Post red-pills about porn.
Porn Red-pill thread
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lmfao get the fuck out of here
I'm 100% open to the discussion and/or revelation that I'm indulging in harmful behaviour, but I'm not gonna rot my brain even more by watching that shit, lol
>not an argument
Tedx videos are sometimes good. especially one that's scientifically based like this one.
>Tedx videos are sometimes good.
Uh huh.
Tell me, "absolutely definitely from Sup Forums" user.
How comes you've watched so many, that you can tell the "based" ones, from the shit ones?
Why, you'd certainly have to be of a certain leftists, feminist persuasion to enjoy that sort of content, would you not?
they say it takes 11 months roughly for your brain to return to normal after porn
>scientifically based
Having it's beliefs based on the principals of Scientology doesn't mean the argument is automatically correct and anything saying otherwise is wrong.
Damn. I can't even give it up for a week. Let alone long enough to recover
Wtf I hate porn now XD
Fuck off schlomo.
I'm pretty sure my brain isn't green, blue or pruple. Stupid picture
I think KEK is trying to say something.
Well, I guess we're all fucked
Protect your semen. It is power.
>red-pill me about porn
Nice quads.
Jews own porn. Thats why 50% of "free" porn scenes are black man vs white girl.
Even in porn zionist subconscious mind guiding is going strong
Well kek definatly knows what's up
nice quads.
I agree, porn ruins your brain and society
fuck your quads OP wat do i do now.
Well i guess i'm gonna blacklist every porn site on the internet and try my luck on tinder , i'll probably get white hair till my first match and most probably die before ever getting a chance of getting laid
I like porn
fap to your imagination until you find a girl.
What's with all these Marxists and Feminazis that want to ban porn? If you don't like it then don't fucking watch it.
Look at this good goy, just let western values go away. You don't need it. Watch porn.
I hope Trump takes a wrecking ball to Hollywood and the entire porn industry.
FUCK this shit.
Western values aren't going away because of porn, in fact its almost exclusive to the West. Western values are going away because of democratic socialism.
The pic isn't true, if you follow the link in the picture its some christian site selling DVDs about how to be a man.
>brain on porn has a boner
Moral of the story. Heroin is better
TED - yes, TEDx - never.
The Left-shills are out in force to defend their core demographic's most potent power: being the gatekeepers of sex.
What about written erotica?
Does anyone have the video called "you" that explains how Israel soldiers used porn as a weapon during invasion of Palestrina?
there's at least one good one out there
My brain changes colour when I watch porn?
Left wing politics are slowly but surely destroying our patriotism. It must end.
eh i just watched some of it. Its not that bad
>Thats why 50% of "free" porn scenes are black man vs white girl.
as a porn expert i can assure you that statistic has zero factual basis
What's the difference?
So what you're saying is, to add insult to injury, heroin addicts coulda just watched free porn instead of spening all that money kek
top kek, i forgot about this
Very interesting, but very scary.
In that respect then I'd say women are addicted to dating apps and addicted to the idea of trying to meet a Chad or a "perfect 10" which we all know is a myth. This is also the reason people are not fucking. It's not just porn addiction. Women have been conditioned into thinking they will meet the unmeetable if that makes sense
Porn is completely degenerate whether you are a theist or atheist.
It distorts the mind and twist a healthy perspective of the human body. It causes addiction, lower self-esteem, depression, social anxiety, and social inhibition and social disinterest. You no longer desire to communicate with anyone because everyone is just an object for selfish use. Your distorted perception of the human body will cause insecurity, low-self esteem, and inferiority complex. It convinces you women are just objects. In other words, a walking talking flesh urinal and a flesh object. It lowers dopamine levels and testosterone levels because of constant masturbating. As a result, you lack motivation, inspiration, and interest in normal things. If you even somehow MANAGE to bed a girl you will be incapable of performing. You will be impotent because you don't desire woman. You desire porn.
