When will you cucks realize Trump is just a Jewish shill?

When will you cucks realize Trump is just a Jewish shill?
>All his kids are married/dating Jews
>speaks at Jewish conventions
I'm not a hillshill, I'm still voting for Trump because I'm Jewish and I know Clinton secretly hates us.

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Trump arranged his daughters marriage? Do you have proof of this?

>speaks at Jewish conventions
He's a billionaire businessman from New York.

He married his daughter off to a Jewish real estate mogul.

>muh 4D chess
I'm with OP on voting for him but fuck anyone who says he with us 100% or will even help us.

He better fucking

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>Jewish shill
>Praises Christianity

Nice try.

You suggested that Trump arranged his daughters marriage. Where is your proof of this?

Well, pol beta cucks find the idea of a psychopath "alpha" leader very appealing.

That's the same reason why most of the people here seem to like putin.

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Going to be honest with you here I myself don't have proof. I believe it since most business dudes nowadays wheel deal and merge companies similarly to how small kingdoms did so in the Medieval days.
The person you want to ask to provide proofs is OP so assuming he didn't bail he might give you something eventually.

So you're just spewing typical Jewish nonsense. No proof because it didn't happen. Trump didn't arrange his daughters marriage.

Banking dynasties (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Schiff, Warburg) only marry among each other to keep the wealth. I wouldn't be surprised if the Trump family does the same.




>literally wears a Jewish prayer shawl at a Christian event
>last night was shabbat

>when low-energy shilling meets low-energy bait

Trump will throw the plan of the globalist elite 50 years off into the future when all the old WWII farts have died.

trump retweeted an anti-semetic thing on twitter
hes also a christian

who cares if he likes some jews, he's a businessman we all know that

jews hate muslims, and so does everyone else

If you're afraid to call out Jews on Facebook and at work, you might as well be a Jewish shill.

Everyone is a fucking Jewish shill today. They hold power over you.

If you've ever censored yourself on the topic of Jews and things Jewish people don't like, in order to get money or power, you are a Jewish shill.

"Everything I do not agree with is shilling."

good, because we're not ready for it

Implying we haven't picked sides between the Jews already.

Fucking casuals.

>It is the year 5776 since the Creation of the World
>these cucks still haven't accepted our supremacy

>everyone is a fucking Jewish shill

Not everyone is getting shilled by the Jews 24/7. Believe it or not not every top businessman and politician is a jew

>Win Bike
it's happening!!

You can easily be Pro-Israel and still be anti kikes (all leftists elites basically, including non-jews).

There are probably some right wing jews too out there somewhere...

so trump is anti-his own daughter?

> I'm not a hill shill
Sure buddy.
I'm voting for anyone who opposes Clinton. She's a corrupt, career politician, that's done nothing for people but ass rape them with pea gravel.

If the GOP put up a talking Chihuahua, with one eye, that only spoke Spanish, I'd vote for it over Clinton.

I thought shills were people who come out of nowhere with a negative agenda.

CTR is came out of nowhere with a negative agenda. Trump is not some Jewish plant.

Liberal logic everyone.

trump will do anything to win. That's why we nominated him. He's a pit fighter.

not according to this protester

and hitler don forget hitler

.t kike shill

btw the blacks are the real jews so it's acceptable for him to recieve this blessing

>Sup Forums was whining what he tweeted WASNT anti-Semitic
>now it's anti-Semitic
he's not even religious, but every child except Barron is taking the matzoballs, he literally has more connection to Judaism than Christianity

I'm a Jew, I highly recommend supporting Jews

thank you for correcting the record

keep up the good work


that's it, voting hillary now.

Don't worry brother, its already been foretold in our covenant with G-d, it's only a matter of time

This place has no balls. The fact he got this far means nobody gives a shit about anything. They'll be back to bitching like they've never bitched before

>Poor Little White Guy 3

He told you to live under the nations until He returned. He came. Rejected. Your antichrist will now come first because of you. And you can't write his name because you have a god. But he's not God. You never listen. Babylonian Talmud says rabbis know more than Elohim

He has infiltrated the enemy

Nope. Bottom bitch for the Synagogue of Satan

there's lots of right-wing jews, Jews believe in the concept "Tikkun Olam" which is the central idea of Judaism to make the world a better place, but like everything Jewish no one can agree on what is the right way to repair the world. Some Jews like Soros think it's globalism and leftism, others believe in right-wing approaches. Judaism encourages these differing ideas because even in the Talmud there are many conflicting ideas on approaches to problems.

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you're learning #hillshill

>implying Jesus was a descendant of David
>implying he fulfilled the mosiach prophecies
>implying everything he said wasn't a faulty translation from Aramaic
read up on the ACTUAL prophecies of the Messiah and you'll realize Jesus wasn't it

What if I told you I'm a Jew?

