Well there's 63 Million potential viewers who won't watch the new Star Trek

Well there's 63 Million potential viewers who won't watch the new Star Trek.

What are some other instances of Hollwood making terrible blunders?

how do you say make america great again in Klingon?

>can't separate art from the artist

Imagine being this much of a pleb

No one wants to watch propaganda. People want to be entertained. This isn't Orwell and 1984

Imagine being such a pleb that you actually want political propaganda in everything you watch. Desperately needing Hollywood to reassure your pathetic political values

chenmoH America Dunqa'

yeah a quote like that just screams "art"

No one was gonna watch this shit anyway. Star Trek has been done to death.

lol thank you

Star Trek always had left-leaning morals, you retard.

Trump voter =/= Trump supporter
A lot of people didn't specifically vote for Trump, they either voted Republican or voted against Shillary.

will hollywood ever get its head out of its own asshole?

Does that mean that Hillary supporters believe in white genocide and neoimperialist wars?

Watch The Orville tonight instead.

Will this still only be available on some random CBS stream?

you white boys think awfully highly of yourselves don't you?

>No one wants to watch propaganda

It's fucking Star Trek you filthy poltard.

I think the Star Trek crews have caused worse problems in their meddling than Klingons, so that might be compliment. Nearly every episode is about them fucking up and having to sort out the mess they created.

That's what I heard too. If that's the case this show is DOA.

lo no, Star Trek was about being an explorer, being bold, not a whinny bitch and accepting of other cultures while protecting your own. That's not including that it's about war with different communist species (borg, romulans)

klingons have always been like this though, its not like the new show changes anything.

If the Klingons are isolationists wouldn't they want to be left alone. Yet in the trailer it looks like they want to fuck shit up.

Not even American but I'm not watching this trash, and I like startrek.

isolationists would fuck shit up if they feel like they are being encroached upon

being isolationist doesnt mean you let people walk all over you

Orville will be even worse.

Available on Netflix outside of America.

But that doesn't seem like the type of thing the Federation would do.

It's ironic in the alternative universe humanity turned liberal thanks to spock and got conquered.

Apparently the show will explore the 24 different Great Houses of the Empire. Some of them want isolationism, some of them don't.

that sounds like exactly the sort of the the federation would do on accident.

The point is that left wing morals have made a fucking 360 in the last 10 years.
Try telling Gene that the new federation is some authoritarian shithole throwing people in jail for wrongthink.

The federation LOVES doing that shit on "accident".
Then use the ensuing international crisis to get even more gains in land.

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the irony of this post

>we will literally never get another series past voyager in the timeline

>throwing people in jail for wrongthink
If by "wrongthink" you mean hatespeech and incitement of violence then, yes, that does happen.

Heh, go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself.

Netflix will help for sure, but burgers want nothing to do with yet another shitty streaming service.

>hatespeech and incitement of violence

Nebulous and arbitrary terms that allow the government to control the range of dialog in a country under the guise of moral policing. Orwell is spinning in his grave.

what group did the harberts compare the Klingons with, you brainwashed cuck?

So if some psycho unironically threatened to murder you and your entire family you wouldn't phone the police because "MUH FREEDOM"?

>klingons always represented trump supporters

If you are a conservative and a fan of Star Trek you're fucking retarded in the first place

>abloobloo why is Sup Forums about politics all the time
>oh look another libtard numale millionaire cocksucker with Guevarra posters in his bedroom making his kiddy show about politics

I hope anons are making notes. When everything goes tits up, we cannot let these faggots run off to some tax haven paradise.

Not who you were replying to, but that is a massive fucking straw man. 0/10

No u

>muh 63 gorillion
>implying Trump supporters were ever smart enough to watch any Star Trek shows

>So if some psycho unironically threatened to murder you and your entire family you wouldn't phone the police because "MUH FREEDOM"?
Mate, the context matters entirely. If he's in my property with a knife in his hands then that is a credible threat and becomes a physical issue instead of a speech issue. Some monkey yelling in the street that he hates someone isn't an issue to anything. Letting the government arbitrarily decide what is or isn't hatespeech is the worst path to go down and your infinite hubris prevents you from seeing how much that can harm you. The only reason you make these ridiculous scenarios is that you've been borderline programmed to think in extremes.

>klingons have always been like this though
Actually, you are thinking of Romulans,
completely describes Romulans

A real star trek fan would know that, clearly the writers are not that

I don't avoid good shows that don't align with my politics. That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard.

Right, thats what the echo chamber people do. Real trek fans write hatemail and fill up forums and newsgroups while never missing an ep.


>retard oblivious to the fact that Stalin pushed for 'international hatespeech laws' in almost the carbon copy version of what leftist espouse nowadays
>Roosevelt recognized it for the subversive horseshit it was and put a stop to it

Can you cocksuckers stop perpetuating all of the shit that was here before and caused only misery and death?

Hollywood is a business, not a charity. Your job is to put asses in the seats.You need to sell to everyone, not just your chosen little choir. This nothing but common sense and anyone who tells you otherwise, for any reason, is a complete and total idiot.

>wah wah wah everyone who disagrees with me is pol!!

>If you are a fan of Star Trek you're fucking retarded in the first place

Normies are just getting wind of this on Fakebook and Twitter. Let me tell you, this shit is blowing up in Paramount's face FAST.

I'm sure the Sup Forums crowd will have a field day with this one.


