thoughts on koran toilet paper
would it work?
would it be successful?
how would it be made?
If we all do this then Muslims will calm down and stop rioting over videos?
thoughts on koran toilet paper
would it work?
would it be successful?
how would it be made?
If we all do this then Muslims will calm down and stop rioting over videos?
You shouldn't deface a religious text just because the sub-humans who practice it can't handle their shit. If anything, you should be wiping your ass with pakis
Shut up Ahmed.
Its a tad impractical to wipe your ass with a person though
And why not deface religious texts do you admit they are superior
Im a paki muslim
I'd buy it
Even though you know we'd get enraged and terror would increase as well as mutual hatred
Nice idea, could earn you money tbqh
That wasn't a riot.
Ambassador Chris stevens was moving weapons from south america and lybia to sunni terrorists in syria, those weapons are now in the hands of isis. Fast and furious was a gun running operation from south america to libya to syria.
This would literally be considered a gag gift here.
In Europe you'd go to prison for this.
Really makes you think.
More people would be inclined to read it desu.
Fuck off Tyrone.
>Its a tad impractical to wipe your ass with a person though
Yeah, with that attitude, you fucking quitter.
>And why not deface religious texts do you admit they are superior
Just saying that in some alternate universe where Islam spread to Europeans while Christianity remained in the Middle East we'd all be under attack from radical Jesus-followers while self-important atheists told us how dumb the Koran was.
>Im a paki muslim
You have to go back.
Lol i dont want to go hell i wouldnt do it
Europe is more normal than you?
I guess they would, it could be good for islam to get more people reading it
Im not going anywhere :)
It was a riot
Yeah, we'll see.
That wont ever happen again in a modern society
>spending money to purchase koran
>not getting free koran mailed to me so that i can wipe my ass with it having not spent a penny
>not living a dumbfuck country that still has pennies JEJS
No, it was iranian and russian special forces backed by locals. Trying to stop the transfer of arms to Daesh. But yeah, we'll go with Riot, because that's easier to digest...
Good thing all the brown people invading the West are precipitating total economic and social collapse, then.
why didnt i think of that?
I would buy
Ok youre canadian you wouldnt ever wipe your ass with the Koran, you guys have no guts
Learn english first
>Jihad against every nation but India
whats wrong with saying
i would buy
its not a fully formed sentence
To prove how immature are you? And how you can waste your money and time?
So what nigguh
>going to prison because you wrote copied some words onto a piece of paper
Sounds pretty normal to me
You wouldnt wipe your ass with a koran
Nothing more to be said
provoke muslims to bring along the happening
are you new here?
>French Flag
yes I would
>you guys have no guts
last time a terrorist tried some shit here he got shot the fuck up in the back of cab
but you wouldnt even know what that means right because guns are banned in bongistan.
just try to imagine bike tires, but even MORE dangerous.
we get to use those to defend ourselves
Ok prove it
Print off a page and do it right now, desecrate the page
oh wait whats that? you dont want to do it anymore? pussy fag bitch
>muh sanctity of religion
Hidden mudslimes or christfag detected
This is childish.
Thank the Jewish lord I embraced the Jews.
Now I am happy and content.
I was red pilled and angry, now I am a Jewpilled and feel much better.
Kill yourself.
You're cucked IRL, probably don't look at people in the eyes and the only relief you get is trolling a religion on the internet. You're a sad piece of shit. A degenerate who claims to fight degeneracy, a victim of neoliberalism.
>start American company
>sell rolls of toilet paper with all religious texts
>sell out the Koran tp because America
>defend yourself saying you offer all religious texts, even The God Delusion
>calling this childish
>being on this board
shiggy diggy
It would be nice if he chose a page where muhamad is fucking his kid girlfriend.
I wouldn't wipe my arse with a koran.
If you can run em 4-6 for a £1 I might give them a test wipe.
ill wait for the toilet paper faggot
Oh so youll wait now? oh whats happened you pussy theres a page of the quran in the post, just print it off???!!
