Well, Sup Forums?
Well, Sup Forums?
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They actually heard what Malcolm X proposed, instead of just sceraming louder and louder "das rayciss"
Okay? I tolerate Islam more than jews, just not in my country.
So nazis are the good guy now?
racial separatists are our allies.
Islam = Anti-Kike.
Nazis can respectfully listen to someone they disagree with and liberals would have tried shutting it down? Yes, that says a lot.
Rockwell and Malcolm X were just a few years away from an alliance of sorts. Both were ethnic nationalists and they had an almost working relationship. Rockwell wanted to work with them since ultimately they had the same goals: segregation and the blacks eventually going back to Africa. Also notice how they both were assassinated within just a couple of years of each other and both by "members of their own organizations".
>Nazis can respectfully listen to someone they disagree with
Because 'listening respectfully' is certainly one thing the Nazis did to those that they disagreed with.
Malcolm X and the Nazis both believed in separate ethnostates I don't get why this is so shocking.
Though X would lefted NoI and become a Sunni so he started preaching something more akin to MLK.
both groups were racial seperatists
apparently Rockwell respected the nation of islam greatly and donated 20 bucks on his way out
pride in your own race doesnt mean you have to hate other races
Natsoc here.
Considering what blacks were going through in this country at that time, Malcom X was right and maybe even a little red-pilled.
The american nazi party? Yeah. They seemed pretty above board. Radical ideology, but not violent. And they actually agreed with the nation of islam at this meeting. Both groups wanted to seperate the races.
>intentionally being retarded
Didn't Hitler like Islamist sandniggers?
I wonder who could be behind this?
Whoah the Talking Heads guy was a Nazi and I never knew that.
I can't speak for white nationalists because I am not one, but I have seen them speak highly of Malcolm X, and one said that you don't understand nationalism if you don't appreciate what Malcolm did for his own people.
Why do niggers support Islam? Don't they know that Islamic empires enslaved 10x the amount of blacks that whites did (and also were smart enough to castrate them as well so they wouldn't reproduce)
Both groups advocated for racial separation, so obviously them being willing to work together isn't surprising
Except they didn't disagree
wtf i hate Hitler now
its a black nationalist thing. I don't get it either. Muhammad Ali isn't his real name. He changed it from Cassius Clay. Imagine if white nationalists gave themselves old German names
>I tolerate Islam more than jews
You and others like you who share this belief are the death of the West, personified
Very good point Facundo.
do you really care what they do as long as they do it in their own countries?
Early Nation of Islam was alright, back when they genuinely had ambitions of moving back to Africa instead of wanting white people to pay for everything. They used to be anti-kike, as well.
they seem pretty useless now. They'll probably disband after Farrakhan croaks
also imagine someone like him trying to give a speech at a university today
nation of islam =/= islam
not at all alike. for example, islam does not believe the white man was created by an evil scientist named yakub on a secret island fortress.
nation of islam is we wuz kangs the cult
Mine would be Hitler Von Rommel
Malcolm X was a black separatist. They're white separatists. Do you see now?
my nigga George. revival of party when?
I'll be Goebbels Wilhelm von Hindenburg
Rockwell is super based. Listening to his university speeches on youtube, and it is amazing how relevant it is today.
>Nation of Islam meeting
Why the fuck are they lying so hard? That's not what it was at all.
is black separatism even a thing anymore?
Have you never heard of BLM? What do you think "safe spaces for people of color" is code for?
I meant back to Africa. It is pretty ironic that they bemoan Jim Crow and are essentially asking for segregation to come back
So your point is that nazis are good.. OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN
Not so far as I'm aware. I think they realized that it's easier to just have us give them our country on a silver platter than to actually build their own.
I can't stand BLM its all "fuck you whitey" and torching police cruisers. There isn't any discussion or negotiation. They should remind themselves that their heroes allowed a literal Nazi to speak at one of their functions and they applauded him. At least the old black radicals had some civility
They were always the good guys
was Rockwell really a Nazi or just a larper?
"African" Americans =/= Africans.
you would be killed.
>people wanting to segregate listens to person who agrees with them
What's wrong with this?
this is why I laugh every time I see Anarchist or Socialist groups on college campuses. They think they're so rebellious, but they wouldn't last a second if the administrators had a problem with them
He was a United States brand National Socialist.
He recognized the jews as a global threat, but didn't share in the vehement attitude Germans had toward them in the 30s. As the jews did not betray him and his people as they did the Germans in the early 20th century.
