Seriously why the fuck does Sup Forums hate Islam? It seems fucking awesome to be a guy in a Muslim country. Not to mention Muslims are extremely anti Semitic and deny the holocaust and want to nuke Israel.
Seriously why the fuck does Sup Forums hate Islam? It seems fucking awesome to be a guy in a Muslim country...
not an argument
because society reflects the nation
every muslim society is a shit nation
why dont you immigrate instead of working against your own nation, blackguard?
I just wanted to let everyone know that I recognized this thread as bait and have posted an appropriate picture accordingly just to give a summary of my observations.
>every muslim society is a shit nation
But that is 100% due to western nations trying to force them to accept homosexuality, adultery, genderqueerness and so on with violence.
You know, those parts of western society that we are afraid immigrants will destroy.
middle east has been at war since time immemorial.
they've been exposed to democracy, secularism, and advancements in thinking throughout the centuries
please dont try to blame the middle east's current state on a nation that is less than 300 years old
to do so is to fundamentally misunderstand the history of the middle east.
a land stuck in time, and other than the oi-rich saudis we are literally better than them, and it's reflected by their backwards cultures.
Always bad. No excuse.
Plus, we're not tiny dicked paki's so we don't need to rape, we can get laid regardless.
Implying I wouldn't just glass a cunt. Seriously, I'm from the only country in the world that uses the word glass as a verb.
>Burning people alive
Wait till my mixtape drops, faggots.
>Female genial mutilation
Yeaaah I like my women with intact bits, so none of that m8.
>Hostage taking
lol why would I even want to do that? For real.
>Honour killings
Again, why would I even want to do that?
I'd rather niggers just fuck off, I dont even want to own them, they just got to go full stop.
>Oppression of women
Just oppress them with your dick. If you're some beta cuck that need to tell your bitch "but honey its the law you make me dinner" rather than just saying "woman, make me dinner" then you're a weak fuck.
Yeah that's been working out for them so well, they're certainly "winning" ain't they? lol
Yeah, not a paki, so don't want to fuck kids.
Overall, 0/10, degenerate as fuck. Gas the islamists, race war now.
The ideal parts of Islam are just traditional values. Those are obviously god-tier: every country ever built was built on them. People around the world who have always hated each other would still agree on the basics of traditional values. They foster unity through homogeneity, high birth rates and harmony between the sexes through patriarchy, and a fondness for home and hearth. All religions are primarily tools for pushing these values, the extra bits are population-specific gravy.
The point is that Islam is someone else's gravy. I'm happy to have a religion that teaches my people to follow similar values (maybe not as cunty as burning people and mutilating pussies), but Islam cannot be the one, for the simple reason that it is what strengthens my enemies to wage war against me.
No one is forcing shit into them, the repressed mudslimes seeks those things up themselves.
Those high up in the mudslime society are already deep into those things, they just have an excuse. The middle east was progressing just fine during the mid to late 20th century. Then the religious leaders came into power. Everything went to shit since then.
First off Iran, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, and UAE are perfectly functional countries.
Also according to your logic Christianity is shit because a lot of shitty African countries are Christian
ALSO the Muslim countries that are terrorist hellholes like Syria and Iraq are only so shitty because America destabilized them by trying topple dictators there and bring democracy, but they only ended up leaving a power vacuum that allowed groups like ISIS to gain power
>cant drink
>cant eat bacon
>cant fap
>cant own dogs
>cant listen to music
>girlfriend has to wear trashbag
>have to do yoga five times a day
nope, islam is incompatible with me
It's more accurate to understand that Muslims follow the values they do BECAUSE they are experiencing hard times. Their values are what allow them to survive, and what's left of their societies would utterly collapse the moment those values are given up.
Compared to western society, which is filthy stinking rich. Ironically, we actually can't afford to give traditional values up either, but what makes it at least plausible is that we have a colossal buffer of wealth to pay for things like multiculturalism and the myth of the free woman - as well as other degeneracies that will inevitably wind up with their hands outstretched as they fail to participate in the world of independence that the white and male thrive in.
But even now we see the results of deviating: the races hate each other, white men and women cannot stop flinging shit at each other besides the fact that they do not have sex, marry or reproduce. Everyone is divided, everyone is spiteful, no one is a neighbour in a crowded world and every person feels like a stranger in their own country.
So while the death is slower when you have money, the fact is, giving these principles up is a death sentence to anyone who tries it.
>First off Iran, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, and UAE are perfectly functional countries.
Tell that to half of their population who isn't even allowed to go outside without the permission of their husband.
