On a scale of 1-10, how jealous are you of the way we mercilessly Remove Kebab?

On a scale of 1-10, how jealous are you of the way we mercilessly Remove Kebab?

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I'm not having to make any real effort for others to remove a problem for me.

So on a scale of 1-10, how jealous are you that I'm riding on top of the Jewish wave?

you live in a surveillance state m8. Wonder how will that play out for you. Kebab removing won't compensate you being suppressed by the government

Israel will have to pay for Europe's wall

>On a scale of 1-10, how jealous are you of the way we mercilessly Remove Kebab?
You remove them by loading them to us.

On a scale of 1-10, how jealous of the fact that we're not all fucking kikes?

Free Palestine zionist scum.

>protip - not giving a number = instant 10

Pls no homo

Some things need to change if we are going to remain friends.
1. Get used to not getting American foreign aide. You have a better standard of living than I do, it doesn't make sense.
2. Stop selling our weapons technology, and make amends for the double dealings you have done in the past.
3. Accept than our interests in the region are aligned. Healthy discourse is welcome, but once our countries make a plan, don't use it as a stepping stone to back-stab us. We'll work to improve on our end as well.

Ultimately, the goal is for american grandchildren to marry israeli grandchildren. If that puts you off, than there is no way we should be friends to begin with.

Roughly 95% of dual citizens are voting trump. We can teach you much about kebab removal

you can't have 1 and 2 in the same time.
Or you keep gib money. or you remove restriction on arm trade.

you don't get to dictate both greatest ally.

3. okey. then stop dictating or forcing our decision in ME.

Release the Palestine from kike oppression, the Pales are harmless sandpeople.

Can someone tell me why people hate Jews? I mean they're greedy and stuff but other than that

I'd say about 6million.

How jealous are you that we'll never be Jews?

>implying your greatest allies don't do the Kebab removing for you


>A EU citizen saying someone is living in a surveillance state

I still blame you for KAT

But you don't, palestinians are still outbreeding you like rabbits. Soon, Jerusalem will become muslim again. And then, finally, it will be glassed.

>American regional interest are the same as Israel's

>marrying Israelis with Americans

We are brown enough as it is! No need to darken us even more!

Jews removing kebab. Is like using Aids to cure strep throat. You're worse off in the end.

I know Israel has compulsory military service. Does that apply to non-Jews?

[citation needed]
unsourced Sup Forums .jpgs need not apply

No. I wish it did though. The civil war would be glorious.

>"mercilessly Remove Kebab"
>more than 20% of the population is Arab muslim
>can't walk down the street of old town Jerusalem without getting stabbed or hit by a halal truck while buying flour to make challah
>THE HOLIEST SITE WITHIN JUDAISM has a fucking musk built untop of it and jews aren´t allowed to pray within it vicinity, making David spin in his grave
negative 5

It applies to everyone other than Arabs and Penguins


It's a shame you didn't tell that to half of my units who are non-Jews, they sure will feel foolish knowing they accidentally got forced into the military!

>[citation needed]

Do you really need a citation for a claim that mudslimes are breeding like rabbits?

Yes and no.
Druz, Cherkes are have to serve.
Arabs (muslim or christian) and beduin can volontaire.

Non jews who came as repatriants have to serve as jews do

Mandatory service isn't required for Arab-Israelis.

Like a solid 7. That is probably because of getting used to it. Its been ongoing after all.

You underestimate how many kids the religious nutjobs here have.

It's not even the religion, it's just that we are a welfare state so you gotta have ten trillion babies to get that sweet taxpayer money.

1488/10 t b h senpai

So you are saying that all human beings who are not Jews are Arabs? Salam Aleykum, then.

Not at all. It what you're supposed to do as a human being. You're just doing what is expected. I would include all the jew religions in this category though. They should all be extinguished. Blow out all 3 candles.

>not only arabs but the haredis are outbreeding you
my fucking condolences

Honestly I'd prefer to be ruled by Arabs.