Only Judah are Jews. The word Jew is only 150 years old. You are Hun mongrels who conquered and usurped. Live scattered. Period.

That's all this board is. To pretend they give a shit about degeneracy. Heterosexual zionists are the biggest degenerates there are

Then vote Trump, because he doesn't secretly want to Shoa us like Clinton

Israel first. Diaspora last. We needed to watch you. Hence the commands you break every day. Zionism loves antisemitism and put you in a powderkeg with other Semites you hate. But you got your own little ungodly state and subvert us all

what does that have to do with what I argued? seriously read up on the qualifications of the Messiah, it's much different than what Jesus did. He came and started talking about disobeying the mitzvot and appealing to the secular and poor, the uneducated started to worship him as G-d and the Messiah, then he dies and Christians went full damage control mode saying "w..well he's gonna come back someday and ACTUALLY do what he was supposed to do, he didn't actually die!"

Still better than Hillary

It Will be the same fucking bullshit as usual and every one will go hide is face under a fucking rock were they belong ...



tfw 2016th year into using Christianity for jewish domination and shit like Sup Forums still exists

Muh elevator buttons are more important than not being Judean. He was prophesied. He grafted the tree of your temptation to come to earth to die on another tree for our sins. Muh kabbalah

Who the fuck cares?

>Trump is just a Jewish shill?
I suppose that's why literally every well-known Jew opposes him, except Michael Savage and Milo, right?

I want him to become POTUS simply because he's entertaining as fuck. What politician on this planet has any power anyway?

Does a politician controll currency? Or the media? No.

That being said: Dubya was the fucking best. It will be a challenge for Trump to top W

Trump sure loves dem niggers doesn't he Sup Forums?

>Dubya was the fucking best.

Underage fag who doesn't remember who much he fucked over the planet as president.

Fuck the planet bro

>still believes the president has any power

Not even tinfoiling. If that'd be true you'd be living in a dictatorship.

People who like Putin are even more retarded and immature.

It's like those kids who admire nignogs because they're gangsta and ballsy. Once they grow up, kids usually grow out of it. But for adults who are politically immature and primitive, this may never happen.

>every other canidate is a kike shill
>Trump is a kike shill too but has the best policies

Everybody in US politics is a Jewish shill.

Can't do anything if the Jews don't like you.

>Trump is a kike shill too but has the best policies

If he's a kike shill faggot that means he won't do any of those policies he's saying in Congress.

>kikes push for non-white immigration
>huur durrr trump will stop it

I'm more worried about school vouchers for my kid.

it's 100% true but still
>he's killing PC culture just by existing
>if he gets elected SJWs will literally an hero en masse
those reasons alone are sufficient to vote for him

So you admit you are just a neo-liberal shill. Why are you here?

Shalom, my brother.

>I know Clinton secretly hates us.
This is probably the most clever shilling I've seen.

shes part of the global elite how can she hate jews? Well the elite inbred evil looking ones anyway

Shabbat Shalom, hard to find other Jews on the internet on Shabbat

putin has removed kebab on more than one occasion though

mfw shilling becomes 4D

and hillary will?

>and hillary will?

If Hillary is a shill kike and trump is a shill kike doesn't that mean that both are shill kikes? you aren't that smart are you kiddie? Baddies first election?

She's a Rothschild shill. The Rothschild's have done more harm to Jews than anyone else in the world besides the Nazis.

When will you realize that the only reason Jews hate whites is because of Hitler?

The Jew's intrinsic desire to destroy other races can be easily leveraged to our advantage if only they felt safe. They feel safe around muds because of genetic superiority. They feel threatened by whites due to our above average skills and population size. If we ally with Jews well, they will not feel threatened by us and together we can rule the universe.

What's the problem?

>When will you cucks realize Trump is just a Jewish shill?
When Trump worships the Jews "God" (aka Satan) at the Wailing Wall in Israel while wearing a yarmulke.

But even then, the trumpcucks will continue to support Trump unconditionally.

Because to trumpcucks, unconditional support of the Jews and Israel isn't an issue.

Tikkun Olam is not the central idea of Judaism what on Earth are you talking about
Tikkun Olam is only important in Reform Judaism which is heresy
The central idea of Judaism is following the 613 commandments and believing in the Torah

I'd say 99.999% of jews identify with the white community concurrently with the Jewish community, most of the time you can't tell someone's Jewish unless you ask, or you see them wearing a kippah

well obviously observance is the most important aspect, but I was talking about our interactions with the world

>If we ally with Jews well,

also what's wrong with reform? I admit that they aren't as observant as they should be but it's much better than the large numbers of secular jews in the world

>he's a businessman
He went bankrupt, must be pretty shit at business.