How has your white privelage served you today?
I see this happening every day
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He should have been put to death though
thanks for correcting the record
I'm honestly disgusted that Brock Turner got out early. Two Swedes caught him in the act of brutally anally raping a woman while smoking methamphetamine and reciting the entirety of Mein Kampf from memory. How in the fuck was he released?
Who is OJ Simpson?
It was largely manufactured outrage. The mainstream media jumped on the case despite it being weak--he should have been found not guilty--and a relatively mild sexual assault: many sexual assaults and all rapes are more heinous than digital penetration of an unconscious person. The media basically lied about facts of the case to keep it in the news.
Mr. Turner, Brock's father, pleaded with the court at sentencing because he knew his son was innocent. Every major media outlet grossly misrepresented what he said to build outrage. It was all fake. Mr. Turner didn't downplay rape, he said that the sexual assault his son was convicted of didn't occur. No major media outlet reported this accurately. We are talking about CNN, CBS, NY Times, Reuters, The Washington Post, and more blatantly lying about facts in order to build outrage for this minor case that should have resulted in a not guilty verdict.
Witnesses saw Brock and the girl hooking up consensually. She apparently blacked out in the middle. He had been drinking too. This sadly happens. Like a completely normal person, he ran when two men confronted him. Why wouldn't you run if you were fingering a girl in public? That is not OK at any University or public place.
Sadly the girl woke up not remembering anything and was told she was sexually assaulted. Then an evil snake, Stanford Professor Michelle Dauber, latched on to this poor young woman and made this into her case.
The victim's letter was obviously ghostwritten by Michelle Dauber to push an agenda: she doesn't want the 6th Amendment to apply to any case involving a woman. If you reread the entire letter, you can see that it is carefully crafted to pander to many different groups, including young men, and to attack the justice system, especially the right to question your accuser.
Likewise, many of the reporters who pushed the absurd narratives about the case were in direct contact with Michelle Dauber.
Also, as others have pointed out; this man's life is ruined. He's on the sex offenders list for rape. Everyone he ever interacts with is likely going to know that. His face is all over the Internet, and as I'm sure you all have seen; many want his blood spilled. He's not going to have much choice but to live life as a recluse. If he even can find a wife and have kids, he will never take those kids to a park, he can never take them to school, and he can never be around their friends. He'll have to fear for his safety ever time he's in public, and it's almost certain that someone will attack him verbally or physically at some point. I will not be surprised in the slightest if he ends up killing himself. Rape is a horrible, horrible thing; but it's sad that such a misguided attempt at justice ended up ruining an innocent man's existence. This will likely become the norm for rape cases in the future too, and I expect that they'll begin to move more towards "guilty until proven innocent" as they already are.
Listen, toothpaste, you may be OK with you degenerate clog-wearing tulip heads running around acting a fool, but over here we don't need young white men making poor life choices.
Well, my privilege allows me to owe the government over 100,000 dollars because of student loan debt. Meanwhile the maximum I can afford per month doesn't even pay any principal, so my debt keeps rising even though I'm forking over good chunks of my paychecks.
White privilege.
I should have just been a fucking bum and lived on welfare, I'd have more money.
No you wouldn't
Your parents deal with all that shit anyway
Thank the Jewish lord I embraced the Jews.
Now I am happy and content.
I was red pilled and angry, now I am a Jewpilled and feel much better.
>poor life choices
Like ruining a person's life on the basis of a false rape accusation?
>s-see? White people rape too!
The media is using this to bash FUCKING WHITE MALES regardless of whether hes guilty or not
My parents? Wow you are smart dude 8/8
And yes, I would. I have like 20 dollars a month I am able to save after loans, rent, food, electric.
With welfare and section 8 I would have a lot more than 20 dollars. I'd probably even be eligible for loan forgiveness.
Don't project your own life because your parents coddle you.
everybody gets good behavior time off
in my county it's 1/3
niggers get it too
as long as you don't get in a fight and end up in the hole
An innocent man of proud African heritage
If he wasn't fingering an unconscious slut behind a Dumpster he wouldn't have been accused of rape. Again, poor choices. Spend your time and energy defending people who aren't half-retarded.
Rape is rape, assault is assault.
Knowingly slapping a wrong label on something because it fits the narrative you want to push is dishonest and extremely unethical. It won't do you any favors in the long run.
I wish I had white privilege. I could really use a break.
Sexual assault isn't rape. That's why his prison time was so low. He didn't rape anybody, there is no "rape survivor" like the media is trying to portray. As a matter of fact, without the media scrutiny, I don't think this kid would have gotten any time because she was fingered under her drunken consent while he was drunk as well. Both of them made dumb fucking decisions.
>two blackout drunk kids in a tangled fingerbanging mess
>this is worse than the holocaust
Retarded SJWs. Its funny how since George Zimmerman, liberals and minorities have been foaming at the mouth for a real live evil white person. Each time they think they get one and then don't, they get a little bit more insane.