Spiritually, it causes one to focus on flesh. You eventually turn yourself into nothing more but an animal equivalent to a Bonobo where sex is all on your mind and sex can solve all your problems. You focus so much on flesh that eventually you try to fill that empty hole in your chest with flesh, desire, and orgasms. You will eventually become a selfish cunt worrying only about yourself and your needs instead of healthy things like love, kindness, self-control, joy, family, friends, altruism, faith and spirituality.
It is a form of cuckery. You get yourself off BY STARVING YOURSELF. It is the equivalent of being hungry and trying to satisfy yourself by watching people eat at a restaurant instead of eating yourself. Then you wonder where you went wrong.
Politically and socially, it is support of the electronic Jew as pointed out here.
It eventually causes cognitive dissonance. You hate the Jew for all he has done but you invite him into your home so he can cuck you for his own personal gain. For a bunch of Sup Forumslacks who hate the Jew this is where you all fall.
Reminder when you watch others fuck you are the cuck.
Pornography destroys your interior psychic world and replace it with a prebuilt disgusting one.
All that "no-fap" is bullshit, the real problem is fapping to porn, not the masturbation. If you feel the need to fap 10 times a day, then do it, but with your own fantasies.
Just try to remind your childhood and your pre-adolescent period, at that time you didn't need porn to get turned on. Now, if you're accustomed to porn, it will be very hard to simply masturbate without it.
The thing is that your creative power, comes mainly from your libido. Your sexual fantasies can be easily converted to a powerfull energy to create, think, or do other things. Sex takes an important part of your psyche, and is at the origin of a lot of its contents. By imposing its own degrading images and not letting you create your personal ones, watching porn will slowly degrade you're ability to create, because you will be used to have a pre-made material.
It's catastrophic because it impoverished your brain, you became lazy because all the images are available, and also you became more and more perverted because to be turned on, you always need more powerfull and chocking images.
Porn is bad for your psyche, and bad for your creative power. You should try to progressively reduce your consumption, and try to masturbate without it more and more until you're totally disinfected.
Pornography's Effect on the Brain - Part 1
Pornography's Effect on the Brain - Part 2
Pornography's Effects on Adult and Child
Your Brain on Porn
I have sex with my wife AND jack off to anime tiddies in doujin every day. I'm not sure how my body can tell the difference at all.
Sometimes I feel like these warnings aren't for me. Like people with poor willpower and low intelligence need the advice.
>Your distorted perception of the human body will cause insecurity, low-self esteem, and inferiority complex. It convinces you women are just objects.
Like this shit. All a cognitive choice. Nothing MAKES anyone do anything. Unless we're all MKULTRA theorists now who think every electronic form of communication somehow subliminally forces us to be a certain way.
Damn, I'm fucked.
>Just try to remind your childhood and your pre-adolescent period, at that time you didn't need porn to get turned on. Now, if you're accustomed to porn, it will be very hard to simply masturbate without it.
>guys get this you didnt need porn before puberty! break the conditioning!
Are you really doing this? Is this really a claim you're making? Ell oh ell.
There's literally nothing wrong with "porn", which is applicable to any physical stimulus of sexual arousal. Think about it this way - videos, images, text, that's porn for sure right? What about seeing a woman do something lewd in front of you, without touching them? Behind a window, or a screen? Several yards away? There's no difference. At all. When it comes down to it, essentially what you're saying is that "masturbation is bad", even though your body literally cannot tell the difference. If women aren't worth it masturbation is no less effective in satiating the urge.
>ps yourbrainonporn is a christian website and is not a reputable, unbiased source of information
Doujinshi and anime porn aren't controlled by the Jew.
I didn't bother looking at the picture, honestly. That's not how a 12 year Sup Forums vet browses...
So what if you masturbate to car races or weather or anything non sexual? Is that still porn?
>Tedx videos are sometimes good. especially one that's scientifically based
Hahahahaha nice job sinking your own nofap thread you stupid cuck
What's the difference?