Well the new series was doomed to fail anyway, so it's all the same for them to go out in a blaze of something.


Cry harder.

>Klingons believe in racial purity and isolationism

They sound like Jews desu

8 more years #magapede!!!

kek, someone needs to shoop the klingons with israeli flags

Is he seriously implying the only people on the entire planet Earth that believe in racial purity and isolationism are Trump supporters?

This is the mental bubble liberals live in.

Will Trekkies ever recover?

Why? Hollywood, comics and videogames are going down the drain fast and profits are thinning. Marvel went to shit so hard that even Disney execs are starting to grumble. Only thing you need to do is to make whites buying hiphop shit.
Curiously, the music industry didn't go full retard as others do.

Ball is already rolling, you will have a population that is unable to unwind, and pressure will just grow, just because a bunch of retards just cannot help to shove their defunct political shit in entertainment.

>Rick Berman

Insert screenshots of violent picard murdering anyone he can

Stop conflating Klingons and Romulans.

Hollywood just had its worse Summer in over a decade because people are finally sick of their politics infesting literally everything. Granted, Star Wars comes out during the Winter and normies flock to that garbage regardless of quality.

typical hollywood liberal talks about race and cant even tell the different between the two


Well, technically, he is not wrong.
It has been widely documented how Trump is very appealing to white supremacist and Neo-nazis and the role they played in promoting the Trump candidacy and how they are very pleased with Trump's actions, so a paralelism between this very outspoken and prominent segment of Trump's base and a fictional race of racist xenophobic aliens is not irrational.

I believed that the series would eventually end up the way that CSI predicted long ago.

Instead it was every other series that did, but this doesn't look much better off.

>Trump is very appealing to white supremacist and Neo-nazis
Except for the fact that he has black supporters.
Except for the fact that he has hispanic supporters.
Except for the fact that he has asian supporters.
Except for the fact that he openly called out the KKK and neo nazis.
Except for the fact that he supports Israel and has a jewish daughter.

But yeah, your Hillary Clinton inspired conspiracy theory lunacy makes total sense. How do I subscribe to your newsletter you mentally ill nut job?

This is highly amusing given that the Federation is massively fascist. That Film Theory dude did a pretty good explanation video on it.

Klingons are more like Mongols or something. Romulans are so isolationist that the Federation didn't even know what they looked like until Balance of Terror (a century after they fought a major war with them).

To be fair almost all ST major races show xenophobic traits. You just pick whatever serves better for your example.
>Klingons: Violent dumb racists
>Romulans: Maquiavelic racists
>Vulcans: Intellectual smug racists
>Cardassians: War mongering racist

Well see about Star Wars, it will profit but if it is considerably less than expected then they will panic.
I won't go to see it. In retrospect, both movies were really, really bad and it set up the tone of the franchise. Even on Wookiepedia there is no passion for new material and even new main books have articles that can be considered a stub.

>taking the bait

>white supremacist and Neo-nazis
A whole 5000 people out of the 63 million who voted for him. Whoa. #ImWithHer

I'm not going to see it. I was dragged to the first one by a thot and didn't see Rogue One. I've got no interest in what Disney is doing to Star Wars. I'd take more meme shit from George Lucas over this garbage.

>Vulcans: Intellectual smug racists

Their slogan is "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations", kind of the opposite of racist.

Trump speaks in a very vague way. He basically just plays the crowd and goes with whenever makes people cheer.
His vague statements can make people find whatever they want to hear, sort of like a televangelist, that's why he found some very niche segements among minorities, but his appeal to white supremacist is undeniable.
Also I never supported Clinton, I don't know where you get that from.

You think because he has black supporters that means he can't have Nazi supporters? There's a reason David Duke is a big Trump fan.

t. Never seen a Trump speech

Oh please. Take your smug liberal racism elsewhere.

> literal embodiment of the establishment and the elites, not to mention a liar and mentally ill
> the dude who wants to stop all the bullshit the establishment does

But no, youre right, the only reason people voted for him is racism. You utter mongoloid. Shit bait 0/10

Translation: Dear Trumpers, don't watch our new show. Love, Paramount.

>It has been widely documented how Trump is very appealing to white supremacist and Neo-nazis and the role they played in promoting the Trump candidacy
don't kid yourself

>they are very pleased with Trump's actions
lel, have you ever been to pol, he could sneeze and they'd call it a betrayal

>taking the bait

>There's a reason David Duke is a big Trump fan

Because he's controlled opposition. I don't see you complaining that Hillary's former mentor was a KKK Grand Wizard.

Hillary Clinton's political mentor was an actual I'll member, and Obama's family pastor celebrated 9/11. Having I'll supporters does not make you a racist, I'll members like waffle house does that make it a racist restaurant?

you're literally making a strawman of the exception to free speech. Good job retard

I mean, he's not wrong.

> reveal your retardation
> expects that to not just further prove your retardation

Liberalism really is a mental disorder famalam

>leftists think speech that hurts their fees fees is "hate speech"

Rural retards don't have television, progressive urbanites will watch the show

>The point is that left wing morals have made a fucking 360 in the last 10 years.
wew lad

I am not OP

He has far more black supporters than 'Nazi' supporters. Also, it's not 1939, the Nazi party doesn't exist anymore and there are maybe 3-5k KKK/Neo-Nazis in America who don't really even do anything.