5 Ethnic Stereotypes That Used to Be the Opposite

White People BTFO ! Thank God for MTV and Franchesca Ramsey setting the record straight.


hehe ugly nigger

When will this dindu be fired for bringing low ratings to MTV?


a word that has no meaning anymore, do people actually still fall for this shit anymore?


Can't even spell her own name right.
If I knew her address, I'd mail her a shoebox with a noose wrapped up inside

>Cultural shifts take place over 100 years
>Look! All stereotypes are wrong because some old ones no longer apply.

Nigger garbage.

It means you discriminate someone based on their race. How does it have no meaning?

except its beyond over used, every single thing is called racist now. it has no fucking meaning except muh feels and triggering liberals

>one quote from a missionary about the japanese

nobody even knew what a fucking japanese person looked like back then besides portugese sailors

do some better research you lazy nigger

>It means you discriminate someone based on their race. How does it have no meaning?

Having likes and dislikes of certain cultures and the races that go along with them is perfectly justified, valid and legitimate. Racism dindu nuffin wrong !


Something something something if you have always believed that all people should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 50 years ago, a progressive 15 years ago, and a racist today.

Ive been using this to piss off all my shitlib aquaintances. Whenever they call me racist, their minds are blown to kingdom fuck by simply saying: "you know who else is racist? Black people, commiting over 90% of interracial crime despite making up 13% of the population"

>holds up picture of what she thinks are Japanese workers
>actually Chinese workers in Apple factory

Top kek

>japanese aren't lazy you dumb racist smart people
>look they invented nintendo and gaystation

let me tell you something about the japanese, until the americans sorted them out they were powerhungry, subhuman megalomaniac assholes
why do liberals refuse to learn history or at least use basic logic

This is actually rather funny because Portuguese slave traders in the 16th and 17th centuries prized Japanese and Chinese slaves because the were regarded as more intelligent and industrious than african slaves

Tell them what the japanese did in 1937 against the Chinese

But irish still do look like monkeys.

they'd just call me names and shout buzzwords. no sense in arguing with liberals

I've always thought I was pretty racist, but I've only ever heard of the Mexicans being lazy one.

None of the idiots commenting in the video provide any real insight either.


>When will this dindu be fired for bringing low ratings to MTV?

I don't think that's how it works. They do it for the SJW cred, not the revenue generated by the rather mediocre numbers of views or their underwhelming like to dislike ratio.

If anything, it give you an idea of the ideological fuck-white-people agenda progressives are pushing on kids nowadays.