I don't watch any of that shit
>Reminder when you watch others fuck you are the cuck.
So if you imagine a sex act while j/o from anything but POV, you are a cuck?
I bet you'd use similar logic to deduce how letting someone else fuck your wife is not cuck behavior, hmmm?
Strictly speaking, pornography is just sexual learning behavior. When you become aroused - to *anything* - dopaminergic pathways reinforce the memory of the event and you learn that X = Hot! Notice "aroused to" and not "aroused by". While "default" pathways exist for biologically advantageous behaviors (men like female features, women like male features), they are fungible and plastic networks which are susceptible to manipulation. Yes, despite all it's capable of the brain itself is kind of fucking stupid.
Masturbating to ceiling fans long enough and eventually they'll turn you on. That's how it works.
>Just try to remind your childhood and your pre-adolescent period, at that time you didn't need porn to get turned on.
What if I've had my degenerate fetish for as long as I could remember?
>Sometimes I feel like these warnings aren't for me. Like people with poor willpower and low intelligence need the advice.
I'm this guyYou're the exception not the rule. Porn is universally accepted as being for the weak, stupid and incompetent. Not the strong and competent. Same as how drugs are for weak, stupid, and unfortunate people.
>Unless we're all MKULTRA theorists now who think every electronic form of communication somehow subliminally forces us to be a certain way.
It doesn't "force" you to be a certain way. It INFLUENCES you to be a certain way. It alters your mind into thinking a certain way you wouldn't normally think. Most people are unaware of this at a conscious level that the way they think, act, react, and feel is based on all the influences around them and the influence of their past.
A lot of people are in denial or refuse to acknowledge the things they watch and listen affect them any way. They do this on the bases that if they were to admit that then it would be an admition of gullibility and weakness. This is not the case. EVERYONE is influenced by their surroundings one way or another. Depending on the individuals personal qualities is the difference between a person that admits they have a problem and gets help, hides it and persecutes anyone that questions it, or that straight out acts out what they were just influenced.
Almost all rapist and child molesters are found with piles and piles of porn. It would be unwise to say or believe the porn didn't contribute to this behavior at all. Most people are offended by this notion because they don't want to be associated with these people because they too were also rabid porn watchers. Another group of people is offended because it makes it look like the victimizers were victims themselves so they need help just as much as their victims. This is not true. These monsters still had the choice of not going through with these horrendous crimes.
>yes goy let that sexual frustration grow give in to your ANGER!
>Almost all rapist and child molesters are found with piles and piles of porn.
While I admire the effort behind what you're doing, as you seem to be an earnestly compassionte person, have you considered whether wath you mention is a causation or correlation?
Which sounds more plausible: healthy, virile men take the porn-pill and become child molesters, or child molesters are unhealthy by nature and resort to porn because they aren't allowed to (or don't want to) satisfy their deviant urges in the flesh? I'm just saying, if porn caused pedos we'd see hundreds upon hundreds of them cropping up in every highschool.
that sound and obvious logic is too subtle for this thread
see why
Who even mentioned banning it?
We should all follow this.
the ones that master the transmutation of sex energy elevate themselves of the status of genii. behind almost every great man in our history stood a strong wife and the man had a high sex drive.
actually broke my brain on porn
its really really annoying
Having white women portrayed as sexually starved sluts and 9 out of 10 men watching that shit on a daily basis SURE has nothing to do with mainstream sexual behavior.
It sure has nothing to do with the idea the immigrants have of white women, when in their native countries the only white women they see are porn actress.
It sure has nothing to do with ANYTHING AT ALL
Dissapointed, I was expecting a swastika on the Sup Forums brain.
Trump is going to outlaw porn and all masterbaters are going to publicly registered as sex offenders.
>What about seeing a woman do something lewd in front of you, without touching them? Behind a window, or a screen? Several yards away? There's no difference. At all.
