Typical American girl here. Whilst doing the Saturday errands I encountered this woman at the store. I've never seen this in person before. I thought my town was basically insulated from these people and now they're here. Why does she think she belongs here? And where's her husband? Now I'm freaked out and upset. Are we being invaded?
Why Is this making me angry
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>Typical American girl here
It's not "durr freedom of expresion".
If they are dressed like this then it's a sign they don't respect your culture and don't want to adapt.
they will form a seperate group and cause tension. People who are for this shit are living in a fantasy world.
>Typical American girl here
>Are we being invaded?
Yes, and it is your duty to remove every last kebab.
Now you know what people in cities have to deal with. I live 10 miles from a fucking paki nest, and they come to my town often, along with the fucking skinnies. As you're in the US, I'd advise joining a local right wing group, maybe the Aryan brotherhood or the KKK.
I've been seeing them in my town too. There isn't even a mosque for 100 miles.
Two things are wrong with this post.
> You are an eighty year old Chinese man in panties.
> This is a generic photo.
How did I come to these conclusions? The first was easy, you are lying on the internet about being a girl. The second one is obvious for anyone who knows anything about Arabs. Arab woman flip the fuck out if you make eye contact with them. If you try to take their picture, even in their ninja suit, they react like you are trying to steal their soul. Ninja Kitties male escort would have ripped off your head and shit down your neck, or the other nineteen women in the harem she travels in would have knifed you to death.
Guess you better start stocking up on burkas.
This is their land now.
typical american girl here too...my landlord decided it was a GREAT idea to fill our entire apartment building with them as well as Burmese and paki "refugees". they smell awful, are not knowledged on indoor plumbing, throw garbage everywhere and procreate like rabbits
>10 years ago I had literally never seen a Muslim in real life
>now I see them 3-4 times a week and there's a mosque not far from where I live
These look like my cousins daughters
The depth of field was also a clue, user.
literally all you have to do is throw some bacon on it to get rid of them lmao
lol you think laughing at us in europe and thinking this shit wont ever reach you?
this is only the beginning user
soon you wont have a hometown left! behold my old hometown of bolton
Ho boy but we shir arr dumb rayciss here at pole yee haw!
saged and hidden
sadly thats not the case. only the most radical radical muslims would avoid an area that had pork in it. regular radical muslims in general will simply give the area a hard scrub and move on
Lmao at burgerbro's thinking they are struggling with mudslimes, i'm literally constantly surrounded by those filthy subhumans.
Cherish the rarity of them, while it lasts.
> Are we being invaded?
Where have you been for the past 2 years? Why do you think immigration is such a hot topi in the Western world?
The answer is yes and the day of rope is coming. I suggest, wherever you are, to find a good man and produce as many children as possible.
A storm is coming.
What do you mean? Everybody here knows Sup Forums girls are just a meme.
First of all a typical american girl wouldn't be on this website and second a typical american girl wouldn't be questioning these things but rather applaud it.
You are the hope of the Internet, user. The observant shall inherit the tubes. Also, OP sucks cocks.
You're lucky you only saw one, Stephanie. I see flocks of them where I live, always with 4-5 kids around them. Sometimes I forget I'm living in America.
how haven't you lost your minds and killed them all yet?
Fuck em !
Yup, and you pursued by the FBI. It'll be a fucking stretch to prove a crime there, but obviously, they're trying.
Does your vaunted FBI ever pay attention to muzzie hate speech ? Or does it too do mental gymnastics to apologise for their chimping out ?
Don't worry, windmillbro
We'll kill 'em off soon enough
Nobody trusts the FBI.
I’m a young Muslim woman. I am not oppressed by my hijab, I’m liberated by it. If you don’t understand that, that’s completely fine, you don’t need to but take your self-righteous bullshit and shove it up your arse
>Cherish the rarity of them, while it lasts.
I hole-hardedly agree, but when you get down to brass stacks, Islam isn't compatible with our Constitution. The only way shitskins can expand their influence here is by attempting to subvert and change our Constitution, along with the people's support of it. Otherwise they constantly get BTFO by the 1st and 2nd Amendments. Most Americans have zero taller ants when it comes to sharia law. For all intensive purposes, having the freedom of speech/religion and the ability to defend oneself, should not be taken for granite. Muslims need to swallow their prize and accept the fact that their ideology will never beat American tradition.
>Typical American girl here.
Prove it with a picture of your soles.
shut the fuck up and keep that shit out of our lands you savage
Nice try
Just because that particular news agency chose not to show it, doesn't mean they aren't allowed the option.
It's all 'hurr durr funny' when you show a cherry-picked picture from Britain but you are full of excuses when the same applies to you.
>burning a cross on the hill is the historical symbolic call to defending your lands dating back thousands of years into Scottish history
>thanks to descendants of Ameriniggers and libruls the west now thinks it means "hurr we gonna lynch dem niggers"
I've never seen a muslim until the past year... Every day I see one more muslim than the last, walking on the street, driving their cars around, sitting in the changing room area with their 10 fucking kids. I'm getting really tired of this. And how many are there, that don't dress the part... this is getting out of control. We need a purge.
What was my excuse? I stated fact... Not everyone chooses to express their freedom of speech to the full extent because of possible consequences. That doesn't mean they don't have the option.
>Kiwi Muslim
I want to drink bleach now.
dont do this. They're seriously just as degenerate as the nig/ paki gangs.
>1post by this ID
into the trash it goes