Okay, which one of you makes these?
Okay, which one of you makes these?
Have you just discovered that channel now?
>female voice actor
No one from Sup Forums could have made this
You say that...
I hate the nuRight.
>tfw no murdoch chan gf
why even live
do they think hispanic is a race like Stefan
still deciding if I should sub to them or not
Tits pls
>beaners are white!
>still deciding if I should sub to them or not
I would quite literally go to jail for subscribing.
Also for posting in this thread.... oh there's someone at the door. brb.
hi murdoch
perhaps you?
anglos need over the fact that the Spain ruled them
this is content of very high quality
Hmm, three people, three different names, all supporting Murdoch Murdoch less than an hour after the video was made...
Why don't you goys upload more often? It's been 3 weeks.
>has pleasure ever brought you happiness?
God damn, that hit hard.
learn the art of proxy magic breh
or TOR
Reminds me of when I gave a fuck. Just subscribe dude.
Sub you unless you wanna be more cuck then you already are german fag.
and mostly catholic. I'd gladly take mexicans over the "peaceful refugees" that are culturally enriching Europe at an alarming rate...
gibraltar and the falklands and a sunken armada says otherwise paco
>dog shit is better than pig shit
1) american education
2) spaniards arent beaners.
believe it or not, those shitty cartoons take time to pump out.
1 minute of drawn and edited footage a day is pretty much 3 weeks of work to make an 18 minute episode.
It still boggles my mind that other countries don't have a reasonable amount of freedom of speech. It's just such a no brainer.
Murdoch does. He's around here somewhere. I've talked to him here before, although it was a long time ago.
I'd try to talk to him on Skype or something since he mentioned a lot of their friends grew away from them because of their politics, but I wouldn't even know where to begin getting in contact.
>It still boggles my mind that other countries don't have a reasonable amount of freedom of speech. It's just such a no brainer.
You and me both brother.
Depressing as fuck that free speech peaked in the 1780´s. No other country after that had anything like your 1st amendment.
But especially germany is bad, the whole concept of freedom of speech never reached germany.
Has many historic reasons, but it would be even an taboo to openly say you want something like your 1st amendment. Not illegal, but you would be shunned by society.