Thought so youre a keyboard warrior pussy go jog on off my thread
Dude, no one wants to wipe their ass with copy paper, that sounds like the kind of shit people in poor countries like Pakistan do.
I bet your a sandniggerfaggot
your buttons are pushed.
I am a sandnigger yes
Ok so thats not the only way to desecrate a quran, you can stand on it, piss on it, shit on it etc ,etc
I would buy
this. i live in a 1st world nation in current year. Im not going to wipe my ass with shitty paper like a sand monkey
>this. i live in a 1st world nation in current year. Im not going to wipe my ass with shitty paper like a sand monkey
see>Ok so thats not the only way to desecrate a quran, you can stand on it, piss on it, shit on it etc ,etc
Why dont you do that then, really grasping at straws arent you
I'm not going down to Barnes and Noble and spending $10 on something I'm just going to pee on. There are pakis out there who don't make that much shoveling shit in their entire lives. I'm pretty sure that just saying that Mohammed was a child-molesting warmonger who a billion low-IQ brown people worship as a false prophet is good enough.
Great thread
AH another keyboard warrior,
Dont spend 10 dollars on it then, just print off a page of the internet and show us all that you mean what your saying
Oh wait? you mean youre the atypical Pol user a 10 year old keyboard warrior who still sucks mummys tit
>there won't be a war now that we are modern nations
>lol ok now there REALLY won't be another war because we have the treaty of versailles
After World War 2
>well, now that the right has been defeated, there DEFINITELY won't be any more wars
Cold war proxy wars for 45 years
>now that the soviet union is defeated, there won't be anymore wars
shut up
Too bad Atheists hate on both the Bible and the Koran.
Why not make bible and tora paper too? They are all the same...
You didn't even try to hold up your argument, sad.
Hahaha, where do atheists hate Koran? They either scream 'islamophobia' or just completely Shive away from the subject.
they hate it on the internet
they hate christianity in public discourse.
You hate us anyway, and won't stop at anything to destroy us, so why not?
Yeah, better not, you won't be able to bulshit people with 'peace, love and tolerance' when they actually know what is writen in Koran.
My favorite bullshit is 'islam is a religion of morality'. You have to be willingly completely oblivious to the life of Mohammed to ever say such bullshit.
Better childish than to be emotionally brittle enough to chimp out over it
Shut up Ahmed
nobody really likes you
>t. Mohammed al Algeri
In fact it would be bad for Islam. Some apostates say they lost faith because of quran. This book is bullshit anyway
Whats wrong with his life he was the lived quran, the perfect muslim
I put the Koran and bible in the fiction section at Barnes and noble, where they belong. I would gladly enrage some muzzies with a shitstained koran
Good people knowing Islam are against Islam. Good people still muslim just don't know enough of it's true story. Apostasy is the way
Dawkins hates Muslims.
That's one and he got a heartstroke when feminists bumrushed him for islamophobia. He was really distressed when faced with such irrationality, and he got disinvited and banned from ''''''''''Sceptic Conference'''''''''''''
Refugee in Medina who immediatelly started to raid local carawans.Raiding for booty and spoils, but only when people got tired of his shit an kicked his raiding party around he told his raiders Allah punishes them for wordly desires, when the raiding was his fucking idea. Funny how the concept of martyrdom and reward in form of heaven only came up when he was losing, noti when they were successful.
Allah defended Mohammed and muslims, which is funny since in overwhelming majority of cases Mohammed was the attacker
Muslims were allowed four wives, of course when Mohammed depleted his quota, of course Allah gave himexception so only him can have seven. And even then when he is caught balls deep in the slavegirl, Allah immediately sends him verse that allows to fuck the slaves.
Wealthy people has to wait much longer before the gates of paradise because of their possesions, so I guess Mohammed waits to this day, because he died as the wealthiest person in the Arabia of that time.
That's just of the top of my head.
The book is better than all the hadiths that are ruling the religion (niquab, etc.).
For example there are no mention of punishment for homosexuals in quran, it's from hadiths. Women are suppose to be complementary to men, not inferior. And the list is long.