Why are Hapas so fucked up Sup Forums?
From a biological point of view, shouldn't hapas (eurasians) be technically superior to both asians and europeans, since they've got the best from both genetic stocks?
Why are Hapas so fucked up Sup Forums?
From a biological point of view, shouldn't hapas (eurasians) be technically superior to both asians and europeans, since they've got the best from both genetic stocks?
loser white guys + race traitor asians are definitely the worst of both groups
people with good genetic fitness don't have to look outside of their tribe/race/culture for serious relationships
Many Asian girls who like white guys are the self-hating, white-worshipping type.
Many white men who go after Asian girls blame white women for being trash and hold conservative political views that favor whites.
So, you have 2 parents who think white is right, and they have a child that is half Asian. The kid is resented by the mother for being nonwhite, and emasculated by their white father who most likely already views Asian men as feminine and inferior.
Obviously not every WMAF relationship is like this, but enough are that people have caught on to these trends.
This is a great point
Meant to reply to OP oops
>since they've got the best from both genetic stocks?
why does this myth of how genetics work perpetuate endlessly. it's the same bullshit that people endlessly spout with mixed race niglet children
hapas almost always grow up to hate white people which is why the jews push the asian woman meme so hard.
yeah in reality mullatoes are as dumb as niggers and less athletic. i never got the meme.
when two races mix, the strengths of neither are passed on
t. Hitler
>niglet children
Hmmm well I think It's not the same mixing an Iberian horse with a donkey, than mixing it with a persian or japanese horse, for example.
I guess the same logic can apply to humans. You can't expect the same results when mixing a white with a japanese, than when mixing it with a australian abo or african negro.
They are the result of fetish hungry fathers and self loathing mothers.
>when two races mix, the strengths of neither are passed on
>American Flag
says the spic
you should know this first hand
Lib art biology
Actual estimates
Those looking outside their race are probably despos or cucks (rejected by own race), i.e.
Sure thing Paco
I have mulatto friends. One of the cringiest moments I've ever had in real life was with one guy who was mixed black / white. Really athletic, good guy, reasonably smart. At least average. Not a loser.
We were drunk outside a bar, and he decided to show off by going up and talking to a few blacks on the corner. They mocked him for thinking he could relate to them at all immediately.
That's the real tragedy of mulattoes, you don't get to really identify with either group, and they certainly don't care about you. It messes them up, in a lot of ways - I'm sure for example, Obama resents whites more than most blacks. He doesn't really get to be the first black president at all. At best he's the first white-trash president.
you forget happa is really an asian on the inside, he will have a low sex drive (asians have the lowest in the world with highest virginity rates), his dad is probably an ultra beta and weak father figure. The result is a perma virgin. If you want to fuck up your childs future and make him suffer then race mixing is the answer
They're not, these fuckers are just edgelords with a persecution complex, and having found no one interested in persecuting them they've made up an elaborate cuck fantasy to justify their retarded worldview. They bought into the retarded liberal belief that what you have to say only matters if you're a weak oppressed little faggot, so they've tried to convince everyone that they're weak oppressed little faggots.
People should be more logical when choosing a partner to have kids with.
1) Go for the most based, smartest, hottest girl possible
2) Trade few points of smartness and hotness for attributes which are your weaknesses.
short guy -> tall woman
twink guy -> slightly butch woman
too long nose -> woman with small nose
Following this pattern, you shouldn't date an asian woman unless:
*You have too much testosterone
*You are very extroverted
*You are a liberal arts guy
*You are tall
*You have too robust facial features
*You're averagish intelligence
And as we all know, these are the opposite features of what the normal white guy who dates asians has (except for height perhaps).
So your female kids will be blessed perhaps, but your male offspring will essentially be Asian without the benefit of belonging to a strong Asian community within which your civilized traits are valued, competing for dindus in the dating meat market.
It's only the ones that have a white dad that they are messed up.
As put it
>The kid is resented by the mother for being nonwhite, and emasculated by their white father who most likely already views Asian men as feminine and inferior.
The ones that have a white mom and asian dad however, have a better understanding and embrace their heritage moreso than the asian mom/white dad ones.
mixing races only leads to trouble, no matter what races are mixed.
why don't you go get murdered, Paco?
also dad is usually beta trash in this case which means the son is guaranteed to also be beta trash and the daughter is guaranteed to be a whore
They aren't fucked up. The losers on r/Hapas are asian men projecting insecurities to make wmaf couples look bad.
Asians perceive whites biggest flaw as is being lazy, overly empathetic and intolerant of hardship
Whites perceive Asians are being as being overworked, overly competitive and being terrified of failure beyond reason.
Assuming they're right about each other, and that there is a genetic predisposition for these mentalities, imagine having a mix of modes of thought?
High emotion and high intelligence with conflicting standards of self image is bound to drive someone mad.
But it might also have nothing to do with genes and everything to do with a beta, weak father and a mother with inhuman expectations.
considering hapas with asian fathers tend to have no emotional baggage, it's probably the later. For an Asian man to score a white women he'd have to break the cultural sterotypes that perceive him as feminine, so the father is already a top tier individual.
For the inverse, all it takes is a beta father and an Asian mother thinking he's top shit because he's white.
I actually didn't know Elliot Rodgers was hapas until Sup Forums.