(((David Brooks))) is afraid of white people coming together

(((David Brooks))) with the New York Times just put out a piece claiming that white identity politics is destroying the American political system.

>Identity Politics Run Amok

The irony that a tribalistic Jew writing for the race-baiting NYT is now against identity politics was too rich not to share.

Here's his twitter.

Other urls found in this thread:


wtf pol why does my shit get pushed back so fast. bump

lol, many keks were had

what a jew

Bump for archiving it good job OP

We are a religion....

> white identity politics is destroying the American political system.
He means destroying the establishment machine they've been carefully crafting for the past few decades.

Keep telling yourself that you fucking Jew. I've looked into your history, you're not fooling anyone.

>white identity politics is destroying the American political system.

You're a religion that gets inherited.

Oh but every other kind of identity politics that has plagued the American psyche since the 70s is awwwright.

>left constantly pushing identity politics for minorities
>is surprised if whites turn to identity politics as well

He's not exactly wrong though, regardless of being a Jew. Maybe he was left out of the conspiracy and doesn't understand why this is happening.

I bump this because fucking kike

THE religion actually

You the same guy who posted this dank anigay yesterday


>oy vey our 60 years of barinwashing and whites still have identities


cover story.

Well, then looks like white people coming together against our threat is exactly what should be done.

>According to one study, only 2 or 3 percent of Mexican-, Guatemalan- or Salvadoran-born men without a high school degree end up incarcerated, compared with 11 percent of their American-born counterparts.

lol that is become Obama has a catch and release policy you fucking Jew

Man I hate Jews

>Human beings are too complicated to be defined by skin color, income or citizenship status. Those who try to reduce politics to these identities do real violence to national life.

If there is no citizenship statues how can you have a nation?


He should be afraid. His kind will no longer be welcome when whites become aware of their tricks.

You are a race, a tribe with a powerful parasitic ideology and a very agressive one at that.

We aren't fooled by your "muh religion". Israelites are a tribe, a family and judaism is their nature written down.

>trying to use reverse psychology knowing that Sup Forums will obviously act contrarian to anything Israeli's say

Clever girl.