Do you drink alcohol or do you consider it degenerate?
Do you drink alcohol or do you consider it degenerate?
If you don't drink daily then you can't consider yourself white.
I drink but in little amounts. Beer contains xenoestrogens
I guess trump is black then
I don't drink but i don't consider it degeneracy i just dont like the taste of alcohol
I enjoy a good beer or two (three if I'm being 'social')
People don't drink it for the taste, they drink it to get fucked up, escape their problems, and manage their emotions
I only use alcohol for cooking, but never drink it. I come from a family of alcoholics and saw how destructive it could be.
Alcohol is degenerate as fuck to me.
Drinking is okay if it˙s in small amounts. People should just drink when they celebrate something to make it special. That way you would drink around 20 times a year
Vikings, romans and national socialists did drink. I drink
Zero tolerance for alcohol, tobacco and other drugs
consider it degenerate yet i still drink,
Trump is a big drinker, he just says he abstains to get the mormon vote.
nice straw man brain picture as if all brains would look the same to begin with using brains to appeal to a fallacy
>3D model
>What is beer
>what is wine
>what is whiskey
You're completely wrong.
I'm a functioning alcoholic, please end my life
Practically stopped drinking when i started going to gym.
Alcohol is ruining lifes.
Also alcoholics. My uncle is older than me on 4 years but hell, he is drinking from 18 and degrading before our eyes. My dad basically drank himself to death.
No, I don't drink alcohol anymore.
No, I don't consider alcohol degenerate unless it's abused.
I drink 3-4 times months but when i do I drink 9-12 beers.
Depends on amount.
Small amount to just feel the tang and become a bit uninhibited is fine.
To get drunk and lose control is degenerate as fuck.
It has a hormetic effect, just like smoking has preventive effect against parkingsons. Albeit smoking is also degenerate, so use quarter nicotine patches time to time, its neuro protective.
Education is key, any abuse is degenerate.
Moderate drinking= perfectly fine
Heavy drinking= degenerate
If you're prone to compulsive or addictive behavior you should abstain entirely, because for that personality type there's no such thing as "moderate" drinking.
I drink it because it helps me escape my shitty reality
I find playing vidya after a few shots to be a bunch more enjoyable.
You clearly don't drink user.
No and Yes. Anybody not sober be it from any substance is annoying as fuck and degenerate
if it didn't taste like shit i would drink it more often
His brother died of alcoholism.
>Freddy (Donald's brother) pursued his passion for flying, working for Trans World Airlines, which gave him some good years. In 1962, at age 23, he married Linda Clapp, a stewardess. They had two children, whom they named Fred and Mary, after Freddy’s parents.
>But as he reached his mid-20s, he began drinking heavily. And Donald, then in college, did not approve, haranguing his older brother about wasting his time on frivolous pursuits.“I was too young; I didn’t realize,” he said. “Now I give speeches on success, and I tell people, ‘You’ve got to love what you’re doing.’ ”
>Mr. Trump said he had eventually come to recognize that his brother was a talented pilot and belonged in the clouds, not amid bricks and mortar. But by the time Donald had graduated from college in 1968 and had begun ascending at Trump headquarters on Coney Island, Freddy’s drinking was out of control. Ms. Schifano recalled that the last time she saw Freddy, one night in the late 1960s, he looked gaunt. Even though she prepared his favorite food, roast beef, he barely ate.
>The years that followed were unkind. He got divorced, quit flying because he knew his drinking presented a danger and failed at commercial fishing in Florida. By the late 1970s, he was living back in his parents’ house in Jamaica Estates, working on one of his father’s maintenance crews.
>In 1977, Donald asked Freddy to be the best man at his first wedding, to the Czech model Ivana Winklmayr, an honor Donald said he hoped would be “a good thing for him.” But the drinking continued, and four years later, Freddy was dead.
When I do drink it's for occasions and when I do it's either Corona, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cavit, a certain red wine from Villages de France.
