Why do white Americans like to pretend be black

Why do white Americans like to pretend be black.

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Cultural appropriation.

Mental Illness.

gibs and attention

Because they hate themselves

Its called low self esteem

Easy gibums

It's an easy way to get ahead in acedemia etc.

because they want to assimilate, since whites are becoming the minority over there

Desperation to be part of the zeitgeist.

Looking at these two it's simply a morally-ambiguous career choice. I can see it from a market hypothesis perspective where there is a unfilled niche in political activism particularly for American blacks. It may stem from long-term thinking, message nuance, powers of persuasion or empathy exploitation. Whatever, the reason, these two were/are successful because they as whites could provide the blacks leadership they would otherwise lack.

because the society is anti white, negrified and they have no identity

among blacks they're geniuses. It must pad their ego enough to keep it up.



Muh programz and benefits

How the fuck did anyone fall for Dolezal? King at least looks kind of black, but she looks white as fuck.

just imagine how black their kids would be if they got together

>post yfw award winning actor James Woods redpills the normies

James Woods is redpilled af.

They call me silver bullet.

For Attention

Shaun King is barely white
and his facial hair is ugly as shit

if you were a black person with the mind of a white person, you could be king
blacks are given so many easy routes, so many handouts, so much free shit just for being black it's completely unfair to the rest of us
and even with all that, they're still too fucking dumb to even be low middle class shitters.
If I could claim to be black, I wouldn't have to pay a penny for college, would easily get a job right out of college, and could chimp out on anyone and always be viewed as the person in the right
god damn it would be nice to be able to wear blackface 24/7

-----> Colin Kaepernick

I'm one hundred percent sure he browses Sup Forums. I've seen links and memes posted on here, gone on Twitter, and seen him retweet them within minutes. Him and Frasier are easily the most redpilled actors in Hollywood.

Because liberals are fucking retarded.

Mulattos get treated the best in USA.

Frasier Crane?


Dat sweet sweet victim status.

The actor who played him, Kelsey Grammer, is redpilled pretty hard. He's even an advocate for an anti-abortion group.


You can explain people like Eminem, but I don't know how to explain those who have white parents.

You don't have to be black to be in the NAACP. Also there are tons of extremely mixed (read: barely 1/8 black) "black" individuals in those kinds of political advocacy groups so she probably didn't stand out all that much.

...I'm going to opt in and say.. No we don't build fucking rockets for that purpose. Nor is it even a deep psychological purpose of dick measuring.
Pretty gay if you look at cylinder shaped objects and think "PENIS" if you want my opinion on it, mate should really fix those lower chakra balances the uppity hipsters are always referencing. There might be something wrong with his sexual one if he's constantly associating inanimate objects with cocks.

I don't believe we made a space program to compensate for any cock on the planet. In fact I believe the space program was to get off the planet and it's stupid bullshit cock referrals.

Man that image pissed me off.

A problem with the USA is they don't seem to have a category for "mixed race". So they have to choose between either ghetto thug or honky

>not LARPing as aspiring rappers on the weekend


This is how the racial discourse is discussed around here, especially from guys like Shaun "Talcum X" King.

Worse is when Afrocentricism got a foothold in academia because assclowns like Leonard Jeffries gets to spout off his brand of bullshit.



It's easier to succeed, especially in politics

One drop rule, it's the reason we aren't a mixed shithole like the Spaniard colonists became. Eugenics, my ricenigger.

Being/acting/preserving any """white""" heritage or values is racist.

Geeze, and I thought Europe was tolerant.

You get to pick, phenotype or phenotype. Plenty of people here are mixed but don't look like they are. Going by self identifier is going to be fun. German-Irish-Jamaican-Vietnamese mix is possible here.

why do niggers pretend to be human

for all the government benefits, scholarships, etc. that niggers get

Dang it, genotype*


I always find that image to be very interesting.
You can see it on his inquiring face as if he's saying 'eating human babies is wrong!?'...
Makes you really think, and ask what's wrong and what is right?

they call me door hinge

Shaun King has to keep his hair under a quarter inch, or he'll get found out.

>During the two-hour speech,[7] he said that "rich Jews" financed the slave trade and control the film industry
Jews do control Hollywood, and they did control much of the slave trade.
>using it to paint a brutal stereotype of blacks
You don't need Hollywood to prove stereotypes about blacks.