Redpill me on Sup Forums
Redpill me on Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not good for your blood pressure
Sup Forums is okay though.
A bunch of right wing retard Trump supporters who get BTFO by me everyday.
Everyone who uses it is a faggot.
top kek, show Sup Forums some cute tight boipucci and watch
LOL, you mean (((Sup Forums)))?
guess you believe all those graphs nasa puts out on global warming too? get the fuck out of here leaf
It's bait senpai
Funny how right wing retards never call out other right wing retards on fallacies.
Yeah sure Canada.
what do u call this
He's back! Topkek!
literally every post you make on this site is being sent to google
It's cancer. Leave while you still can.
Even this one?
Sup Forums? That page where you can post profile pictures of the grinch?
Degenerate anime website where 12 year old redditors flock to to discuss how much they hate ____ people and circlejerk cartoon girls.
Yes. Even this one too.
It's very autistic
The reason we can't have nice things
Also the most interesting place if you are interested in studying human communication.
Bait, just like your shit you post every Saturday.
50% of the posts are shills.
But not this one right?
Saged and hidden.
(((moot))) cucked us hard, why do you think he's head of social media at Google now
rip mot
you dont get to bring your friends here
1st Amendment in action
Sup Forums is literally worst board
Distilled autism
>1st amendment
You mean it's only free speech when it's pro trump and anti liberal?
then go ahead...
A great place for Malaysian calligraphy enthusiasts to post their personal email accounts
Sup Forums is the worst board
Its mostly jews shilling bad shit and only a few good non-jews making good content and quality posts
You need to be an expert shitpost decipherer to get the goods from this website
yeah I forgot about them for a second
Where do I begin?
Let's start with early Sup Forums, when moot (gas chambers be upon him) tried to use Paypal to let the community support his servers and website: Donations were aquired, (((Paypal))) saw what was going on and pulled the plug, stealing every dollar donated. I believe this is the moment Sup Forums was compromised. Why were (((advertisers))) opposed to Sup Forums, yet not vitriolic pornography sites? The answer is LEVERAGE.
Sup Forums was probably compromised at that moment, and the first moment we saw behind the curtain was during chanology. We banded together to fight for stupid causes because we thought it was funny. It was stupid, make no mistake, but at the same time, we were awakening and fighting real tangible evil. The movement was corrupted by (((fags))) and everyone with sense abandoned it after mods started banning the chanology threads. (((problematic behavior))) successfully squashed and nullified. 7chan was born.
The next moment was Gamergate. This one was not simply abandoned. By this point we realized (((moot))) had been super cucked, and wasn't one of us anymore. He did everything in his power to kill this movement when we began to learn more and more the deeper we got into the rabbit hole. 8ch was born. This time we didn't "migrate" but it did become a successful satellite we used to trade intelligence. Something 7chan never had the traction to do.
1/2. cont...
Even the newest of newfags know what came next. moot was EXPOSED as a literal cucked luggage lad, and he "resigned" from Sup Forums and was immediately placed in his new "good goy" job. (((Google))) SJW unit.
Then during the election we began to discover CTR, doxed them, and found ourselves banned again. This strengthened the power of 8ch as satellite intelligence even among people who thought migrating away from Sup Forums was autistic and stupid. After the CTR dox bans calmed down, even more breakthroughs happened. We learned moderators like swaglord were ACTUAL cucks raising "his wife's son" and his entire family were Hillary voters.
Sup Forums fell, but they haven't yet managed to control the inner sanctum of oldfags fighting against degeneracy. We're still strong. Vote Trump.
>going to this much effort for bait
I didn't make it, I just found it in another thread and saved it.
Sup Forums is the cool place to hang out. You can find most of the cool people there. In Sup Forums you can just chill and do whatever and totally relax. "Take it easy" is the Sup Forums motto, for example, that's how laid back it is there. Show up if you want to have a good time. Another good reason to show up is if you want to hang out with friends.
Pic related
You don't understand, it's still too much effort.
what exactly does "luggage lad" mean?
>luggage lad
that's the CEO of TROLL, INC.
Sup Forums is just Sup Forums with a political flavour. We even start to have our own YLYL for fuck sake
He was trying to be politically correct to win the heart of the Gawker (haha!) girl. He manipulated the boards to steer us in the direction of political correctness, stating shit like "Sup Forums was never about free speech" all in the name of beta-orbiting some cunt in the hopes he'd have a girlfriend.
This cunt uploaded pictures to instagram of him carrying her luggage and saying things like "the best friend anyone could ask for" and other photos with (((jewt))) sitting at a table with moderators where she made fun of him for being ugly and weird compared to (((swaglord))) (cryptokike), then even more photos of her with a (((real man))) (probably also a cuck)
He got massively cucked, and "Luggage lad" is his title. His honor. Sir Luggage Lad, cuck of the round-table. He resigned out of shame and that's when (((Google))) realized his power over us was gone, cut their losses, and brought him on board their operation (((Debbie Wasserman Schultz))) style
faggots ,degenerates and cucks
you can say whatever you want. I am anti-Trump
maybe some people will yell at you. are you a pussy? sticks and stones nigga
can you defend your shit or not?
liberals require safe spaces and moderation/censorship because their terrible ideas do not hold up under scrutiny
Republicans call it the Obama economy.
Redpill me on redpills Sup Forums
>Then during the election we began to discover CTR, doxed them, and found ourselves banned again. This strengthened the power of 8ch as satellite intelligence even among people who thought migrating away from Sup Forums was autistic and stupid.
It's too bad 8ch is shutting down now last I heard
Also where is the swaglord info? I need a good laugh
I'm on 8chn all the time, I've even noticed less error messages than usual. I don't think it's shutting down any time soon.
Oh that's good, I thought I saw something on here the other day about them shutting down on September 30th but I couldn't find anything on Google about it
Search for "rub 'n tug artist" in the archive and you'll find it.
Infested with shills pushing a pro-homosexual agenda.
Funny how that nu-male faggot posts here and tries to pretend he's one of us too
He's an attention whoring faggot
Is there a mirror for the pastebin? Looks like cucklord got it removed
Hooooly shit. Now I understand Sup Forums's stance towards moot.
Nevermind I found a mirror
Poortugal's deleted post in the thread has it. It's simply his family's facebook. Not going to do you much good beyond the pictures already posted in the thread.
I always knew he was a stupid loser faggot. I actually browsed [s4s] during the time he spent attention whoring, and it was ALWAYS obviously apparent he'd just pop in to have his ego stroked to stave off suicide another day, and he had no idea what generally happens on the board.
Finding out he's raising another man's child doesn't surprise me. That's the only future for a "man" like him.