No more than 5 bottles of beer in one sitting and 2 glasses of wine. No thanks for whiskey, brandy, apple vodka, all the vodkas, etc. Never to the extent of getting drunk. As soon as I feel mentally impaired, I stop.
Degenerate, lowers your testosterone and makes you retarded. Funny how most of the Western world considers in manly to drink a lot, when it literally makes you less of a man the more you drink.
One thing I do hate about being sober is the fact that everyone always has to fuckign question my motives, like is drinking that big of a deal than when you meet someone who does not drink you are in shock and in disbelief
I drink very rarely. I don't care that people do. It always gives me a sore throat the next day no matter what I do so I hate it.
Less of a man and more of an animal. Give a man a drink and their mental faculties drop. It's worse given that most people don't even have that mental block in place that stops them from driving while under the influence. Too many drunk drivers where I live.
Nigga, I'm drunk right now.
>Do you drink alcohol
Yes, a lot
>do you consider it degenerate?
In large quantities, yes
The flag fits
rip Freddy
with moderation, not degenerate
out of moderation, degenerate
at least there's a craft to distilling / brewing alcohol
They all taste like shit, you've been fooled.
>normal person
>still dead
Moderate casual drinking is acceptable,
binge drinking or drinking alone is degenerate
I dont drink much but cold beer in summer and vodka in winter
who /islay/ master race whisky here?
>got blasted last night
>wake up at like 11am
>immediately pour myself another drink
Haha, no that shit's degenerate. Don't ever drink the stuff.
Send help.
forgot the picture
Dammit Ireland
>alcoholics don't drink it for the taste, they drink it to get fucked up, escape their problems, and manage their emotions
ftfy burger
Nobody drinks it for the taste, alcohol is made to taste good because otherwise it would be undrinkable, you drink it to get drunk, if I wanted a drink that tasted good I'd make myself a banana smoothie.
What do u do when even alcohol doesnt help?
NEVER TRUST a man who does not drink and also who does not curse occasionally.
I often drink 1 glass of wine with lunch or dinner.
Getting drunk more than twice per year is degenerate though.
says the fucking chink.
I completely abstain from alcohol, it ultimately is bad for you.
I drink it only for the taste.
Getting drunk is only fun on celebrations like New Year or something. It's not fun by itself, for me at least.
Go home Paddy, you're drunk.
slavs who do not drink are no slavs
jebeš im mater, brate
I consider alcoholics degenerate, as alcohol itself is just a drink. You can abuse anything motherfucker, you can abuse cheeseburgers.
There a two drugs craftet by god for humans:
alcohol and coffee.
alcohol is made by god( or the gods) and is good. It is needed to kill everything you don't like about yourself.
Ever culture is shit without alcohole.
Moderate muslim = good, then?
You stole that quote from Joe Rogan... dumb fuck
I get drunk by myself mostly, I never got why people find it depressive, it puts me in a cosy introspective headspace.
I make new observations about the world when I'm drunk, more so than with any other drug.
Some of the greatest writers of all time, like Joyce and Yeats, wrote while drinking absinthe, a green drink that tastes like mouthwash it has so much alcohol in it.
Getting drunk everyday and drinking till you vomit is the pinnacle of degeneracy though.
moderate diarrhea = good, then?
There is a certain South African wine I drink often and one day it hit me where it comes from and I checked the company to see if they are White people, I would not want to support niggers with my purchases. The people on their website and in their videos were indeed white.
Then I realized that niggers would not make wine or do anything productive in the first place.
rip pupper
I drink socially.
I'll take anything that comes out of that ass.
I avoid drinking much in social situations because I lose my filter and reveal my power level to everyone, which almost never goes well.
Are you a faggot or are you muslim?
I'm shit at drinking. I always lose track of how much I've drunk and end up drinking entire bottles. Combine that with some weed and I'll really fuck up.
