How will Sup Forums ever recover?!
How will Sup Forums ever recover?!
There is nothing wrong with being a hard-working farmer.
At least whites know how to farm.
Nah nigger I got land and castles in my name
We were nobles and shite
Honest, hard-working people?
Isaac Newton came from a multi generational family of farmers.
>The Newton family of Woolsthorpe (near Colsterworth) were farmers in Lincolnshire for many generations, having gradually built up an estate in Woolsthorpe. The estate began with a purchase of land made by John Newton of Westby not far from Woolsthorpe. John (Isaac's great grandfather) farmed sheep on the land and did well for himself. In 1623 Isaac's grandfather Robert Newton added to the land by purchasing a nearby farm along with Woolsthorpe Manor house.
my last name's O'Brien
I don't about the rest of you
looks pretty comfy
They never will.They talk about white achievements,yet they themselves didnt amount to shit.Im leaving this board, because it gives me so much cancer.,when people insult other races,speak of "race purity" or insult my country and shit like that
I'm fairly certain I am a descendant of this guy.
Then again, probably 23 million other romanians are too.
What did he mean by this?
>leftists yet again projecting
There is literally nothing wrong with farmers or laborers and most of the best musicians, artists, scholars, etc all had farmer and laborer ancestry. They were all part of the greater collective of the nation state or kingdom or what have you
Devlin reporting in.
Is being self-sufficient and cultivating the land supposed to be something to be ashamed of?
The meaning of O'Brien means decedent of Brian Boru, the First High Kind of Ireland how conquered all the surrounding kingdoms.
I don't know what Devlin means
High King*
srry on that high kind bud
To leftists who haven't worked a day in their lives? Yes. I mean fuck me, my maternal grandfather's entire family were fucking sharecroppers. It irks the shit out of me when niggers complain about
>oh a blooh blooh my ancestors were sharecroppers and they wuz victims n shit
Fuck them.
Brian boru was not the first high king of Ireland. You're about 400 years late.
t. Irish
>tfw I have an entire wikipedia page and a coat of arms
>tfw I was literally nobility n kingz n shit
is there something wrong with farmers?
>tfw peasant
now you spend your days shit posting on Sup Forums how noble
Honestly I bet 90% of western cucks doesn't even know when to plant a potato ,how it should be treated when growing and when it should it harvested.
Doesn't mean you own the whole rock dumb ass
raped in the ass as a kid by the turks, nice pride bro
every irish/scottish surname has a coat of arms Tyrone O'Mally
it means you came from a certain clan (basically just where you lived), not that you wuz kangz
If only Africans descended from farmers so they could feed themselves.
>Male and female
>presumably married
>working together in established roles
>man is stronger and does physically difficult things
>woman takes care of less physically demanding tasks
>both work with and for each other
>not only love but a genuine need for each others health and well being
>white men succeeded with this arrangement and forged huge empires and industries
Yeah, I see no problem with any of this...
good shit fellow aristocrat
That's how you starve when famine hits like Irish niggers. We know how to farm real crops.
>the Latvia potato jokes are real
>blacks realize that not everyone in the past was rich
Well aware, my mother's half sister went to Ireland though and we had like castles n shit not even kidding.
WTF, famines hit all over Europe, before potatoes, the Irish never had a problem.
Famine =/= Ethnic Cleansing
>Come home White Man -Mugabe
My immediate family of the previous two generations were hard working, honest men who never missed a day and provided for their families always. My father is a STEM PhD from Oxbridge and a member in the pantheon of my life's heroes. I don't waste two seconds worrying that I don't come from blueblood lineage or have immediate sanguinary relations with historic figures, I already admire and respect the relatives that I am directly descended from.
By the way, Newton as well as many other of these wizard-like geniuses died virgins, so no shit we're not descended from them.
"White societies have produced great thinkers like Isaac Newton and Aristotle"
>You're not a direct descendant of either of them BTFO
protip: people who act this obtuse aren't trying to argue with you. They're tying to lie to themselves
Thank you based ancestors
Potatoes are a invention of the american-mogoloid races.
Now oatmeal, that's a true aryan foodstuff.
thats the most impressive display of projection I've ever seen
only useless pretentious people want to be related to someone important, good citizens want to be related to good citizens
also who are these white supremacists you're talking about? have you seen any of them here?
Top represents ideals, leadership and advances in science and art that refine society.
Below represents the common working man, the heart of a country and a foundation for every civilization.
Let me get this straight. Whites rose up from disenfranchised serfs to create the best societies.
And blacks according to their own fairy tale history, were somehow all KANGS that ended up as slaves to whites.
This has to be the "top 20% of blacks are as smart as 50% of whites" type of sarcastic racism.
Funny thing to hear coming from the "WE WUZ" race
>uses the word "literally" all the time
Kill yourself
>implying thats a bad thing
stay mad
That's fine. I know I descend from villagers or famers. What's the point?
Its beautiful. When did everything went so wrong ?
I have to agree that oats are great however your statement that we don't know how to grow oats is incorrect.
