Which triggers more? Black on white or Hispanic on white?
Which triggers more? Black on white or Hispanic on white?
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Black on white. Hispanic I can resect and understand. At least theyre some degree white, just more southern European
black on white. at least hispanics have human features
Black on Hispanic
Can one of Burgers explain me why Americans think being "Hispanic" automatically means you're not white?
Mexico has lots of mixed and native people, but also spanish people and spanish people are white. Therefore there are also many mexicans who are white.
Does "hispanic" have a different meaning? You burgers are confusing as fuck.
There's no such thing as "hispanic"
You're a fucking aztec rape baby or a Italian looking spanish guy
Saturation is the greatest destroyer of the white race. Ugly whitebois get with the ugliest of Asian women whilst the most average looking of Chinese men can get an aryan princess.
white on black triggers 100% of blacks
Contreras is guido as fuck. Kelly Ripa is Italian.
The kids eat tomatoes in some fashion.
because Spanish are part arabic
The reason is that the vast majority of "Hispanics" in the states are mestizo shitskins and are most definitely not white in the slightest.
They are however leagues above niggers.
These repeating digits trigger
Hispanic is not a race and it means spanish ancestry. Any race can be hispanic depending who the Spaniards raped hundreds of years ago
Mexico barely has any white people so when mexicans who are filled with Aztec and Indio genes scream they are "Hispanic" people think it's a brown word
We need a "mestizo" racial category for mestizos to make shit less confusing
Americans = retarded
I know that many Mexicans have Spanish roots and still living Spanish family.
America is a wonderful country, or at least was, but easily the worst thing about it are the Americans
t. /r/AsianMasculinity
t. chinklet
>Spanish people
lol no
The result is still an African looking offspring.
what the fuck is wrong with his head.
Because Latino (south/Central Americans) are lumped with Hispanics (Spanish speakers including Spain)
But we use "white (of European descent)" for Spaniards to select.
Mexico is so mixed that it's really difficult to create a race for them. They are just Latinos. If you look white, you generally pick white (light skin, colored eyes, light hair)
The vast majority of Hispanics in America are primarily Mexican, and Mexicans are primarily Mestizos (Native and European, mostly). And just as my subjective experience living in New Jersey, most of these Mexicans look 90+% Native.
Nothing triggers me we are all homo sapiens
Black on white
>Hispanic on white
Depends. If they lean more towards Amerindian, it's def triggering. If they are on the European side, it's all good.
Definitively the answer isn´t hispanic with white.
She looks exactly like Harambe.
Spaniards are "White Hispanic"
We need a dedicated hispanic male, white female cuck poster. Blacks and Asians have one, we deserve one too.
Doesn't look like there's a whole lot of native in that guy. He looks mostly Spanish.
Native admixture is extremely easy to spot. Look at the eyes and head shape.
If you're hispanic and you're not white or at least not swarthy then you're basically a native american
There's no such thing as "White Hispanic" in government forms
potato niggers
Bullshit. Hispanics refers to people from the areas conquered by Spain, and possibly Portugal. It does not refer to actual Spanish people.
Thanks, it always confused me.
Something else that confuses me is that people call mixed people "black", especially black people seem to have the power to decide who is black and who is white, depending on the persons behaviour.
Beyonce = just black, not mixed (because they like her)
Mixed girl who is rightwing = mixed (because they don't like her.
Mixed is mixed, and Beyonce is mixed
Yeah there is
Hispanic is not a race
Even the government knows this
White, Black, Asian, and Native are races
Any of those races can be hispanic
Hispanics are nothing more than spanish rape babies.
99% of people who describing themselves as hispanic here are majority non-white DNA.
Hispanic means relating to ANY Spanish country regardless if it's European or Latino
LATINO means countries conquered by Spain
Are you retarded
Hispanic/Latino (of non-European descent) is how it shows up. Google it.
What is the average mexican then? not white, not black, not asian, not native.
hispanic in the united states means mixed race
they both have similar features. Dye her hair brown or black, give her a more natural looking tan.
Look at their jaws, mouth, nose. The eyes are slightly different.
This sounds like the Turks.
There are Turks that look like they come from Austria or Bavaria (that's a minority though, and i don't mean Kurds, kurds have an oriental look despite sometimes having brown hair and bright eyes).
Then you got Turks who look like they're Mongols.
And Turks who are brown, dark and look Arab.
(Last ones being the majority).
I guess in Mexico it's similar.
