>"I'm so intelligent, all the stupid adults are less intelligent than me so I'll talk them down like the insignificant retards they are!"
-the movie
"I'm so intelligent...
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sounds like Sup Forums just replace "adults" with "normies"
adults are pretty stupid. they're basically older larger children
He was in high school, of course he thought he knew it all. Chut the fuck up
How does one actually suck a fuck?
>He was in high school, of course he thought he knew it all
The film portrayed him as someone who DID know it all.
That's a very real mental state in the human experience, some films have to do it.
They also make it expressly clear that Donnie doesn't know what he is doing either.
How do you read a film so wrong?
Also Theatrical Cut >>>>>>>>>>> Directors Cut
>drew barrymore cast as the """hot""", more intelligent than everyone teacher
Yeah he was really wrong about talking down that comically retarded teacher for demanding binary answers between fear and love, and providing a scientific explanation for why that doesn't make sense.
She was a realistic portrayal of what highschool boys would call "the hot teacher"
this is why you're a virgin
I'm happy you never had to deal with one of those before.
His exact point was that love and fear couldn't be so easily explained or categorized, basically admitting he's not sure how to understand it all.
Donnie didn't watch Full Metal Jacket
Sure, if you're dumb enough to think she meets the criteria.
Short ugly things who sound dumb don't make for smart, hot teachers.
This is the biggest deception of childhood, thinking that adults are somehow less childish.
Read the post properly you idiot.
The point is he knew better than the adults in just about every instance, and often shit them down like an edgy atheist teenager would his christian parents, only it's played seriously.
She's like a 6/10 when most teachers are 3/10 and they're like 14. It works.
Real "hot teachers" are rarely actual bombshells.
I know :(
Read the film properly you idiot. He knew enough to know they're wrong but didn't know enough to offer a real solution.
Perfect encapsulation of being a teenager. You go from a structured and simple childhood to the precipice of adulthood and you're scrambling to make sense of the madhouse you were protected from in your safe little cartoons and coloring books. Now you realize there are a lot of shitty grey areas and you battle with your sense of morality and notice the cracks in the authority structure that seemed so bullet proof before.
This set up makes Donnie's sacrifice worthwhile in the end.
Who /darkomentary/ here?
What is it about the term "knew better" that you're too braindead to understand? The fanbase for this film really is full of idiotic teenagers with limited vocabulary.
Holy fuck you're dense.
"Knowing better" doesn't just mean you say "you're wrong" and leaving it at that. If you think Donnie saying "you're the antichrist" means he knows better or is portrayed as smarter than you're the edgy teen.
You misinterpreted my post twice, suggesting "He knew enough to know they're wrong but didn't know enough to offer a real solution.".
This pretty emphatically proves you are braindead and struggle with basic comprehension.
>reading films
Just standard edgy kid terminology.
It's like talking to a brick wall.
You claimed the film portrayed Donnie as smarter than the adults because he knows better then them. My response is does he? I'd say no.
You're too stupid to comprehend my response?
>he just passively experiences flashing lights and images.
Whatever makes you happy
Sounds like projection of inadequacy.
Comically stupid adult says fear and love is a binary construct.
Super enlightened teenager Donnie Darko is so smart he understands it's more complex than that, and none of us truly understand, and he talks that dumb bitch down like the insignificant adult she is.
No need to foam so much at the mouth, kid. Just because you like to project yourself into the super intelligent teenager doesn't mean others are obliged to.
>he reads pictures and sounds like a kiddy book with cows and moo noises
This is excelent
Nothing ever makes you look less mature than literally pulling out
>psh nothing personal.... kid
Your read of the film is very surface level and frankly seems to come from the perspective of either someone who either had a boring fucking upbringing or has divorced themselves from their younger experiences. Either way its clear that this conversation isn't getting constructive because you still think Donnie is supposed to be someone we relate to or take as a paragon of correct behavior.
I know you're meming but reading is more than literally reading words, it refers to analysis.
Chuck used to have a Fuck & Suck business, but we all know how that went...
>Nothing ever makes you look less mature than literally pulling out
Sure thing, kid.
Another darko thread? Just get over it. It's a good film.
The theatrical version is anyway.
Cringe Kino, I love it.
what did he mean by this?
Not my fault you were stupid enough to misinterpret my very basic point.
For someone who claims to have a "deep" understanding of a movie, you sure struggle with understanding basic literacy.
You've never corrected me on how I've misinterpreted anything, it just sounds like you want to sling shit.
I did actually, but you're choosing to ignore it to avoid damaging your ego.
You've clarified something that i've already responded to, if you're too stupid to read my response and just want to shitpost i'm not continuing any further.
agreed, director's cut was absolute dogshit
Yes, you responded, and in those responses, you misinterpreted two simple statements. Now, you're digging yourself deeper and deeper, because the ego of edgy teenagers is rather difficult to suppress.
Explain in detail what I'm misinterpreting and you'll get a response. It seems like now you're just folding your hands and saying "I won" like a kid who invented magic shields when we were playing cowboys and indians.
>nuh UH you just didn't know what I was saying, not that i'm going to clarify to explain why you're wrong you just are ;)
Good movie.
Donnie Darko is the best teenage movie of all time, and one of the few that I've rewatched in college and still found fantastic.
I think its ironnic / Fake... Which makes IT even better
better than 99% of movies made recently
I don't want a response, you're clearly an idiot.
You completely failed to understand the idea of "knew better than" by trying to justify the fact that "he doesn't know himself", and after realizing you stuffed up, you're desperately clinging for life.
Dumb kids like you are pathetic.
This is the only movie where I prefer the theatrical release
quit arguing. yall don't even know what you're debating anymore.
however, I think I might have an actual hot teacher. Pic related. Maybe they only appear once you move up the educational ladder.