Okay guys I know you're all strong feely about drinking cause you have to cry yourself to sleep after your parents fight all night in a drunkard rage.
But seriously if you don't like drinking you're either under 21, a troll, or a fucking straight edge NEET.
Best part is you prob just got done lighting up a bowl.
see his next reply, he obviously isn't
This is true, I had an uncle in law who took a vow to never drink at a young age as he was from a hyper religious family, he was a complete cunt, he used to talk shit about my family drinking and would act coldly to my aunt after she'd drink, he was just an asshole in general also. Everyone hated him.
Honestly, drink is like sex, there's nothing wrong with it in moderation and if you deprive yourself of it you become an asshole with a chip on your shoulder.
I drink with buds but I've never drank alone, people who drink alone are losers
20 times a year??????
gtfo fucking alcoholic degenerate
Beer and wine are staples of the Western European diet and a moderate daily consumption is nothing to be looked down upon. Liquor is degenerate as it promotes drunkenness and over consumption of beer and wine is degenrate beceause it promotes both drunkenness and gluttony.
I drink fairly regularly.
Its completely ok, and even healthy, to drink regularly in moderation
I seriously doubt Trump drinks ever
His personality doesnt mesh with someone who craves alcohol
I think alcohol is pointless unless you've got something to mix with it like weed or cocaine.
>Multi-billion celebrity businessman.
>Being afforded the opportunity to stimulate his mind with alcohol and other mind altering substances when his public image and business are in need of constant managment.
That is GOAT beer, burgerbro
Rarely. I inhale cannabinoids.
that's even more degen
This, but a beer or two a few times a year isn't a problem.
Trappist beer is a Holy Gift from God. St. Benedict more than earned his canonization simply for promoting Trappist Monasteries to make it.
The Pilgrims were teetotalers, as was Hitler himself, so I am too.
You call yourself a mick? Get outta here you alcohol hating westbrit.
fucks up my digestive system so only rarely drink anymore.
Can't afford a good alcohol
But if seriously drinking is only ok if it's on occasions (like with a friend or celebrations of holidays) and and not overdoing it.
People who drink annually and overdrinking for fun are considered degenerate alcoholic scum who should kill themselves.
I'm a staight edge dude but I can handle 7 glasses of wine without getting drunk or experiencing even the mildest forms of hangovers, only time I got drunk was when I was 14 and experienced alcohol for the first time.
>straight edge
Alcohol is ok sometimes in a social setting, but not much more than that
I'm addicted to cannabis tho
I drink to relax and occasionally get shit faced. Fuck you to anyone that thinks it's degenerate.
Drink once a week, usually alone. In large excess.
Keep trying to stop drinking but I just get too bored since
becoming a NEET after getting laid off and being unable to afford my Masters degree
Drinking in moderation is a good social custom. Although I don't really enjoy it. It just alleviates boredom so well
I know the man personally; he does not drink alcohol.
just skip to 4:19
drinking is degenerate as fuck
Love, love, love alcohol. It's the perfect substance for me. Had to give it up though, it was holding me back in weigh lifting. Might start drinking a clear liquor straight once a week again. I always supplement with NAC, b-complexes, vitamin C, electrolyte salts, lots of water and coconut water; so I was drinking extremely healthy when I was. Only thing that would get to me is the lack of good sleep. Really really wish I could switch over to GHB; it's the perfect drug, would have absolutely zero health consequences in moderation, and would help my body building and insomnia greatly (better sleep then normal while on it, and increase of HGH) it makes me fucking furious that Clinton outlawed it over some misguided thoughts about date rape. It truly is the perfect drug, and the DEA knows that, and doesn't want it taking money away from the pharmaceutical industry. I don't know why, but I'm extremely hesitant to buy GBL online, or at all. Can anyone give me some recommendations on doing so? Somehow it just doesn't seem as healthy or safe as GHB, though that might just be silly thinking.