Other urls found in this thread:
is this a real fucking movie
holy fuck this is a real movie?
a movie that thousands of people worked on
a movie that millions of people saw
christ we deserve better
>literally can't not hear BRRRRAAAAAAPPPP in my head as she takes off
thanks, Sup Forums
what's bad about this
>look mom, a flying Jew!
Why does she constantly make the "two fingers inside my sloppy cunster" gesture in the Avengers? Is she telepathically frigging it while she's doing it? When it gets all hot and bothered would glowy red steam start coming out of it?
what is wrong with this? this board is fucking retarded
elizabeth olsen can't emote like a human being
>a movie that thousands of people worked on
>a movie that millions of people saw
that wouldnt be so bad, the real problem is that people actually think this movie was good
>flying truck trailer.webm
>the absolute state of cinema in current year +2
DC really knows how to spend their money well.
Company wars aside, we don't deserve such garbage. All 3 of these are unacceptable but retards keep consuming and thanking for being fucked in the ass so they wont bother putting more effort in until it hits them financially.
>this was bad, so it justifies this other thing being bad
Kill yourselves.
I thought Homecoming was pretty good because it knew what it wanted to be and prided itself in being a fun summer movie. WW and AoU tried too hard at being "serious" and it failed miserably.
You mean the Spider-man sign?
In the comics is because her powers are tied to magic, and to cast magic in Marvel you have to do that hand gesture. Guess movie wanted to keep something of that in the character even though her powers aren't magic anymore.
Oh no no no ohuhuhuh
Do any of you have the really shitty clip of her running along the trenches?
So sad she didn't make it
the cgi on the last 30 minutes was so bad it totally ruined the movie for me, how did people walk away from the theatre thinking this was a good movie?
>this is a 2017 movie with carte blanche
Coz DC finally made a movie about a stronG INDEPENDENt woman!!1
Fire up the flying ovens.
>steals like a commie nigger criminal
>movie about muh strong women
>best thing was the guy
Yeah I know. If Pine was removed the movie would go from mediocre to insufferably boring.
Not sure
I mean this one.
how thirsty are women that they would settle for any garbage has long as it has a strong female as the protagaonist?
Shut the fuck up, retard. All three of these movies are abortions.
fucking is this what you capeshit kids like?
Yh every person in this thread steals instead of paying for a ticket, nice logic u absolutely retarded shut in.
homecoming was a 3/10 at best
every capeshit movie mentioned in this thread is absolute garbage, there is no denying it.
Prove me wrong, commie nigger criminal.
Okay here it is I think. This is the most praised scene in the movie by the way
I don't know. There are worse capeshits and it knew not to do the whole Spiderman origin story again.
These slow motion scenes have to stop
>being this mad after getting BTFO
>can deflect bullets with her gauntlets
>is virtually indestructible
>still insists on carrying a shield.
is there a worse more overabused filmmaking technique than slow mo
it's to throw as a projectile
Someone is mad as fuck HAHAHA :p
What is this a fashion runway. She has a
>I look so fierce
>I look so epic
Look on her face.
That scene could have been so much better, music and tone was perfect, but her running style was complete garbage
It's the effects that are bad. TASM2 had goat CGI so why can't this one?
Those comments:
>sat next to an old lady who started to cry quietly
>I yelled out you go girl!
What a true imaginary hero, who cares about the millions who fought died in the trenches yolo.
This looks like that webm of Spoony flying
I didn't see this movie and haven't really seen many movies lately, often the ones I see I just sort of roll my eyes or feel pretty much perfectly neutral, so I'm mostly detached with modern film-making. That being said, I watched that and honestly felt like I was spiked with a hallucinogenic drug for a couple of seconds. What disturbs me more is that this movie did very well and was largely celebrated as some triumph of cinema. A single webm has now made me doubt the truth of the reality I'm apparently a part of.
>TASM2 had goat CGI
You can't be serious
>the state of CGI in the year 2017
the guy who fired that shell does not get any credit for how accurate he was
Reminder that grown women cried to this movie
>it's a "I'm going to post the same webm for the 100th time and samefag 100 responses"
Do Mouseshills realize how transparent they are?
Probably not, but this is why the only marvel movies that use it at redditors of the galaxy.
Slow-mo is prevalent in every DC flick tho
Compared to this it's fucking great.
>everyone on this board thought this shit was cool when Faora did it
>WW does it and now suddenly tv hates it
never change lads
Spoony did it better
> Her brother just died
> She has no family now
> Her massive powers are tied to her emotions
She's hardly going to shrug and then quip.
Feige said her powers are magic, user. Wanda does not instantly know she is using magic.
Her powers were not referred to as magic because no one in the MCU who knows magic has encountered...yet.
> Dance conveys emotion
> Wanda's powers are connected to emotion
> Hence dance-like movements
her powers are not the only thing massive she has.
You mean her Olsen Twins
Well, for one, I didn't think it was cool when Faora did it
And for two, Faora didn't do that sliding shit. The effects were much better, even though they were also lame
> tfw Joss makes his demands.
>slow motion and crescendo orchestra soundtrack
>instant ebiness
All right, here comes a hot opinion:
Wonder Woman's crime was casting Gadot. The rest of the movie was fine. The plot was fine. Evans' was actually great. Even the weird casting decision for Ares was fine. But Gadot can do about three faces and that's not enough to carry a two-hour movie unless your last name's Schwarzenegger.