What would be different in the Harry Potter movies if Hogwarts were set in America and all the people are americans?
What would be different in the Harry Potter movies if Hogwarts were set in America and all the people are americans?
*gangster rap plays*
AYOO CUZ we finna up in one of da most thugged-out borin franchise up in history. Fo real each episode followin pimp wizzle n' his thugged-out lil' niggas from Hogwarts Academy as they fight different shitty muthafuckas has been indistinguishable from tha others fo realz. Aside from tha fucked up porno, tha series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement n' ineffectizzle use of effects, all ta make magic unmagical, ta make action seem busted
Maybe tha take a dirtnap was busted when Rowlin didn't want no Spielberg directin tha series; she made shizzle tha series would never be trippin fo a work of art dat meant anythang ta anybody; just cross-promotion ta make loadz of chedda fo' her books. Da Harry Potta series might be anti-christian (or not) yo, but it’s certainly tha anti-Jizzy Bond series cuz it don't accept wonder, beauty n' excitement. No one wants ta accept tha real deal. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack
>a-at least tha books was phat though
Da freestylin is dreadful; tha book was shitty fo' realz. As I read, I noticed dat every last muthafuckin time a cold-ass lil characta went fo' a strutt, tha lyricist freestyled instead dat tha characta "stretched his fuckin legs"
I fuckin started markin on tha back of a envelope every last muthafuckin time dat phrase was repeated. This type'a shiznit happens all tha time. I stopped only afta I had marked tha envelope nuff muthafuckin dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowlingz mind is so governed by cliches n' dead metaphors dat dat freaky freaky biatch has no other steez of writing. Lata I read a white-ass, gangbangin review of Potta by tha same Stephen Mackdaddy yo. Dude freestyled suttin' ta tha effect of, "If these lil niggas is readin Potta at 11 or 12, then when they git olda they will go on ta read Stephen Mackdaddy." And da thug was like right yo. Nigga was not bein ironic. When you read "Larry Potsmoker" yo ass is, up in fact, trained ta read Stephen Mackdaddy
>"expecto bulletus!"
>bullets start firing from wands
Get it? Because America is obsessed with gun culture haha
Harry would be overweight
Ron would be black
Malfoy would mass shoot the school
What would be different in the Harry Potter movies if Hogwarts were set in CURRENT YEAR UK?
>allaharu akbarus
Would kill the whole soul of it..
america has no magic nor mystic feeling to it
Lol no, we're just mocked for being the last of the uncucked nations.
If set in America there'd be more cigarettes, coffee, and whiskey/beer
bourbon ain't whisky lol