That's why I'm considering moving to Sweden.

>we mercilessly Remove Kebab?
In what alternate universe? You're one of the most cucked nations on the planet Also, when it comes to removing, you don't know shit
Jews in 1939:
>Croatia: ~20,000
>Bosnia: ~33,000
>Serbia: ~25,000
Jews today:
>Croatia: 495
>Bosnia: ~1200
>Serbia: ~700

A removal rate of 96.9%, courtesy of the glorious Ustaša regime.


You'd be removing zero kebabs without American taxpayer money and weaponry you gassable hooknosed goblin people

I mean the largest minority of any significance in Israel is Arabs.

Are Haredis really that bad? Why do you hate them so much compared to Arabs.

Also nice job removing the jews. Maybe you should focus instead on imrpoving living conditions so you aren't a shit-tier country.


>900,000[1] (an enlarged population of 1,200,000 (including Halakhally non-Jewish members of Jewish households).[2]
That gives you 300 thousand non-Jews, and be sure than among the 900 thousand there are many who are only technically Jewish, and don't consider themselves Jews even culturally.

You mean glassing it?

Who do you hate more: Some guy in Iran who probably wants America to be destroyed as you are formally enemies, but doesn't really care about it that much, or melanin-rich compatriots who mug you on the street?

>Maybe you should focus instead on imrpoving living conditions so you aren't a shit-tier country.
Agreed, but it's impossible to do now.

It's been almost 25 years since Yugoslavia fell apart, but we still have commies in power.
They've proven time and again that they aren't capable of running the country and they don't care about the well-being of the people.
Unfortunately the elections here are a showcase of tribalism, so the same idiots keep getting elected.

Until these parasites die off, the country isn't going anywhere.

nigga, haredi's have their own version of "sharia zones" and shit while leeching of the government for "dem programs"

and don't get me started on the entire anger tantrum they threw when the Israeli government was suggesting to have them conscript

They probably came back but hid themselves well this time. Officialy there are only 60 jews in my country but i already came across 10 of them.

And America would be removing zero kebabs without Israelis shooting those weapons.

I'd expect you to understand the concept of co-operation, Zhang.

I love Jews

Well KAT was a criminal wasn't he?

Anyway, there's less surveillance in Poland than in Israel. I'm not talking about the bureaucratic absolutistic countries like Germany or France

You leech off the host and offer nothing in return. USA has nothing to do with Kebabs overseas instead the good ol jew is importing kebabs to USA as thanks

Anyone who actually cares about the IDF is against conscripting Haredim, as even their tiny volunteer units are turning the whole IDF into a theocracy. People literally just want to punish them.

I personally think the simple solution is the final one.

20% of your population is kebab

still I admire your skills

I wanna learn hebrew but I stopped
because your past present and future tense system and binyanim are hard as fuck

you will pay for your crimes sooner or later faggot


Almost a quarter of Israelis are Muslims, that's without counting the tens of thousands of undocumented Muslim refugees from Africa.

Face it, we're more cucked than Sweden.

Are Haredis melanin rich. I always though Haredi judaism was a European phenomenon.

>Anyway, there's less surveillance in Poland than in Israel

The difference between Poland and Israel is that the Israeli government admits how much it spies on us because it's not afraid of public backlash. Do you honestly believe YOUR government?

>undocumented Muslim refugees from Africa.
The refugees from Africa in Israel are Christians.

>see flag

checks out

t. dansken

They are white skinned, but black-souled

Fuck your whole thing. I wonder if you can live on your own. Fight jew religion 3.0. Who cares. Fuck off. Stop posting jew threads--"So what do you think of Jews?" JIDF shit. Fuck you. Fuck your retarded moloch shylock shit.

>Everyone hates you even if they say they don't It's not because they're envious. It's because your retarded religions have ruined the world.

Christjew Arabjew Jewjew. Fuck them All.

Pol getting btfo by a kike.
Jealous as fuck.