Very proud to come from several hundreds of years of land-owning, hard-working, honest farmers of reasonable means, of Scots-Irish plus Swiss/German ancestry. Very proud. Without the farmers, you would starve.
What do you produce, OP? Do you make anything? Create anything that other people benefit from? Do you feed people with your own sweat and toil? Or do you just take? Take welfare, take SNAP, take medicaid, take cell phones, take bikes?
You still, 300 years later, rely on farmers to feed you and others to take care of you through social programs, just as if you were children. So, in fact, without any hard working white person putting their toil into the social programs you draw from, you would starve.
You wouldn't be able to live on your self-righteous delusions for more than a month, OP. I think you should thank me for being so charitable that Im willing to help foot the bill of keeping you alive.
Why does this exist?
But most European people are actually descended from royalty, nobility and famous figures like Charlemagne.
>money equals intelligence
Do people really believe this jewish meme?
Lol so what? I know that I am descendant from farmers. As a matter of fact my grandfather was born a father. Nothing wrong with being descendants of honest hard working men and women. And I'd rather be the descendant of farmers than Slaves, Jamal.
It was the other way around, Achmed.
Famous philosophers tend not to have descendants, for some reason. How can anyone think they're related to them?
Potato basically saved european population. It is much better nutrition, calory and harvesting wise compared to common cereals.
B8 aside, don't most Europeans actually share a smal DNA amount with Charlemagne's lineage?
This tbqh. Nothing wrong with being decended from hardworking peasants.
That's what you get for being a dirty phoneposter
>As a matter of fact my grandfather was born a father.
I didn't even notice until I read you self reply, kek, half the errors on image boards are not even noticed lest it doesn't make sense.
>white people have always had perfect lives and privilege thoughout history
>white people where dumb peasants xD
Which one is it, sjws?
Also we know about the lives of Newton or Plato and that they didn't have kids
So either the nig knew that because he was taught about them and remembers it (unlikely), or he had the agency to look it up (even less likely)
So yeah my money is on fake pro-black message
ay hol up
Still that reads out pretty funny. I mean early 20th century Europe was bad but people weren't forced into becoming parents as Newborns.
No seriously, I don't want to we wuz. My Grand parents were poor as hell, but I remember reading something like that on some sort of scienctific newspaper
Thank the Jewish lord I embraced the Jews.
Now I am happy and content.
I was red pilled and angry, now I am a Jewpilled and feel much better.
>what blacks think they're descended from
>Who they're actually almost certainly descended from
Voltaire was a racist and Aristotle support slavery...............................................................................................really....................................................makes.....................................................me......................................think.................................
About 98 percent of Europe's native population is descended from farmers.
I would also like to point out that almost all of the blacks in America have some white forefather in their lineage too.
the theme of this thread was farming, my mind literally read the soul of the sentence and I seen 'farmer' the first time I read the text.
Funny how your mind hides the actually implementation sometimes.
Like you. Come back home friend.
In Switzerland, we killed the aristocrat. Burgundy never recovered.
And by the way, Aristotle was a son of a midwife. Not really the greatest pedigree
>crackas wuz farmers an shiet
How's Indiana/Ohio/Pennslyvania this time of years?
>tfw can't find anything out about my surname no matter how hard I search
>don't want to pay the ancestry Jew just to find out what I am
All my dad says is we're Irish but I know for damn sure that our last name isn't Irish. It has to be Baltic or some other sort of Eastern Euro.
Tomatoes and corn, obviously.
Have you tried other spellings?
it's ironic that black people were the first to own slaves (the Jews).
>not having almost an hectare of fertile land for each citizen.
what are you going to do during apocalypse?
Niggers were not kings of egypt
Jews were not slaves; they did not build the pyramids.
It's amazing how this moment of time is so rife with lies.
>tfw liberals will never understand that inequality is the only thing that gives meaning to life and the larger the natural inequality the more potentiality for transcendence that we have
you wont be missed, please leave this white achievement known as the internet forever. while you are at it feel free to stay out of those white countries that, despite whites apparently never amounting to shit, everybody wants to flood to.
>most whites descend from working class families
>niggers believe we all descend from slave owners and should apologize
>mfw when my family has a coat of arms and knights, but is also irish so most of it was filthy peasantry
>implying there's shame in being from the hard-working, salt of the earth
>As a matter of fact my grandfather was born a father.
Really makes u think
There are no other spellings. I don't want to post it because there are so few of us but its a basic sounding 2 syllable word, nothing complex. When I google it by itself I just get a lot of info about a foreign women's given name and if i add 'surname' to the search keywords I get nothing. Seems like the only people who had any knowledge were my dad's dead relatives. I'll probably fork over the cash to find out eventually.
>tfw my mom is descended from big name scottish royalty but im still more interested in the obscure serfs from my dad's side
Wow you mean most people are descended from what was the majority of the population and not all descended from a couple famous people?
It's a global thing
Without manuals works, you cannot have technology or school, science, etc