I agree, this is all still porn. Why? Because remember what I said in paragraph three:It is a form of starving yourself. It is as stupid as taking a girl to a restaurant, feeding her, then you don't have any money to feed yourself. So she laughs and spits and your face and walks off. You are still starving. It is no different from trying to alleviate starvation by watching others eat. Everyone is hungry but hunger is painful when you watch others eat and not yourself.
It is also a HUGE form of cuckery. You get yourself off by not only starving yourself but by also humiliating yourself as well. Cuckery, self-humiliation are associated with the same region in the brain as physical pain. We all agree that people who are self-mutilators are all insane to some degree or another. Porn is self-mutilation of the mind, heart, and spirit.
>scientifically based
If immigrants and jews left, with our technology, do you really think it would disappear? Its not just the mainstream porn industry, the West and Japan have the biggest amature and drawn porn industries too. Turns out when you give people freedom and a platform to share it, they like to film temselves masterbating and draw wierd shit. Its just natural and inevitable. Also, who do you think introduced pron to America? It wasn't the Jews it was the French.
I am talking about the consequences of porn, not about if it would dissapear without immigrants or not.
But actually, everything is related.
>While I admire the effort behind what you're doing, as you seem to be an earnestly compassionte person, have you considered whether wath you mention is a causation or correlation?
I"m aware of correlation does not equal causation. As I admitted earlier, porn is not a "force" but it is an INFLUENCE. It didn't CAUSE those people to do those things but it did influence them and "fuel" them to continue on doing so. Remember that porn twist the mind to no longer see people but to see disposable things. This mind alteration can easily be translated to children as well. Most porn watchers no longer see people anymore, but disposable objects now but they don't go through with these mind alterations and act out on them because they are aware society has created rules and consequences based on those feelings. Same as how sociopathy is very common in society but sociopaths don't go through with their thoughts because societies rules and consequences stop them from doing so. But once in a while a brave one will step foreword and we have our modern-day street niggers, cartels, muslims, and stormfront shooters.
>Which sounds more plausible: healthy, virile men take the porn-pill and become child molesters,
This is an oxymoron. No healthy, strong, confident man goes to porn. They go to women. Only the weak and inferior go to porn because that's all they can get.
>or child molesters are unhealthy by nature and resort to porn because they aren't allowed to (or don't want to) satisfy their deviant urges in the flesh? I'm just saying, if porn caused pedos we'd see hundreds upon hundreds of them cropping up in every highschool.
We do, the media just downplays it.
The consequences aren't. No-one is going to turn down pussy for a fap.
>porn is the electric jew trying to stop you from procreating
>don't trust a guy who says porn is bad
wtf is wrong with you
I'll never watch porn again in my entire life. Thank you based Kek.
>Tedx is not reddit-tier
related to pleasure
Just buy an onahole and quit porn together. It will help with deathgrip too.
Porn isnt bad at all in moderation.
Your brain on porn
It's hard having a daughter who wants to play on her laptop all day. She's only playing this innocent game right now but she does things when I'm not watching her.
Actually all people are addicts to the feel good chemicals the brain produces to lead them around by the nose so they eat, mate and do the things biology wants them to.
Porn => Hate Speech
>visual novels
The brain is the biggest drug pusher of them all
I can't even get off to porn anymore, only my imagination
>playing video games
Choose one and only one
It's impossible to just stop watching porn if you're a kissless virgin. This type of Jew is too strong for me to overcome.
nice memem
>those digits
Kek Has given me the light
Thank you
I can relate to every single thing you said.
No addiction is different than natural physiological behaviour. Addictions are by definition harmful and/or unusual
Simple Definition of addiction from webster dictionary
: a strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble)
: an unusually great interest in something or a need to do or have something
White women, white men, asian men, asian women, there's porn about everything including small dicked blacks being pounded by big white cocks you dumb spaniard.
you dont want to be a nu-male beta cuck ?
all you addicts can backwards rationalise all you want.
do the no porn shit for a month then we can talk again.