>Inb4, le funny meme, woman is belong in kitchen
Or the fact that you'll basically be whipped to death for drinking alcohol, adultery or for performing withccraft.
You'll be let off with a slightly less painful beheading for apostacy though, so it's all good.
You don't normally think about it, but the wealthy saudi-countries that looks kind of decent on the first glimpse is actually the most batshit insane.
Come to think of it.
That would be the antithesis of the stereotypical slav.
>Iran, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, and UAE are perfectly functional countries.
are you delusional?
we just finished talking about human rights violations, mistreatment of women, poor levels fo education, a lack of middle class, etc.
>Also according to your logic Christianity is shit because a lot of shitty African countries are Christian
i agree. no, i literally agree with that. i think religion does more harm than good. without secular systems in place, religion keeps people bound
>Syria and Iraq are only so shitty because America destabilized them by trying topple dictators there and bring democracy, but they only ended up leaving a power vacuum that allowed groups like ISIS to gain power
recent evolution of proxy wars. what shitskins wont admit is theyve always, at one time or another, been at war with each other or against other middle eastern nations. they just want a scapegoat everytime instead of learning to advance
>Everyone is divided, everyone is spiteful, no one is a neighbour in a crowded world and every person feels like a stranger in their own country.
speak for your own place of living
>So while the death is slower when you have money, the fact is, giving these principles up is a death sentence to anyone who tries it.
meanwhile, middle east continues pattern of death, suffering, etc.
theory craft all you want, and I agree with it to a certain extent, but when it comes down to the OP adopting islam, nah no thanks mate.
Every Islamic nation without oil is a shithole.
Every Islamic nation that's not a shithole is only not a shithole for as long as the oil holds out.
In 100 years, every Islamic nation will be a guaranteed shithole as the oil runs out.
Thanks Denmark.
it works great look at those nations that accept islam.
Oh no, I agree about not adopting Islam, read what I wrote here:
you and I are on the same page there, and a lot of the problem with Islam itself is that it shoots itself in the foot when it comes to actually fostering that precious ~~~Unity~~~
because how unified are they? Yes, the muzzies agree on flooding into other people's countries, doing violence and outbreeding them, but in their own countries there are still military groups who do violence to their own based on how hardcore they're following Islam.
No internal respect tbqh
but religion is still the better way
>falling for religion meme
Islam is cancer
> what shitskins wont admit is theyve always, at one time or another, been at war with each other or against other middle eastern nations
mostly true, but during the 60's and 70's places like Pakistan and Afghanistan were actually pretty stable and safe and a very popular tourist destination for westerners. But then Russia invaded and America funded terrorist groups which completely fucked the whole region.
I wish I was born back then so I could visit those countries, they have immense natural beauty and history.
Arab culture.
Subhuman scum.
>homosexuality, adultery
As been apart of Islamic society since time immemorial
>homosexuality, adultery, genderqueerness
all this shit already exists,
the hypocrisy in arab/muslims societies is fucking incredible
>le evul whitey ruined Islam
I wonder if there's anything that can't be blamed on whites? I swear the sun rose from the north before whitey ruined that too.
tbf, I am physically disgusted by moors and middle-easterners
>muh white myn boogeyman
Go back to your Middle-Eastern shithole goatfucker
because most people here are homosexuals and genderqueer. We also like adultery. Muslims want to change our way of life.
>please dont try to blame the middle east's current state on a nation that is less than 300 years old
Before ww1 the middle east mostly was in perpetual peace except the crusades, napoleon and ghengis khan. Except the rule of the Iranian safawids the middle eastern people never saw much violence.
Christianity is 1000 times more redpilled than the faggot Muslims when Christianity is healthy (Holy Roman Empire.)
Because Islam is degenerate as fuck. If you support Islam you're the lowest, festering form of a human.
archmeds and their al taqiyya are not welcome here on our aryan board
>only country in the world that uses the word glass as a verb
nah, we use it too
and when we use it, we mean it. You don't glass a guy, you glass a country.
ex. see Japan, or the middle east soon
>and when we use it, we mean it. You don't glass a guy, you glass a country.
I look forward to when I can sit down with my soon to be son, and tell him
>Now son, there were two groups of people
>Americans, and Muslims
>Americans lived in America
>Muslims lived in the Middle East
>Or as it is now known, the radiation zone.
>First off Iran, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, and UAE are perfectly functional countries.
Oh is that so? Then why don't you just move there instead of trying to change my country?
Is it because you're a filthy subhuman muslim trying to infiltrate the first world?