>pic unrelated french nignog captured by us
You can be hispanic and asian
Like the Philippines
Most Mexicans are Indians
We need a "Mestizo" catagory for them
Hispanic/Latino are not the same thing and it shows as an Ethnicity and not a race
You can be European heritage and still be Hispanic if you're a guy like Martin Sheen
yes thats basically it
Ricky Martin and Louis CK are White Hispanics but they are a small minority there
infact most hispanics are majority siberian DNA. they are very short and very dark. they like to wear cowboy hats and run taco trucks.
Most "hispanics" aren't hispanic
Aztec genes make them brown
not spanish genes
>Louis CK
That nigger is a fucking kike
I KNOW what the difference between Hispanic and Latino is
The point I'm making is that in government forms, when identifying your race, Latino/Hispanic is show.
Seriously. Google it
Peux-tu laisser la porte ouverte à Alsace-Lorraine, stp?
>pic related
I've always found her repellant so I have no reaction. She's a fake blonde jew/italian something.
hispanic is not a fucking race to everybody retard
Is this really how liberals saw that Trump tweet? lmao
My best friend is from Galicia and I can tell you right now that he isn't white.
yet everyone knows what spics refer to.
well spic means latino
>Can one of Burgers explain me why Americans think being "Hispanic" automatically means you're not white?
Spend any time in Latin America and you'll understand. Maybe 5% of the population at best in any given country, even """"white"""" countries like Argentina could actually be considered white, while everyone else is either heavily mixed or full indio. Most "Hispanics" in the New World look just like pic related or perhaps a bit lighter.
that's why we need to separate the hispanic races
a spanish guy shouldn't be blamed for an aztec rape baby's crime
Fuck you, we both know we'd fuck your pic related like there's no tomorrow
That dude is obviously white. Wealthy, well manered, non violent, etc
We dont like niggers and spics because theyre terrible human beings. Not because of their skin color
We need a new Hitler to come and purge these races.
hispanic's not a race
the average Hispanic in America looks like this. white as fuck, clearly
I'm not exaggerating
Both. People should just stay with their own race.
Whites going extinct in America means we become a third world country. Sorry steezers, you might be better than negroes, but it's still a major downgrade. Think of it this way: Would you rather live in the U.S. or in El Salvador?
Black on White is worse. At least mixed latino and white kids look white, nig and white kids are obvious
No they don't look at Jeb Bush's kids.
Brown is better than black, but it is still a downgrade nonetheless.
Why are latin men so hot?
Black on white.
Hispanic on white has been a thing for a while now. Nobody really notices.
Desi Arnaz was of Spanish descent.
Spanish descent is hispanic
Why do we label Spanish Aztec Mestizos mixes "Hispanic" but not Single Aztecs as "Hispanic"
Hispanic means Spanish descent regardless if it's pure or not
I had a teacher in school who looked like Kelly Ripa.
Gotta fap now.
enough with this #notallhispanics bullshit. we get it dude. blood boils when i see a black guy with any other type of girl instead of black. its like these girls are ruining their lineages with subhumans.
totally delusional. everybody knows asian men get the least pussy and they are super mad over it.
lol this. almost worth dating a black girl to see all the nigger butthurt.
>thinking that nigs care if we steal their women
Toppest of keks.
Even black guys don't want black chicks.
Black chicks are literally the absolute least desirable people on the totem pole.
>Which triggers more? Black on white or Hispanic on white?
You on Sup Forums.
Wtf? That's it I'm #cruzmissle now
niggers will always be bottom of the barrel
what people dont realize is that american niggers are actually diluted quite a lot, thats why they can manage to pass as human beings
just look at african countries, 90% of the time you cant tell the difference between the males and females, they are hideous creatures that are incapable of surviving without human intervention
i always call myself spic,
i always find myself naturally getting along with white people better. from socializing to professional life.
i dont get treated the same by dark beaners. or get along with them. and i always feel awkward being around them
any other spics know this feel?
Can't tell if joking or not
I feel the same way except I'm more tan coloured.
But life's great anyway, I'm in academics and I'm lucky enough to be able to attend live orchestral music which is fantastic
He's Puerto Rican. Puerto Rico has been subject to Spanish colonization just like Mexico and other countries. It's no different aside from it being a US territory.
Depends. Mestizos are subhuman.
you're white m8 or at least Italian tier white
Not all hispanics are genetically the same
Hispanic is not a race
well not all hispanics even have the same DNA
white girls with asians really triggers me. asians are cocky douchebags.
black with blonde hair on X