It's your fault for inventing this artificial 'Israeli' demographic.... Israel should not be an Israeli state but an ethnoreligious Jewish state, it should be called Judea to really drive home the fact that it is meant only for the Jewish people

I was in Israel on a trip

in Tel aviv, I saw thousands niggers, what about them?

Pay for the crime of invading europe you dirty shitskin.

It's ok to admit it. You are jealous of our ability to control our sphincters while shopping.

Don't blame us. We constantly have our assholes gaped by bbc. Of course their is going to be some leakage.

>muh jews
>muh kebab
you waste your breath fighting each other ignoring the elite that enables all of that.


Based Franklin: "For more than seventeen hundred years they have lamented their sorrowful fate — namely, that they have been driven out of their mother land; but, gentlemen, if the civilized world today should give them back Palestine and their property, they would immediately find pressing reason for not returning there. Why? Because they are vampires and vampires cannot live on other vampires --they cannot live among themselves."


Well he was literally wrong then since you can see the little flag next to my post.

are you okay, habibi?

oh great, it's you again.


Jew york is just your little tendril into the world. Give me a break. Millions of (((you))) everywhere wandering, away from your '''''''''homeland''''''''

if only Churchill allied with Hitler and we wouldnt have like 200k kikes in my country ...

>ignoring the elite that enables all of that
The Eternal Azeri

Sowing seeds of hatred all over the Middle East and in Persia itself.


Yeah, the ones who didn't care about being driven out of their mother land.

It might be confusing for you, since all goyim are a emotionless hivemind, but us Jews have the ability to think for ourselves and make different choices.

>Do you honestly believe YOUR government?
Yup. We can say here things that you can't say in western Yurop, except incitement for crime and such

still not the strangest shit


The truth in that hurts.

Hivemind kek. You are the ones inventing bullshit hiveminds like kikebook, and circumnambulating fucking boxes and saturnine shit. 6 6 6 6 6 6 pirme number prime number muh pi muh prime numbah.

Fuck you.

I actually decided to skim through the article and it doesn't actually explain how Israel supported Iran (even though that if we had to support any side then Iran is the right one desu)

Calm down, you appear to be suffering from a stroke.

Please stop shitposting and go to the nearest bank to take a loan to afford medical attention.

About a 3. The Royal Air Force removes kebab daily with airstikes. Good lads.
You Israelis are good at defence, but not attack. I was in the British Army (Royal Engineers) for 7 years and my job was EOD.
Explosive Ordinance Disposal. Basically making unexploded bombs safe, clearing minefields, clearing buildings etc.
That was defensive.
We also had an offensive role which was just as difficult. Blowing stuff up by land. Not from air nor sea.
My group would be protected by light infantry and signallers for comms. We would go in sneaky. Targets could be anything.

British forces have been used to using small units for devastating results. It works. Go in quiet and cause huge disruption. Then get the fuck out.
It's the opposite of the USA forces; they go in with huge firepower and crush everything. It also works well as it cuases fear.

Our approach is different.


Your presence here is futile.

>The difference between Poland and Israel is that the Israeli government admits how much it spies on us because it's not afraid of public backlash
Chosen user that's so much worse. The public has consented to authoritarian rule out of fear.


Israel basically became the new Iranian airforce after Iraq took out theirs in the initial suprise attack.

They would bomb iraqi targets and provide logistics/equipment and there were israeli advisors/instructors in Iran providing aid to them.

And off course Iran today will deny any of that happened to save face amongst their fellow camelfuckers.

>Doing something not by the airforce

It's not out of fear, it's out of retardation


They do a nice shabbat lunch doe

The RAF is utterly wonderful. But sometimes land forces are necessary. Our airspace gets tested weekly by Russia.
Here's a vid:
Our Navy is also amazing. Shitloads of nuke submarines armed to the teeth and no country knows where they are.

The Bong approach is sneaky. Small forces with a lot of firepower.