Why did the Nazis have such mind-blowing technology?

Why did the Nazis have such mind-blowing technology?

They didn't, only the plane they developed too far in the war because goering fucked up

They didnt.

Quite honestly their technology did not matter all that much, it was the way that it was directed that made us see it.

But their technology was mostly just the same as everyone else's

>He doesn't knw about the ufos

Why did the soviets have such mind-blowing biotechnology?
>be statist dystopia
>throw money and zerg at a problem until it's fixed
>receive results

>Stealth planes

>Supersonic bells

>Jet engines

>"They didnt"

Fucking leaf

>Jet engines
Dude I already mentioned that

Because they researched the technologies of the ancients.

The soviets only really had the T-34 tank, which was a mind blowing achievement at that time, with german generals commenting how it was the best tank around

>supersonic bell
>believing ancient aliums tier 'history' channel bs

No you didn't. You didn't even write a coherent sentence

don't forget assault rifles (Stg44)

as for the thread: probably because Hitler planned for war and had industry focused on everything related to it

Nazi technology is so fucking rad, it's literally the closest we'll ever get to an actual alium conspiracy

The fucking krauts had a fucking stealth prototype

And fucking jet engines


Oh and that other stuff they did with the assault rifle

There was only one plane capable of jet speeds the nazis developed, and too far into the war


>Denying the battle of LA

>Not looking up all the confirmed awesome shit they had in prototypes (VTOL jetcopter)

Do you know nothing about the postwar Soviet Biopreparat program?
>enough tularemia to annihilate europe 10 times over
>anthrax bombs
>plague bombs
>giga nigga ebola
>hybrid strain of smallpox with giga ebola's genetic package

but of course the nazis are so impressive for making engines

I do know about it, but in terms of WW2 and what was actually used, I also said nazi technology was not impressive, because the jet engine came too late into the war anyways

>putting some germs in a putin dish


All you idiots are ignoring the V-2 rocket

The V-2 rocket was a massive failure, instead of focusing on nuclear technology they focused on obsolete rockets

Only they had ovens that could burn a corpse to ash in 30 seconds

>throw money and zerg at a problem until it's fixed

They had some cool toys, I grant you. But that was because they were socialist and could devote vast amounts of their economy to r&d.

Though let's remember, for every one cool thing that got fielded, like a tiger tank, they were fielding 10 shitty things, like the panzer 3. They had stealth planes, yeah, but their logistics was largely horse based even early in the war.

There are so many things wrong with this post

Hitler was on the very edge of researching the occult and designing superior technology for the superior race, it doesn't make sense to not at least see some fruits of that labor.

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