This logic is so retarded
Yes, it was a poor choice, but that doesn't mean the penality should be "false rape accusation", nor should it serve as an excuse for weakening our legal system
Here's where that logic gets us twenty years from now
> Oy vey user if he didn't want to spend the rest of his life being raped in jail he shouldn't have been alone in a room with a woman without a camera recording everything, he made poor choices now he pays the price
Brock Turner was not convicted of rape because he did not commit rape. He was charged in California with sexual assault because by definition that is what he did. The media blatantly lied about this over and over. Many reporters absurdly analyzed Brock Turner's case according to Federal rape charges in order to mislead the public about both what Brock Turner did and how his sentence compared to other's.
Absurdity number one: Brock was convicted of sexual assault under California law. Federal charges are irrelevant.
Absurdity number two: Although you can be charged with Federal rape for fingering a girl, it is extremely rare. The definition of Federal rape is nonsensically broad to include any type of penetration, but people are basically hardly ever charged with digital penetration under the statute.
Absurdity number three: All the stories compared Brock's sentence to either the average or recommended Federal rape sentence. His crime was not an average Federal rape crime. It was basically the mildest crime someone could possibly be charged with Federal rape for: digital penetration of an unconscious person. Federal rape charges are generally brutal rapes by force that include vaginal or anal penetration with a penis.
This was reported multiple places including some libertarian outlets. How the fuck does such a shitty and misleading argument get repeated so much? Almost no one who did what Brock did would be charged with the statute, and if they were, they sure as fuck wouldn't have been given the recommended or average sentence. No way in hell. The media lied and lied about this.
The Brock Turner case was largely manufactured outrage. The mainstream media jumped on the case despite it being weak--he should have been found not guilty--and a relatively mild sexual assault: many sexual assaults and all rapes are more heinous than digital penetration of an unconscious person. The media basically lied about facts of the case to keep it in the news.
Mr. Turner, Brock's father, pleaded with the court at sentencing because he knew his son was innocent. Every major media outlet grossly misrepresented what he said to build outrage. It was all fake. Mr. Turner didn't downplay rape, he said that the sexual assault his son was convicted of didn't occur. No major media outlet reported this accurately. We are talking about CNN, CBS, NY Times, Reuters, The Washington Post, and more blatantly lying about facts in order to build outrage for this minor case that should have resulted in a not guilty verdict.
Witnesses saw Brock and the girl hooking up consensually. She apparently can't remember. He had been drinking too. This sadly happens. Like a many normal people would do, he ran when two men confronted and physically threatened him. He was scared and hooking up with a girl in public is technically wrong. Drunk people often run in these types of situations.
Sadly the girl woke up not remembering anything and was told she was sexually assaulted. Then an evil snake, Stanford Professor Michelle Dauber, latched on to this poor young woman and made this into her case.
The victim's letter was obviously ghostwritten by Michelle Dauber to push an agenda: she doesn't want the 6th Amendment to apply to any case involving a woman. If you reread the entire letter, you can see that it is carefully crafted to pander to many different groups, including young men, and to attack the justice system, especially the right to question your accuser.
Likewise, many of the reporters who pushed the absurd narratives about the case were in direct contact with Michelle Dauber.
Penis and also diik and balls
>The definition of Federal rape is nonsensically broad
except that being forced to put your dick in someone doesn't count
It is literally the worst definition of rape out there. Predictably, it is the one definition of rape that feminists push.
>Implying black athletes don't get away with worse crimes every day.
Who is Jameis Winston?
Who is Kobe Bryant?
Who is Derrick Rose?
Who is OJ Simpson?
I'd keep going, but you get my point.
Fuck off with this "privilege" meme, the people complaining about this are always the most privileged of them all.
Why is there such an obsession with this guy anyway?
You should be put to death for advocating murder without researching the circumstances well. Check, for example, The guy shouldn't be locked up in the first place.
He should have hired Hillary
He should have been found guilty, but the punishment might have been a tad excessive.
>Similarly, other sitting judges (both state and federal) and legal commentators have defended Judge Persky's decision, noted that the sentence may, in fact, be disproportionate due to the life-long consequences of a criminal conviction and sex-offender registration, and called on the bar to protect the independence of the judiciary
Seriously though, people should at least read the wiki article before talking about the case
Funny thing is, the SJW Time ed. changed it from "Rapist" to "Stanford Swimmer," the submitted byline, because she thought it would be more damaging to the white male elite patriarchy.
>mfw KEK has willed the SJW's and Press into full oroboros mode.
Today i sat inside playing video games instead of going out dealing drugs and shooting people
Just ignore the men that caught him raping her behind a dumpster and the fact that he immediately bolted upon being discovered.
Saged and hidden.
Google is trying to correct the record
Wow racist and sexist much
Anybody sentenced to County Jail time in California gets half time, I don't understand the outrage there. I also hear in many reports that they say he went to Prison, but he didn't hit any penitentiary he went to County Jail. Even if he was convicted of a higher charge he still would have most likely gotten County Jail time, and he would have gotten half time. It's not for good behavior, it's because every County Jail in California is at almost double capacity. You could disagree with his sentencing, but he did his time as dictated by the state. I don't get the fucking outrage here over
Really makes me blink
Fuck his rapist ass and the manwhores on here defending his actions.
Sounds like kike garbage.