However, like the National Socialists, he was extremely, and I mean EXTREMELY, opposed to communism and bolshevism. He admitted evolution and believed the tenets of National Socialism were the natural product of the species via natural selection and that Marxism and Communism was antithetical to evolution and the progress of mankind.
>Marxism and Communism was antithetical to evolution and the progress of mankind
this is true. Its the reason why they dusted off this kids show hack to indoctrinate us into believing there is no such thing as race
So, like black mormons
I know who you are dirty anglo
The principles of trying to gather your people under a strong leader, no race mixing and pride in your race was common ground for them.
Islam is a religion of conquest, not isolationism. It is the duty of every Muslim to spread the message to all four corners of the world. You're a fool if you believe they'll just practice it in the Middle East for eternity and not bother anyone.
Isn't Malcolm X the redpilled version of Martin Luther King? He was strongly in favour of racial seperatism, gun ownership and wanted blacks to one day go back to Africa if I'm not mistaken. Any americanon who can confirm or disconfirm this?
Rockwell made it very clear that he didn't hate blacks he just didn't want to live around them
the jews are just as bad for niggers as they are for us
if not worse since niggers are super low-agency and more susceptible to the jewish temptations
this is true. And I really hate to see their numbers increasing in this country, and in Europe. France is only 6 percent Muslim, and look at all of the problems that has caused
Yes bruh
to my knowledge yeah
alot of schools don't teach about Malcom X, or the American Nazi Party for that matter
yes, but a lot of the people that look up to him don't believe in any of those things. Same with Muhammad Ali, who was very vocal about exclusively dating black women
when my school did an entire semester of the holocaust, we didn't even learn about Weimar Germany, or communism in Russia
It's hard to believe in this era of globalization and the internet that there is little more we can do to combat such a corrosive and degenerate ideology than repeat statements daily to each other anonymously.
I read earlier today that white nationalism has grown on twitter by 600% since 2012. Growing faster than ISIS in the same medium. It makes me wonder how much time is going to pass before a concise message is made clear to the people of this country about the dangers that imperil us all.
I fear I will be geriatric by then.
Best post of the day, tbhfam.
that's why I think America will balkanize. Sooner than later, there will be no majority in this country. If we can't do anything about the demographic changes, we better just start looking out for ourselves
its like they didnt teach how sweden helped the nazis by letting them use traintracks and other transportation to help hunt for jews. wait they probably didnt
Thank the Jewish lord I embraced the Jews.
Now I am happy and content.
I was red pilled and angry, now I am a Jewpilled and feel much better.
Muslims weren't blowing everything up in the 60s like they are doing today.
NOI aren't real Muslims. They're just black nationalists who appropriate the star and crescent and Muslim names
>we all are the same stardust
>we are all going to live and die on the same planet
That kind of neuters the argument that he was trying to articulate.
what argument? Its just commie gobbledygook
Figure out where the white people will move, and start buying property. You will be rich.
Why do some of you faggots think the Reich would accept Islam? Muslims would be seen as filthy subhuman savages if Nazis held power again. Hitler didn't admire Islam, he respected the devotion sand niggers had to their retarded ideology. Islam is anti-Jew because they are anti-everything that isn't Islam.
>what argument?
>"There really is no such thing as race."
there were Bosnian Waffen-SS volunteers
>semester on holocaust
no joke. All we did was read Anne Frank, Night, watch Schindler's List, and documentaries
>anne frank
i'm surprised that's still taught after they admitted most of it was written by her father
isn't a lot of the content in Night questionable too?
yeah, but he's still seen all well amd good in the public eye, no one's called his BS out
a real funny one is "Then"
it wasn't even written by a holocaust survivor. the entire story was hilariously stupid, with no historical basis, and it's taught in schools
>be me, reading night in freshman academic english
>dumb slut reads a passage from it
>its the one about some jew playing a violin while being crushed by other jews
>ask the teacher how this was possible
>"sometimes the nazis allowed the jewish prisoners to keep musical instruments on them"
>say maybe the nazis aren't such bad guys after all, expecting a couple laughs
>get an in-school suspension
When I was in college (UMASS Boston) I took a history course called "Nazi Culture," taught by a former Hitler Youth member using the pictured text. Sorry for the crap image from Amazon. I loved carrying that book around with me.
What do you mean?
Malcolm X said he respected Rockwell and Rockwell ssid he respected Malcolm X. They both wanted the same things
Nazis have always been cucks for Islam.