post by this id
Some women believe it. Lesbians mostly do. Most hetero women don't. Some think they believe it but really don't when you probe for what they do or actually want, as opposed to what they say or think they want.
To be clear, I'm talking about third wave feminism here. First and second wave, everyone believes.
jew shills behind proxies.
>Is Feminism what women believe or has the female voice been hijacked?
Feminism has been hijacked by ugly women. Women have reached equality with men as far as it's possible - but now ugly women realized that they aren't equal to attractive women.
pic related
They believe it. Some more than others.
Women don't really have beliefs in the sense that they have mental states that correspond or fail to correspond to certain objective truth-making conditions. They have what are closer to positive or negative feelings that attach to certain conceptual representations, and these determine which words and ideas women exclude or allow in their mental life. Say a word that strikes a woman with a negative feeling-response and they will tell you the thing represented by the word is bad. But they aren't interested in facts, so these aren't really beliefs, just subjective reports.
> First and second wave, everyone believes
Hahahahaaha no the single greatest mistake of our civilization was allowing women to vote
Women parrot whatever is popular, they don't have beliefs
each woman believes what they will. Feminism is a means to make them think in a specific way.
Alright, you got Muslims, Mormons and a paleo fringe represented here who seriously believe women shouldn't have the right to vote. So it's not everyone. But almost everyone.
(((Marxism))) takes many forms to exploit different vectors of spreading, this is just one of them
My gf hates feminists and likes to make fun of them.
They still benefit from it.
>people still believe that feminism was ever about equal rights
>people still believe women actually fought for the right to vote
>people still believe women were ever oppressed
>Is Feminism what women believe or has the female voice been hijacked?
Many if not most women believe a slightly toned-down version of third-wave feminism, however they've started to not "self-identify" as feminists because feminists are starting to get shit in media and pop culture. Again, they still believe a slightly less garbage version of what these "bad" feminists believe, they just don't want to be lumped in with them.
Women don't *necessarily believe this, tho, it's just what they've been told their whole life. Same reason many men support feminist causes to some extent, their narrative just dominates. redpilling does work, but you need to be careful. If you trip one of the wrong triggers, they'll suddenly declare that you're a sexist and be closed to any further information. It may also help if you redpill them on specific issues at a time rather than attacking feminism as a whole. And at first stay away from more deeply ingrained beliefs like transgender normality, start with more "surface" issues like the wage gap, rape culture, or objectification.
1, there was more to the first wave than the suffragettes and 2, consider redpilling yourself on the sufragettes.
yeah, sexual degeneracy sure is great! No, beef curtains are not caused by having too much sex you shitlord!
not that guy, but universal suffrage is a meme. Before, yes only the men could vote, but the understanding was that he would vote for the interests and views of his household.
Let me give a related example as to why it was changed: Do you know how the US sneakily took over some tribal lands? Instead of bargaining with the tribe as a single entity, they divided the tribe's land into plots and declared that each plot was owned by one individual or family unit, then proceeded to convince each plot owner individually to fork over their land. Together, the tribe couldn't be bought, but individually the weaker ones could be taken advantage of, leaving the tribe in a weaker position and more willing to kowtow to US demands. Are you starting to understand?
>sufraggettes start campaigning for the vote
>many women don't support it, because they think they'd be obligated to defend the country in the armed forces if it came to it, just like men were expected to
>"lol no u guise just vote anyway whatevs XD"
daylight robbery