>Be America
>Have to ruin the whole world
>Be America
>Have to ruin the whole world
I see no possible way this could end poorly
I'm glad you could share this random dude's valuable and unmotivated opinion with us
not an argument
anything is better than how we did in Iraq
>comparable in any way at all ever
>american """""""""education""""""""""
this meme sincerely increased the activity of my brain functions
Americans want regime change in the US but the Government, George Soros, the military industrial complex, and media don't want it.
That's why they're with her.
>regime change
>in a currently stable country
>which has access to enough nukes to hard reset our species
I'm not buying it
I am sorry for our Nigger president.
Sincerely the USA
>have Samson Option
>being afraid of resenting the species.
Hillary wants the same, Trump wants to defend (((Saudi Arabia))), and Reagan funded Taliban. This is an american thing, not exclusive to Obongo
swallowing the biggest redpill is realizing that our country is evil
Many of the Middle Eastern countries were stable before The Arab Spring
Comparable in the the sense that both Iraq and Russia are third world shitholes
>both run by dictators
fuck off retard.
>using samson option
they know what happens if they do, every single one of those hook nosed kikes would die if they tried to take out the rest of us.
Putin was democratically elected though.
>they know what happens if they do, every single one of those hook nosed kikes would die
that's the point retard. if they can't win, they die and take us down with them
except they wont take us down with them which is the funny part.
its an empty threat, the rest of us live and they all die.
>146% of votes
They fucked up.
you don't understand, the USA is not a democracy, but they'll call everyone a dictator if they don't like them. it's a buzzword.
>except they wont take us down with them
they have loads of nukes, they will attack first.
So basically for the Russians keeping Shillary out of the white house is an existential issue and not just an influence one. They've got all of her shit too, should be a fun October.
I didn't know that the State Department posted here.
>the USA is not a democracy
Of course we all know that unless one is elected on a technicality with 51% of votes, it's not really democratic.
>Samson Option
Israel doesn't have a fraction of the firepower Russia has. And anyway, I doubt they have a nuclear triad, so they'll have to pull the trigger early or not at all.
>US wants to destabilize Russia, says increasingly nervous Kremlin plant in Maine for the 16th time
USA is a representative republic. The states have some democratic tones though, like voting for propositions.
American citizens don't support this.
These are the sole actions of the globalist elite.
>I doubt they have a nuclear triad
If I'm remembering correctly they do have nuclear capable F-16 or F-4s. This would be in addition to their land based ICBMs and sub launched intermediate range nuclear cruise missiles. Of course they only have 4 subs and they were all built in Germany so it wouldn't be a big leap to assume that everyone and their mother has any information on those boats they want because
>German secrecy
>USA is a representative republic
A representative democracy is what you mean. All 1st world countries are representative democracies.
>US """"""""""democracy"""""""""""
>USA is a representative republic
Who does it represent? if it's people it's demos, ergo democracy
>america wants regime change in russia
>said literally who today
Why the fuck Americans are so obsessed with Russia ? Seriously fuck off you better don't vote Clinton. Nigger.
>USA only JUST realising this
Hopefully. Millions of dead Russian bois means more Anastasia date wives for us NEETs.
>Who does it represent?
US is an Aristocracy
It's just libertard semantics. They think that if they claim that the US is not a democracy then their stupid ideas somehow have more weight. In the end it means absolutely nothing, since the US is more of an oligarchy than anything else.
They really dodged a bullet with that one.
Yeah, well it's an oligarchy because oligarchs get elected. Elected democratically that is.
>an activist said
Too obvious shia scum.
Learn from the Russians
>an American anti-war activist and journalist in Maine says
Just some dumb yuppie piece of shit thinking they know best.
>>except they wont take us down with them
>they have loads of nukes, they will attack first.
they would still lose and we would still live.
its an option they would never use because of that alone.
But they failed everytime. Even if it just Cuba.
>dictators are bad
This meme needs to die
>they would still lose
everyone would lose you fucking idiot. jesus ameritards are just fucking braindead
>ruin the world
>bring down a homophobe dictator who has journalists murdered
pick one
They don't call you 'the great satan' for nothing m8
you pretty much follow us in every regard so not sure what you're laughing about
not to mention your Queen and country provide amnesty for the Rothschilds. you're just as much of a shabbo's goy as any American.
>Debbie Wasserman Schultz
>what is patriot act
>what is Guantanamo bay
oh noes! fuck off back to tumblr/reddit
Burger education at it's finest.
What difference, at this point, does it make?
not just burgers, but kanker moffen as well:
Welp, here comes WWIII
The nation, not the people. People are part of the nation, but not the nation. With their votes they form the sovereing will of the nation. In democracy the sovereingty is divided in X parts, where X is the total population.
