This triggers the poltard.
This triggers the poltard
>implying any person claims that costs of goods are solely dependent on minimum wages
They get paid like 9.20 across the country left cuck
>hurr fight for the right of incompetent negros getting 15
>not realizing that states set their own minimum wage laws independent of the feds
Are you retarded OP?
It doesn't matter until they replace the McArtists with robots, too. I once received a Quarter Pounder without the hamburger patty.
Exactly. There are other factors which also affect the price, that doesn't mean raising minimum wage won't also do it.
There's always a glaring flaw in a libtard's arguments.
The price went up because the quality of the workers went down. So if anything, the minimum wage should go down.
That's not how it works f.a.m. Costs went up because of inflation and changes in the price of meat, among other things.
Dude, within ten years the following will happen:
>most cars will not have steering wheels
>ford will no longer sell to individuals, but to companies like uber and lyft, who will no longer have human drivers (see above)
I'm pretty sure they'll figure the whole patty thing out.
That's why I absolutely and unironically support a min. wage increase, to speed along this process of automotion displacement. I want my robots today, not five years from now.
>raising minimum wages
>not getting rid of banks
Enjoy crying about minimum wages again in 5 years, you fucking retard.
If worker quality goes down, it takes more time to do everything, plus there's spoilage and other problems. Companies make up for this by raising prices.
>not knowing what inflation is
whoops I was on caplocks but fuck it.
>Minimum wage is the only thing that affects price
Fucking moron.
Just buy hamburger meat and make it your damn self.
>listening to a kike talk about banks
So shouldn't wages also inflate?
Only when the goyim are running the economy.
But I will say that as inflation increases like what we've seen post-2008, it's hard not to support a minimum wage increase just to keep it proportionally on par with the money supply. I'm not a fan of price controls, but until we have a fundamental overhaul of our financial system, it's only fair that the minimum wage be raised to keep up with inflation.
And this is how Australia killed its entire manufacturing sector.
fuck off mate
Yes, but doesn't it fix it to import loads of chinese to do the work for you?
A big mac's price is tied to the price of BEEF, vegetable, buns, and the fuckwit's pay to put it all together without fucking it up.
Have you seen the price of beef in the store lately?
>tfw no more drought to force mass beef liquidation
I blame carbon
Can't fund the war machine like that user.
Because labor cost is the only cost driver in a big mac.
Not when you're importing millions of 3rd world immigrants willing to work for anything.
>Big Mac costs $1,5 here
Big Mac could cost $.30 here but I still wouldn't buy one.
2006-2008 federal minimum wage increased by 2 dollars
liberals are fucking stupid
>t. Schlomo von Shekelbergsteinwitz
>big mac goes up 41% without minimum wage hike
>increase minimum wage
>big mac goes up above 41% more than the usual hike
where the fuck are the robots? I can't wait to not have to deal with fucking shitheads at the counter.
>go to India, avoid street food because POISONING and dirty Indians
>eat in franchise "restaurants" because they have food safety "standards"
>get worst poisoning in you life, with hours of vomiting after eating in local KFC
t. Bubba Earl
t. no potatoes today again
>>most cars will not have steering wheels
>>ford will no longer sell to individuals, but to companies like uber and lyft, who will no longer have human drivers (see above)
This will never happen. You futurists are a bunch of fucking retards. You've been talking about flying cars for fifty years, now it's "driverless" cars. Elon Musk is pulling a long-con, you fucking dipshits.
So basically, what you're trying to tell us is that you're actually stupid enough to believe that labor is the only cost of running a McDonalds.
If you wanted us to know that you have zero understanding of economics, you could have just told us you're a socialist.
It actually does trigger me that Americans can be this stupid even though we spend more per pupil on public primary/secondary education than almost any other country.
>Fight for $15
What is this, Bumfights?
BBC has a good podcast about this. Basically - humanity somehow will adapt, but people living in the transition period will be fucked, just like when first industrial revolution took of.
School isn't to educate. It's used to create useful idiots to full the oligarchs wealth and empires. The smartest who are able to break the programming or can see through it become lower ranking servants at their fiefs.
>inflation kicks in
>McTards are still getting 18 hours a week
>going after wages and not shady scheduling practices
>mfw the underemployment industry still wins
>not using the mcpick2 option to get 2 bigmacs for $5
These fight for 15 numb skulls don't realize that the federal reserve printing money whenever it wants is the issue and not the minimum wage. They're asking for an ineffective solution to a problem they don't understand. Then again, what do you expect from these people?
>most cars will not have steering wheels
This is what will happen:
The governments will force manufacturers to add steering wheels for safety reasons after a bunch of cars glitch and kill their passengers.
I work at McDonalds and make 9.50 an hour. They pay a dollar above state minimum wage.
McPick 2 has McDubs, not big macs
There is no such thing as a $5 Big Mac unless you factor in airports or maybe jew york city where McDonalds employees get paid like 60k
A Big Mac costs the same $3.57 at the most McDonalds and is often on sale where you can get two for the same price.
Actually in 2016 they're 2 for $5. So they went DOWN to $2.50.
they do at mine. I got two last night. Maybe it's for a limited time.
Depends on where you live. In my state it's 2 large sandwiches for $5, but I know it's two small sandwiches for $2 in some states.
>elon musk is responsible for self-driving cars
Who would know more about banks than a kike?
Also non-liberals are free to think about what they hear before accepting it as true.
>1 post by this ID
>shill thread
Serious question though Sup Forums how does Federal minimum wage laws affect state minimum wage? Does the US federal government have the power to set minimium wage laws for the whole country
>liberals will ignore Obama spending trillions to blow up Libya, Iraq, and Yemen
>liberals will ignore then doubling of american debts under Obama
>liberals don't understand how currency valuation works
>liberals don't understand how supply-side labor works
>liberals don't understand much at all when it comes to economic principles and laws.
>Eeating 2 bigmacs
Is this why you shart all the time ?
Fucking Amerigoons, you absolutely the manmad
OP will have no idea what this figure even shows.
Might be the dumbest post I've seen in months
You stupid fuck, most McDonald's arent even owned by by the company. They're franchises owned by small business owners who would close shop with the cost increases
>We want $15 an hour!
You can get $15 an hour when you do work WORTH $15 an hour.
>Went to three different Taco Bells over the last couple months
>Taco Bell #1 was run by all niggers
>Did nothing but rap and flirt while I was trying to order
>Completely got the wrong fucking thing not even close to what I ordered
>Chimped out when I told them it was wrong
>Taco Bell #2 is in the city near my work
>Tell them I don't want sour cream
>It has sour cream
>Take it back to the counter and tell them it has sour cream
>Get a new burrito
>At the very ass end of my burrito the entire fucking thing is one big glob of sour cream
>Taco Bell #3 is in the sticks near my house
>Tell them I want X burrito with chicken
>"So... Y burrito with steak?"
>No, X burrito with chicken
>"Z burrito with steak?"
>You fucking deaf moron, I said X burrito with chicken
>Visibly panicked, "okay okay X burrito with chicken, got it"
>Get beef
I haven't gotten fast food in months. Fucking dumbass teenage retards.
that data are not appropriate for a linear model
Learn to correctly count my change and get my fucking order right the first time, and then we will talk.