What are your favorite '80s teen sex comedies?
'80s teen sex comdies
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Does exploitation and softcore count?
yes, as long as it's comedic
Fast Times is the best
second from the left looks like mary elizabeth winstead lol
Name of movie?
Are you blind?
70's teen sex comedies are better user, esp european ones
If any of these women are under 30 I'd be surprised.
Its from the 80s so no shit, some are probably way past 40
well then recommend some
Up The Creek
Fraternity Vacation
does anyone know this movie based off of the poster?
It's a woman from the backside and there's an apple covering her ass. I'm pretty sure it falls into this genre.
the germans (east) have some very good kino, esp for Sup Forums users
school girl report 1-billion
this any good?
Man I wish I could have sex one day. It sucks knowing that I'll die a virgin.
hire an escort
>That movie where 2 geeks make a cyberspace CGI waifu and a storm hits the house and the waifu becomes real
Please find it Sup Forums, you're my only hope.
Just get it over with, lad. This summer I took a vacation to NZ, while I was there I learned that prostitution was legal. Cashed in my v-card, came back home, got back in the dating scene, now I'm dating/banging a chubby qt3.14 with a delicious butt. You can do this too
You mean Weird Science, one of the most famous teen comedies of all time?
How was the root? And what did it cost?
Like 200-300 NZbucks per lady (I fucked 6 of them during my time there). All were bretty gud, private escorts were better than chicks in brothels
Weird Science, there was even a tv show about it
How can you not know that? That movie is famous.
Animal House
The Last American Virgin
I feel like i've seen a lot of them when i was younger but i can't remember any
Animal House isn't a teen movie
this board gets stupider by the minute
Last American Virgin is top tier 80's sex comedy. Ending is a real kick in the teeth though.
'Stupider' isn't a word.
Are you 12?
your a fucking virgin, who cares
Whatever you do, do not google her unless it included Weird Science.
Did you not come back with any STD's?
I'm willing to pay a fair bit for an escort over there but that shit gives me anxiety, even with condoms etc. Whereabouts in NZ?
how come?
I just made a thread asking the same question, using the same picture! What are the odds?
Sorry mods. Delete my thread.
Personally? I think porn became easier to access.
>mfw lassie scene as a kid
something something chatterly OR one of the Godiva movies.
Oh my fucking god. Dat body
No STDs, you wear a condom. Literally anywhere in NZ, but Auckland had the best brothels and escorts
>just read the plot summary
Holy fuck
It's not a sex comedy but the naked alien lady that is naked the entire movie could enchant the most stubborn of boners. Also Return of the Living Dead with naked punk rock girl.
20 year olds today have never even heard mention of this before.
Kids born in 2000 will be 18 soon
it doesn't sound like a comedy
it sounds fucking nuts
the beta orbiter pays for her abortion and she takes the chad back? lol
It's Red Pill as fuck. Saw it when I was 6 and taught me an important lesson about fucked-up females from 16 to 29 are.
Yeah it's not really a comedy.
Anyone who watches this movie and just takes away "women are fucked up" is sympathizing way too much with the creepy beta jewboy protag.
I don't believe in prostitution. It's always been tempting, but I've always concluded that it's immoral. I think only about 10-15% of guys have actually paid for sex. I don't want to be in that minority.
This one is alright, remember watching it as a kid in the 90's when they had nudie movies on late at night on the Tele
Here's a good list, use to watch a lot of these just for the nude scenes. None of them are actually funny though. imdb.com
Prime Depp kino
Ski School is a guilty pleasure.
Private Lessons
Yeah I kind of felt dirty after the first one, was worried I'd have regrets about it later. Kind of over it now, just see it as a thing I did, no real sense of shame/regret. Still wouldn't tell anyone about it though
My man! This was boner kino
It's Chronicle with absolutely no drama or character development but 4 to 5 times the T&A.
Just one of the guys
According to the Electric Boogaloo documentary about the Canon Films guys of the 80s, Golan and Globus, the story is based on a real life experience of one of the guys when he was back in Israel. He even made an Israeli version first.
There was a shitload of weird sex comedies coming out of Israel back in the day too. The Lemon Popsicle movies were on most video rental shelves for years back in the early 80s. My dad had a real eye for renting absolute fucking trash movies so I got to see all this shit way too young.
80s Phoebe Cates was 10/10 waifu material
Fast Times at Ridgemont High has probably the best nudity Ive ever seen a non porno film
>That last shot of him driving away crying while "Just Once" plays in the background.
That had lots of good nude scenes. Everyone talks about Pheobe Cates but I liked Jennifer Jason Leigh's sex scene.
>you wear a condom
You're still a virgin if you do this.
>It's a whiny kike loves a whore and pays for her to abort another man's baby episode
What do you think these movies are?
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
The Wild Life (basically Fast Times pt. 2)
Private School (with based Phoebe Cates)
Porky's (1 & 2 are OK, but 3 was lame and they were all fucking in their 30s)
Weird Science
Hardbodies (the first one only, sequals sucked)
Fraternity Vacation
Just One of The Guys
phenomenal titty reveal
Muh nigga. Scamming' Jammin' Scottie Palmer.
"Party animal" is another underrated gem.
I knew sounded increbly jewwy, when hearing the title. There's really some weird shit going on with jews and sex, I can't vocalize it properly, but it's very morbid and obsessive.
these were from the 70's