I don't think Putin is scared of Nuclear Winters
neither are hillary, trump, Rothschilds etc; they have enough money to live in a secluded and secure place even if they fuck up the world.
>Americans want regime change in the US
Do they? I love how idiots here tend to forget election day is in Nov. And you can't compare it Russia's corrupt oligarchy-ruled """"free and fair democratic process"""", a country where you're arrested and risk 5 years for.... wait for it.... playing Pokemon Go in a church. Sharia laws without fucking Islam.
>Americans want regime change in the US
the ones who actually want regime change, are marxist jews and niggers. everyone else is too busy being stuck to the couch, watching fox news, and nascar and superbowl and all that garbage.
a revolution is not possible in the USA, not with a population of sheep.
Thank the Jewish lord I embraced the Jews.
Now I am happy and content.
I was red pilled and angry, now I am a Jewpilled and feel much better.
>he gets his news and analysis from the Islamic Republic of Iran's state-run media outlets
not an argument
The US is a Constitutional Republic faggot.
Try again.
america are too weak to do something like that against country that actually have anti air deffence system.
They even bitched out from Iran.
so you agree with me that the US has no democracy
He literally just said that it was a constitutional republic.
It has democracy as in you can vote and with a certain margin the majority win and get to make the laws and decide the direction of the country. But it's not a democracy as in majority mob rule. It doesn't allow the majority to do whatever they please with the minority, it has restrictions.
>he thinks America is any less of an oligarchy than Russia
>R E P R E S E N T A T I V E
of the oligarchs
hillary will bring freedom to russia and kill putin with her bare hands
You vote, you get a representative.
You realise you tried to claim the US isnt a real democracu when it isnt a democracy at all right?
If you want to talk about the fascist nature of modern American government and big business co-operation in the US. Cool. But if you actually think the US is a democracy, you can fuck off Discount Russia.
They are still a representative republic officially no matter how corrupt.
>be lowly peasant-class peanut farmer
>be elected president
>this is an aristocracy
>You vote,
like this? >be lowly peasant-class peanut farmer
>be picked as the puppet of the oligarchs
>be Netherlands
>make your breath nice and minty
Wew lad
thanks for the compliment
If Vladimir Putin, and Hillary Clinton, were dropped, Battle Royale style into the Russian tiga, in 25 minutes, Vladimir Putin would be wearing Hillary Clinton as a parka.
>There are people that unironically voted D on read states
Yes, because it's a representative republic. The amount of representatives dont match the excact number of people who vote. I already said that in my other post "with a certain margin"
Read up on how a representative republic works. You posted an example of how they work, and you can clearly see it is not democracy.
>Claims it's not a real democracy
>People point out it's not a democracy but something else
Are you fucking retarded?
Not an argument
>swallowing the biggest redpill is realizing that our country is evil
Gee, I wonder why?
literally not an argument. their system is the most obviously corrupted one of the west
puppet for the oligarchs? nigga pls. carter was hated by the rich. they tried to stonewall him everywhere they could
But that wasnt what i corrected you on.
You claimed it was a democracy. it's not.
I didnt say it wasnt corrupt either, but the election you posted isnt proof of corruption, it's an example of how a representative republic works.
like they tried to "stop trump" but now all jews are saying Trump is their candidate?
>be American liberal SJW
>Ruin all other countries in the world.
>Then ruin yours.
>You claimed it was a democracy.
what? no retard. I'm the one saying it's NOT a democracy, contrary to amerifat belief.
Trust me I don't want this, if any fucking American says to me shit about Russia I'll fucking shit so hard down there throat they'll be begging me to kill them. THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO SUPPORT WAR WITH RUSSIA ARE NEOCONS AND LIBERALS. Everyone else inbetween wants none of it.
hi ahmed
you mean (((neocons))) and (((liberals)))
notice how both are kike groups
why would they even have a revolution, they all got money and are living comfortably
the middle class is dying. they're all up to their eyeballs in debt, and their available jobs are constantly decreasing. this house of cards will implode eventually.
Russia is rearming to regain its Soviet lands.
i dont know man it doesn't really seem like the middle class is dying.. yeah they are in debt but they repay it. also there's plenty of job opportunities there, even if they get less jobs (like serbia, we got 28% unemployment rate and the people dont really revolt) i dont think they would revolt..
Jimmy Carter had been a governor and a state representative prior to becoming President. He was not a just a poor farmer.
fuck fuck fuck fuckf uck fuck fuckf uckf cukf cuf kc ufk cufk cuf ck
the jews are winning!!!!1
Call me a Drumpfag again fags.